Equal Opportunity
Posted by MelissaEqual Opportunity
Read This Passage: Luke 6:27-31
“Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.” —Luke 6:31
I ONCE HEARD the story of a woman who had been imprisoned in concentration camps in Germany during the Holocaust. Miraculously, she survived. She had lived through the torture and agony of the concentration camps, watched friends and family members die, and endured abuse and cruelty from many of the German guards.
Much later in her life, one of the guards who had so violently abused her and been responsible for many Jewish deaths came to her seeking forgiveness. This amazing lady, because of the love of God in her life, was able to forgive this man for all the atrocities he and others had done to her, her family, and her friends. Isn’t that amazing?
People are capable of terrible, hurtful, destructive things. Yet we are called to forgive them and treat them as we want to be treated. We can only do that through the love of God. We cannot do it on our own.
In today’s key verse, you find the idea behind the Golden Rule. Forgiveness is supposed to be a marked part of our lives as Christians. And we’re called to not just forgive, but to treat others with the same respect and compassion we would want shown to us. And the people in your life don’t always deserve that. Neither do you.
Jesus made it very clear that we are to respond to all people, including our enemies, with forgiveness and respect. He tells us to love them, do good to them, and pray for them. We’re to treat them the way we want to be treated, whether they deserve it or not. That command is never easy to follow, but it’s absolutely necessary to developing successful, godly relationships in your life.
Real Choices
Think about the relationships in your life in which you’re experiencing conflict and tough situations. They could’ve have been at camp or at home. What do you need to do to forgive these people in God’s power? How would you like to be treated in the same situation?
Digging Deeper
Read Ephesians 4:24-32. What do these verses have to say about relationships? How do they challenge you in your relationships?
Father, please help me to always reflect Your love and show kindness even in times of adversity.
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Freely Given
Posted by MelissaFreely Given
Read This Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:12-16
Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, in order to know what has been freely given to us by God. —1 Corinthians 2:12
HERE’S SOMETHING YOU may not know: Murfreesboro, Ark., is home to the only diamond mine in the world that allows the public to search for and keep any gems it finds—for a small fee, of course. My family visited this tourist spot last summer during a week that boasted 100 degree temperatures. We paid our fees to enter the park and rented the necessary equipment: shovels, pails, and strainers. Our excitement grew with every display we stopped to read, complete with headlines recounting 7-carat wonders. Even the sight of multitudes of bedraggled fellow -“miners” digging in 37 acres of dirt did not deter us. We had visions of a great discovery. And since we had seven “miners” in our family and two diamonds on average were found each day, we figured our chances were good.
Our enthusiasm did not last long. Squatting is hard, and it was hot. After about an hour of digging, sifting, kicking, changing spots, and questioning why we ever thought this was a fun idea, we quit. It was a unanimous decision, quite possibly the only one of the entire vacation. We chalked it up as a learning experience.
In today’s passage, Paul informed his readers that spiritual wisdom doesn’t come by experience. It isn’t a matter of human intellect or sitting under the best teachers. Paul pointed out that the ability to discern what is of Christ and what is not comes from the Holy Spirit. And as a Christian, it’s been freely given to you by God.
Wisdom is key to a successful life. And God has given it to you in the form of the Holy Spirit. Trust Him!
Real Choices
Do you base your relationship with Christ on past spiritual experiences or how much you know about the Bible? Acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s guidance, not what you do in your own power, as your only means of becoming a “spiritual person.”
Digging Deeper
How does Scripture describe the condition and abilities of our own reasoning in today’s passage? In Romans 8:7? How are you refusing to submit yourself to God’s leadership?
Make a habit of praying each day that the Holy Spirit would grant you spiritual wisdom.
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Light of the World
Posted by MelissaRead This Passage: Revelation 22:1-5
Night will no longer exist, and people will not need lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever. —Revelation 22:5
MY DAUGHTER Piper is two years old and to no one’s surprise still sleeps with a night light. Most people—at some point—experience a time when they’re afraid of the dark. Perhaps it is something you still deal with but just won’t admit to anyone. So what is it that makes us afraid of the dark? Although Piper might still be afraid of the dark, for me, I’m afraid of what lies in the darkness. Too many times I’ve gotten up during the night only to slam one of my toes into some piece of furniture. So I use a night-light to help me see where I’m going at around the house. It is probably true of most people that their fear is not about the darkness, but what’s in the darkness.
Our last devotion mentioned things that would be missing in heaven. In addition to those things, something else will be missing from heaven—darkness. The source of light in heaven will be the glory of God, so there will be no need for the sun or any other kind of lighting. God’s glory will generate so much light that there will never be darkness in heaven! Whether you fear darkness or what lies in the darkness, neither will be a problem in heaven’s light. Living constantly in light has side effects. According to the Bible, one side effect of walking in the light is that we have “fellowship with one another” (1 John 1:7). As believers walking in the same light in heaven, we‘ll have healthy relationships with each other and with God. Where are you walking today?
