God Loves You

Posted by Melissa

Read Galatians 4:1-7.

Slavery—it isn’t something we willingly think about. Yet every day, we can’t help but hear stories of those who are caught in this evil.

In the newspaper, on the Internet, or from our friends, we hear of children forced to work in mills and factories and of young girls caught in human trafficking. We see consumer campaigns urging us to stop buying clothing made in sweatshops all over the world. We’re aware of how ugly slavery is, and the plight of slaves touches our hearts. But most times we don’t like to dwell on their daily lives. It’s too tragic and overwhelming.

In today’s passage, however, we are reminded that spiritually, we too were once in the same desperate condition. Sin held us in its unyielding grip. There was no escape. And even though we thought we were in charge, truth was, we never had any power over anything. Satan held our past, our present, and our future in his cruel hands.

Enter Jesus. Suddenly, there is hope and a way of escape. Suddenly, we have a choice and a future. And God, the Almighty One, becomes our Father. How things have changed! Instead of being nobodies, we’ve been welcomed into an eternal family, loved and accepted by the Father. God doesn’t hold you at arm’s length. If you are a believer, you are a dearly loved child of the Creator Himself.

Don’t let the wonder of that kind of love escape you today. When things get stressful, remember whose you are. Rest in the love of a Father who will never leave you. You are loved!

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