Retro Friday

Posted by Karah

Untitled 1The Dining Hall is one of our most important buildings at camp. We eat meals there, have skills and activities, sing at the top of our lungs during dinner, and may seek refuge there during a thunderstorm.

Did you know that we did not always have a Dining Hall at camp? That’s right. In the summer of 1955, Camp Crestridge’s first summer, there was no Dining Hall. Instead, all the campers had to put on dresses for every meal and walk to and from the conference center
for their meals. They did this three times per day! Can you imagine? Fortunately, the Dining Hall was constructed before the following summer and it has been a home to many memories in the meantime.

What are some of your favorite memories in the Dining Hall?


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5 thoughts on “Retro Friday”

  1. My favorite memory was on the last night at camp this year when all the villages did ALL of their cheers and when it came time for the Choctaws we just did our tag. Once the Cherokees were done with theirs we did “From East to West!” and then all of the other villages tried singing over us. I have never shouted so loud or so long.

    1. Lol, I rember That, I was one of the chickasaws who screamed there lungs out, it was a tie between the chics and the chocs.

  2. My favorite memory is from a long way back… I was a chippewa and I took sign language in the dinning hall. There I met this lady who was both deaf and blind she placed her hands on my hands to read my signs. It was an experience which changed my life forever.

    1. Wow! I cannot even imagine having no dining hall! My favorite memory in the dining hall was definenetly the 1st time I stepped foot into the dining hall!

    2. Wow! I cannot even imagine having no dining hall! My favorite memory in the dining hall was definenetly the 1st time I stepped foot into the dining hall!

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