Radical Faith

Posted by Karah


Consider this quote from A.W. Tozer:

“Christians should be the boldest people in the world—not cocky and sure of ourselves, but sure of Him.”

Think over what you’ve learned about Abraham’s life over the last few weeks. God had done some incredible things in Abraham’s life, some that seemed humanly impossible. And, in faith, Abraham chose to obey to God.

Read a synopsis of Abraham’s faith story in Hebrews 11:8-19. As you read, underline any words, phrases, or actions that point to Abraham’s absolute faith and trust in God and His promises.

“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac.”

—Hebrews 11:17a

 Consider these questions:

Look closely at verses 17-19. Abraham was willing to give up the thing that meant the most to him when God commanded him to because he had faith that God knew what was best. What possessions, dreams, or relationships are you afraid of trusting to God? Why?

After reading these verses, what words would you use to describe Abraham? Why? Could those same words be used to describe you? Why or why not?

What distractions, habits, or barriers are keeping you from living a more faithful life?

The Point

God calls us to a bold faith that results in action because we believe He can do what He has promised.


Being obedient to God isn’t always easy or safe. Usually, God calls us to do things beyond our own abilities because, through our obedience, we learn to depend on Him more and those experiences deepen our faith.

Take a moment to write in your journal anything that you think God is calling you to do, regardless of how scary it may seem. What is keeping you from being obedient in these tasks? What steps will you take this week to be obedient?

Look at the list you created earlier of things you’re afraid to trust completely to God. Pray over those things, asking God for the faith to trust Him with them. Record your commitment to trust Him below.
For further study, read Joshua 1:1-9 and Jeremiah 1:1-12.

Behind the Story

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as “The Hall of Faith.” However, if you study deeper the individuals named in this chapter, you may find yourself questioning why some of them are listed. While many of these people exhibited tremendous faith, they also were fragile human beings with faults and failures. Don’t let what you’ve done—or haven’t done—in the past keep you from being all that God has prepared, equipped, and planned for you to be.

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