Speed the Light

Posted by Karah


Start your quiet time in the darkest place you can find. Thank God for the light Jesus provides in this dark world. Invite Him to show you how you can respond to that light.

Read Matthew 4:12-17 in your Bible. From this point on, Jesus began His public ministry. Underline verse 17 as you read.

From then on Jesus began to preach,

“Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near!” —Matthew 4:17

Dig deeper with these questions:

According to verse 17, what was the central message of Jesus’ ministry? Write it in your own words.

How is life apart from Jesus described in verse 16? How is life without Jesus “darkness” and “the land of the shadow of death”? Explain.

Consider verse 17 once more. What is the primary way Jesus brought light into darkness during His earthly ministry? How does repentance bring us out of spiritual darkness and into the light?


Think about recent news stories or events in your own school or community. When you look at the world around you, do you see more darkness or light? Are people generally doing OK without Jesus? Journal a few thoughts below.

How does your answer to that question affect the urgency you feel for sharing the gospel?

What steps will you take this week to shine the light of Christ into a dark world? List two specific action points or the names of two people you will share your story with this week.

What is one way you can speed the light of the gospel to a world in darkness?

For further study, read Psalm 96:3; Matthew 28:19; and Matthew 24:14.

Behind the Story

Jesus made an important strategic move when He shifted His headquarters from Nazareth to Capernaum.

  • Capernaum was a much larger fishing center on the shores of Lake Galilee. It had a tax collection station and a Roman garrison of at least 100 soldiers.
  • Capernaum was part of an ancient trade route. Caravans traveled from Syria passed through regularly.
  • Capernaum provided easy access to every other city along the Galilean coast. Jesus was able to reach many Jews and Gentiles coming and going from this high-traffic location.

The Point

In Jesus, the kingdom of God has come near. We must proclaim this truth to the world.

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