God’s Point of View

Posted by Karah


Ponder this quote:

Job clung to God’s justice when he was the best example in history of God’s apparent injustice. He did not seek the Giver because of his gifts; when all gifts were removed he still sought the Giver.” —Philip Yancey in Where Is God When It Hurts?

Imagine you’re faced with a decision. In trying to decide what’s right or wrong, where would you turn for an answer—the Bible or People Magazine?

You probably chose Scripture, which is good. But think about the voices of the world—celebrities, people in positions of power—who define what injustice is and tell us how we should respond to it. As Christians, we should look at injustice from a biblical point of view. We shouldn’t let celebrities or powerful people dictate our definition of injustice or color our response to it.

“Many seek a ruler’s favor, but a man receives justice from the Lord.”  —Proverbs 29:26

Read Proverbs 29:25-27. What are some examples of injustice you see in the world?

What does this passage teach you about trusting God and His justice more than the world’s?

According to these verses, who is the source of true justice? Do you live like you believe that? Why or why not?

What do these verses teach you about how to respond to injustice?

The Point

As followers of Christ, we should not let popular thought or people in power define injustice or dictate how we respond to it. We must look to God, whose very character is just, and His Word, responding with compassion, love, and absolute trust in Him.


• Ask yourself: Does my definition of and response to injustice in this world line up with God’s? List one area of injustice you will trust to Him this week.

• Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see injustice from God’s point of view and respond like He does. Jot down one way you will actively respond to injustice in your family, school, or community as God would have you to.

Behind the Story

Verse 26 doesn’t prohibit seeking help through government institutions or even the legal system. It does, however, call believers to place more faith in God than human institutions. How would truly living this way change our society?

Memory Verse

Read over and memorize Isaiah 1:17.

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The Standard

Posted by Karah


Go to a place outside where you can see the vastness of the sky, landscape, or even the ocean. Dwell on how immeasurable it seems, how infinite. Then, understand that God is even more infinite. Praise Him for being bigger than you can imagine.

Read Proverbs 2:7-9 in your Bible. These verses contain an “If-Then” pattern. Underline the conditions; put a box around the results.

He stores up success for the upright;

He is a shield for those who live with integrity

so that He may guard the paths of

justice and protect the way of His loyal followers.

Then you will understand righteousness, justice,

and integrity—every good path.

—Proverbs 2:7-9

The Hebrew word, tōm, implies genuineness and reliability; sometimes translated “honest” or “honorable.” Who do you know who exemplifies integrity? How?

What does it mean that God will “guard the paths of justice”?

The Hebrew word mishpāt, means “to govern.” It calls us to render decisions based on God’s justice, not our own. How does the world seek to define justice? How is it different from God’s definition?


• The world’s definition of justice is sometimes thinly veiled revenge. That’s what justice will be to you, too, unless you get to know God and pursue His ways. What steps will you take to know Him better this week? Write one below.

• For further study on the benefits of pursuing integrity and justice, read Psalm 84:11 and Proverbs 10:9, 20:7, 28:18, and 30:5.

Behind the Story

Proverbs is a genre of writing known as Wisdom literature. Most ancient cultures had some form of Wisdom literature, which was designed to educate people about how to deal with ordinary matters of life. Biblical Wisdom literature is unique, though, because it asserts that God is the starting point for true wisdom (Prov. 1:7, 9:10).

The Point

Because He is just, God is the standard for what is right and wrong. His justice will ultimately prevail, not the world’s warped definition.


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Always Right

Posted by Karah


Think about the things you’ve done this week when your motives weren’t quite right, or the ways you tried to manipulate a situation to your advantage. Now, thank God that He isn’t like that.

Read Deuteronomy 32:1-4.

The Rock—”His work is perfect; all His ways are entirely just. A faithful God, without prejudice, He is righteous and true.” —Deuteronomy 32:4

“The Rock” points to God’s stability, strength, and enduring nature. How have you seen God’s stability and strength on display lately?

God doesn’t just do what is right some of the time, and He doesn’t have an angle. There is no hint of injustice with Him. Why is it important that God always does what is right?

What is the relationship between partiality, favoritism, and injustice?


Read the remainder of Moses’ song in Deuteronomy 32. It details the Israelites’ history and how God had always been at work in their lives. If you were writing a song to describe God’s work in your life, what lyrics would you use? What examples of God’s justice and faithfulness toward you would you include? Jot down your ideas.

Behind the Story

Moses’ use of words and phrases like “fall like rain,” “settle like dew,” and “showers” is not just poetic. Instead, they point to the gentleness of Moses’ teaching and his belief that God’s Word would soften the hard soil of the peoples’ hearts and produce obedience. He didn’t call for a storm that would rage against the people, but a quiet shower and a soft dew that would gently bring the people in line with God. How has God’s Word done that in your life?

