The First Shall Be Last…What?

Posted by Melissa

“AMERICAN IDOL.” “America’s Next Top Model.” Paris Hilton’s “My New BFF.” Whether it’s a singer, model, or best friend, the contestants are all trying to be first, the greatest, the one on top. Unfortunately, many Christians have that same idea. We want to be the one who is recognized, honored, and seen as the best. Many would rather sing on the worship team than scrub toilets at the church or go on a “big” mission trip instead of mowing the lawn of the elderly lady next door. When was the last time you did an act of service that few people knew about?

Read Mark 9:33-37 and ponder verse 35.
What did Jesus ask His disciples?
What were they arguing about?
Why do you think they didn’t want to tell Jesus?
What does verse 35 mean?
What do you think is the hardest part about being a servant?
What is one concrete way you can serve another person this week?

Jesus knew what the disciples were arguing about. He knew it was a heart issue; that’s why He nailed them on it. Jesus turned their thinking upside down and their hearts inside out when He told them that in order to be great, they had to be servants to all.

But the kind of service Jesus is talking about isn’t just a summer mission trip, a work day at church, or a service project at camp. It is a lifestyle. It is putting others’ needs before your own. It is quietly serving your parents, classmates, cabin mates, and that crabby neighbor. This week, instead of looking for ways to get noticed, quietly serve someone and let God notice. It’s the way Jesus lived His life on earth—and He is your example.

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4 thoughts on “The First Shall Be Last…What?”

  1. this is so true! this world is constantly telling us that we should do things to gain recognition or fame, but none of that will matter in the end. this is a great reminder of that. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the great post. My wife had mentioned that this passage was on her heart just minutes before I read this, so I really took notice. This post and passage ended up being revisited several times this week. Very timely. Thanks again!

  3. Everything will be forgotten all we need to look forward to is HEAVEN….nOT FOR PEOPLE TO SEE US BUT FOR god said to I LOVE TO HELP OTHERS,Keaisha

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