And Jesus Grew…

Posted by Karah

Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Just as Jesus grew mentally, physically, spiritually and socially; at Crestridge we believe it is important for campers to grow in these areas as well! Throughout the summer, each camper has the opportunity to participate in a challenge. This challenge gives campers practical ways to grow in these four areas. We know that growth is possible even without a checklist and it is by grace alone that we are saved! But we do find value in giving each camper encouragement, accountability and guidance as we strive to grow in the ways that Jesus grew! While we want campers to grow throughout the summer, we also want to encourage them to grow during the year. Here are some ways that you and your family can grow spiritually, physically, mentally and socially this year:



___Memorize a new Bible verse every week

___Share your favorite Bible verse with your family and why you like it

___Have a daily quiet time

___Keep a prayer journal

___Do a devotion with your family weekly



___Go walk your dog outside for 15 mins 3 times a week

___Go play a game of soccer with some friends once a week

___Try a new form of exercise once a week (biking, tennis, running, walking, yoga, dancing, weightlifting, etc.)

___Replace some unhealthy foods with your favorite fruits and veggies


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___Write down a goal for each of your classes

___Limit time watching TV to 30 mins a day (or less)

___Read a book this month

___Learn how to do something you’ve always wanted to learn (knitting, baking, guitar, etc.)







___Go sit with someone at lunch who you have never talked to

___Memorize the names of everyone in your class

___Organize a fun family outing

___Write a note of encouragement/ appreciation to someone

___Plan a fun activity with all of your friends

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