Memory Verse

Write Isaiah 1:17 in your journal, on your mirror with a dry erase marker or on a note card. Underline the key words or phrases. Read over it several times today.

The Point

All of God’s ways are just. Even when circumstances seem hard, unfair, or beyond your understanding, God’s ways are always perfectly right.

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Find us on Instagram

Posted by Sharon


Crestridge is now on Instagram!  If you are on Instagram, take a second to follow us…CampCrestridge.  There are so many ways to keep in touch with camp and your camp friends.  You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, the Green & White (Crestridge blog), Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, etc.  We love being able to see you throughout the year!

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Firm Foundation

Posted by Karah


Turn off all distractions and focus your mind on God. Think about the words you would use to describe Him and His character. Spend a few moments simply praising Him.

The foundation of a building is the base upon which everything else is built. The foundation bears the load of the entire building and supports its structure. If it’s crooked, warped, or not level, the building won’t be as strong as it should be. Imagine a house built on a faulty foundation, then sketch your idea below.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; faithful love and truth go before You.” —Psalm 89:14

Read Psalm 89:13-14. Verse 14 reveals some of the core components of God’s character. Underline them as you discover them, then think through these questions:

• What does it mean to say that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne (or rule)? What does it teach you about how He rules? (God’s rule and sovereignty are based on righteousness and justice. He can only do what is right, just, equitable, and fair.)

• What does it mean to say that God is just? How would you define justice?


Mull over these thoughts: What would our world look like if God wasn’t just? What if God was corrupt? Where would you find hope, stability, or purpose? As you realize how important God’s justice really is, praise Him for it. Thank Him that He is a good God whose way and rule is always right! Journal your response.

Behind the Story

Psalm 89 is classified as a psalm of lament, a psalm in which the writer brings a concern or complaint to God. The writer of Psalm 89 recognized the power and the goodness of God, but also saw the devastation and destruction God’s people faced. If God is really loving, good, powerful, and perfect, how can His people be suffering? It’s a question many wrestle with today. We, like the psalmist, will ultimately find our footing in the firm foundation of God’s faithful justice.

The Point

One of the core components of God’s character is His justice. He alone determines what is right and fair, and He will always do what is right. He is the very standard for what is right and wrong.

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Tell the World

Posted by Karah


Ponder this quote and ask God to prepare your heart for what He has to teach you:

“If [God] is unchanging, it follows that he could not be unfaithful, since that would require him to change. Any failure within the divine character would argue imperfection and, since God is perfect, it could not occur.” —A.W. Tozer

Read 2 Peter 3:8-13 in your Bible. If God is unchanging, He is unchanging in His promises. What things does God promise in these verses? Underline any promises you find.

“But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed.” —2 Peter 3:10

These verses point out that God has promised judgment and it will come one day, “like a thief.” How does knowing this change the way you think about sharing your faith with others? Explain.

We live in a world where few people actually do what they said they would—and most consider that God falls into the same category. How does a deeper understanding of God’s unchanging character help you to explain that this isn’t true?


• There is an urgency reflected in this passage that we sometimes don’t seem to feel today. Ask God to renew your desire to share the gospel.

• Think of the people you interact with on a daily or weekly basis. Begin praying by name for those you know don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Ask God to prepare their hearts and provide opportunities for you to share your story of salvation. Write down the name of two people you’ll be praying for.

Behind the Story

Peter wrote 2 Peter to expose false teachers infiltrating this band of believers and to counter their influence with the truth. He was particularly concerned with his readers’ spiritual maturity and their denial of Jesus’ return, a key doctrinal error. In chapter 1, Peter challenged his readers to grow in their faith, believing a growing Christian would be less susceptible to false teachings. How are you growing in your faith?

The Point

God is unchanging, and He has promised that judgment will come. Knowing this, we must share the gospel so that others may come into a relationship with Him.

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Weighing In

Posted by Karah


Focus your thoughts by listening to your favorite worship song. Consider “God My Rock” by Brenton Brown.

Because God is unchanging, we must live with integrity, being the same behind closed doors as we are in public. Consider Proverbs 11:1-3 in your Bible. Underline the qualities God hates; circle those He honors.

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the perversity of the treacherous destroys them.”

—Proverbs 11:3

• Dishonest scales are a kind of fraud. Living without integrity is, too, because you say one thing and do another. Are there areas of your life in which you’re doing that? Explain.

• Humility involves an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, while integrity suggests wholeness, actually being who you seem to be. Why do you think integrity and humility are so important to God? Are they characteristics you can truly see in your life? Why or why not?


Think about those areas of your life or faith that are dishonest, where you’re trying to look one way but really living another way. Confess them to God. Record one way you will commit that part of yourself to Him and live honestly this week.

Behind the Story

In ancient times, scales were often made of two bowls connected by a crossbar. To determine an accurate weight, merchants would put items with known weights on one side and the purchase on the other. Merchants could easily cheat their customers by using scales that weighed heavily or weights that  were not as heavy as they looked.

