Shout it Out!

Posted by Karah


Silence your phone and turn off anything that could distract you from God’s Word and what He needs to say to you today. Spend some time in silence before God, kneeling as acknowledgment of His majesty.

In your Bible, read Psalm 145:1-7, underlining any words or phrases that point to God’s majesty.

“One generation will declare Your works to the next and will proclaim Your mighty acts. I will speak of Your splendor and glorious majesty and Your wonderful works.”

—Psalm 145:4-5

Your works and your mighty acts: Telling of God’s great works in history and in your own life. Who needs to hear what God has been doing in your life?

Splendor: The sum total of God’s attributes; the vast greatness of who He is; His magnificence.

Majesty: God’s grandeur, beauty, and honor.

Wonderful works: God’s mighty deeds and miracles, all of which display His power and awe those who see them. What works of God in your life or someone else’s have brought you to a place of awe?

Splendor, glorious majesty, and wonderful works describe God’s majestic character, but if you told your peers and friends about Him using these words, they’d probably think you were pretty weird. How would you describe God’s character to your friends?


Look at the list of people who need to hear about God’s work in your life that you listed earlier. Pray for each one by name, asking God for opportunities to share. Jot down one way you’ve seen God at work recently that you’ll tell them about.

Read the entire psalm, underlining any words or phrases that teach you about our majestic, yet personal, God.

Behind the Story

Psalm 145 was written by David to extol God’s greatness. In it, he used several verbs to describe ways that he, along with others, will tell others about God’s greatness: declare, proclaim, speak, give a testimony, and joyfully sing. It’s interesting to note that in Psalm 145:7, the phrase “give a testimony” literally means “pour out a memory.” That means the people were telling about important things God had done in their lives. What memories will you pour out in praise to God?

The Point

When you realize the truth about God’s majesty, you won’t want to keep it to yourself. If God is this majestic, this powerful, you must tell “the next generation” about Him.

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