Memory Verse

Review James 1:17, then create a rhythm or tune that fits the verse. Repeat the verse several times throughout the day, using the rhythm or song to help you recall it.

The Point

To be God’s child is to be like Him: living a life that matches our words. God expects integrity and humility to characterize His children.

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Steady on the Rock

Posted by Karah


Go to a quiet place where you can think. Before you open your Bible or begin to pray, sit in silence before God, simply inviting and enjoying His presence.

Read Ephesians 4:14-16 in your Bible.

“Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head-Christ.”

-Ephesians 4:14-15

Think about that person you know who is always chasing after what’s most popular or trendy. What words would you use to describe him or her? Why shouldn’t you be like that as a believer?

According to these verses, what keeps us from being blown about by the shifting winds of culture? How have you found this to be true in your life?


• What are the winds and waves in your life? What are you allowing to shape your thinking or distract you from Christ? Acknowledge them to God today. List one way you’ll root your thinking in Christ, not what’s popular or enticing.

• For further study on the unity and resisting false teaching, read and study: Colossians 2:2,8-10,16-19; Hebrews 13:9.

Behind the Story

While imprisoned for his faith, Paul became aware of false teachings that were infiltrating the Ephesian churches. So, he wrote a letter designed to teach the truth of the gospel and challenge the Ephesian Christians to base their faith in its unchanging truth.

The Point

We must stay connected to God, trust Him, and find our fulfillment in Him, rather than being tossed by the changing winds of culture.

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Without a Doubt

Posted by Karah


Read over the lyrics of the first verse of the hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” Thank God that there is “no shadow of turning with Him.” Thank the unchanging God for His constancy in your life.

Read James 1:16-18 in your Bible. Then, consider verses 17-18 below. As you read, underline any words or phrases that point to God’s generosity or goodness.

“Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning. By His own choice, He gave us a new birth by the message of truth so that we would be the first fruits of His creatures.”

—James 1:17–18

Unlike the light of the sun, which can be blocked by clouds or the rotation of the earth, God does not change. Because He is unchanging, He is also always unchangingly good and generous.

Every good gift comes from God, therefore, we must acknowledge the greatest gift He gives us, “new birth” or salvation. How is God changing you, making you different from before you knew Christ?

The message of truth is the gospel. We only become new through the truth of the gospel, which is constant and unchanging, something you can stake your life on.


• Have you experienced a new birth in Christ? If you are not a Christian, carefully consider the gospel, “the message of truth.”

• If you are a Christian, what trials are you trying to handle on your own, refusing to trust them to an unchanging, generous, good God? Give it to Him today. Below, jot down one way you’ll acknowledge you’re trusting Him in this situation.

Behind the Story

The Book of James was written to Jewish Christians who had been scattered by persecution. It was written to encourage believers, challenging them to endure trials and exhibit consistent Christian character through it all.

The Point

God will not act outside of His character. Because He is unchanging, you can trust—even in times of great trial, confusion, or doubt—that He is good and generous

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Our Constant

Posted by Karah


Consider this quote: “God is unchanging in His love. He loves you. He has a plan for your life. Don’t let the newspaper headlines frighten you.” —Billy Graham

Read Hebrews 13:7-8, looking for what it has to say about God’s unchanging nature. Underline any words or phrases that teach you about this aspect of His character.

“Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

—Hebrews 13:7-8

These verses stress that Jesus has been eternally present and active in the lives of His people. What examples of Jesus’ constancy do you see in your own life or in the world around you?

We live in a world where everything is constantly changing. Why is it important for you, as a believer, to root your faith in the unchanging nature of Christ and His gospel? How does that keep you from being distracted by other things the world says are important?


• Meditate on this thought: People change. Circumstances change. You change—but Jesus doesn’t. You can always depend on His commitment to you.

• How would truly understanding that affect how you live your life? Jot down one specific way you’ll let it change you this week.

• For further study on God’s unswerving commitment to His children, read John 1:12-13, 10:28-29; Ephesians 1:14; Philippians 1:6; and Hebrews 7:25.

Behind the Story

Hebrews 13:8 stresses Christ’s unchanging nature by pointing to His work in the past, present, and future.

SAME YESTERDAY: Points out that Jesus was the Father’s agent in creation. See Hebrews 1:2,10.

TODAY: Jesus currently sits at the Father’s right hand, a place of honor. He continues to intercede for us.

FOREVER: Jesus will rule the universe forever. See Hebrews 1:8,10-12 for more.

Memory Verse

Make memorizing James 1:17 a group project. Find a study partner so you can discuss the verse and help each other memorize it.

The Point

Jesus has been—and will be—the same forever. In a constantly changing world, you can absolutely trust the unchanging, constant, powerful Lord.

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