Real Choices
Look at your relationships with others. Are your relationships with other believers healthy and open, or are you embarrassed to be seen with Christians? Does your character change according to whom you are with? Ask God to give you courage to consistently walk in the light.
Digging Deeper
Read 1 John 2:9-11. What is the relationship between love, hate, light, and darkness? Is it possible to hate someone and still walk in the light?
Help me, Lord, to not be ashamed or embarrassed to live and walk in Your holy light. Please make my life a reflection of Your light that lives within me
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All or Nothing
Posted by MelissaAll or Nothing
Read This Passage: Proverbs 3:5-8
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. —Proverbs 3:5-6
I WAS LISTENING to a sermon recently about modesty. The pastor asked a question that really caught my attention: Do you take God to the Gap?
His point was clear. You should “think about Him in all your ways,” even when it’s a decision about T-shirts and jeans. Clearly, God wants all or nothing. He desires our trust in all areas, clothing included!
But a thinking strategy like that doesn’t come easily. First of all, that’s not the way we like to do things. We want to give God the big things—decisions, goals, dreams, sickness, pain—and handle all the little things on our own. We can call Him in if things get out of control, right?
The thing is, as today’s key verses point out, God wants us to trust Him in all things with all of our hearts. He doesn’t just want the big things. He wants it all.
So, how would our lives be affected if we really sought to acknowledge God in everything we do? It might mean rethinking what we wear or the events in which we participate. It could mean preparing for our someday spouses rather than dating around. It might mean giving God the glory when you achieve a goal, win a game, or receive an award. It might mean serving God without recognition, notoriety, or the big bucks, which directly opposes the world’s understanding of success.
According to today’s verses, a “Think-About-God-in-All-Your-Ways” strategy isn’t optional. He wants us to rely on Him in all things, not just the things we don’t think we can handle. God wants it all. What does that mean for you?
Real Choices
Set an alarm on your watch or phone to remind you to think about God periodically throughout the day. When it sounds, ask yourself: Am I allowing God to guide me right now?
Digging Deeper
Proverbs 3:5-6 is a popular pair of verses. Read them in context as you study the entire third chapter of Proverbs. What new insights can you gain by reading them as a whole?
Father, help me to seek You in every area of my life. I want to trust You fully to guide me on the right paths.
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Worthy of Worship
Posted by MelissaWorthy of Worship
Read This Passage: Revelation 4:1-11
Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created. —Revelation 4:11
A LOT OF MY FRIENDS when I was younger collected baseball cards. They even looked in magazines to find the current value of their cards. They tried to get cards of rookie players who seemed to be doing well. They knew if the player continued to rise in his stats, the card would increase in value.
Perhaps you have something that you have collected or have put away because it is special to you. What gives value or worth to an object or a person? More specifically, what does it mean to say that God is worthy to receive glory and honor and power?
A good synonym for “worthy” is “deserving.” Stop and ask yourself, Why does God deserve my worship? You may have a long list of things that God has done both for you and in your life that cause you to want to praise Him. Our praise for God should not just be about what He has done, but who He is!
Many people in our world today receive awards and recognition for what they do, but could they receive an award for who they are? A lot of people who are recognized for having talent have no character. God is worthy of praise because His character is flawless.
In a world where our very best friends or family sometimes disappoint us, we can turn to a God who has never failed and never will! At the end of time, He will still be worthy of worship and honor because of who He is. Rather than focusing on what God has done that is worthy of praise, today focus on who God is.
Real Choices
Perhaps you have received awards or recognition for personal talents, grades, or accomplishments. Do you accept and receive all the glory, or can you find ways to give glory to God for the abilities and opportunities He has given you? Look for ways to turn personal awards and recognition back to giving God glory.
Digging Deeper
God has called believers to “walk worthy of the Lord.” Read Colossians 1:10-12 and list the ways that believers can do this.
Ask God to reveal to you all that He is. Praise God for His characteristics as they come to your mind.
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In a Little While
Posted by MelissaIn a Little While
Read This Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
For we walk by faith, not by sight—yet we are confident and satisfied to be out of the body and at home with the Lord. —2 Corinthians 5:7-8
WHEN OUR BOYS were younger, we camped quite often. We had a tent and would pack up all we needed to enjoy the great outdoors. After a few days of chiggers, paper plates, and sleeping on the ground, home usually started to look pretty good.
After several years of camping, our tent began to show signs of wear. There were a few patches, a stuck zipper, a torn window flap, warping or broken poles, and a musty odor. Our tent was generally just worn out!
Tents are nice for camping and you probably got to experience one this past summer, but they are not intended to be a permanent home. Today’s Scripture begins by calling our bodies tents. Much like a camping tent, our bodies experience a lot of wear and tear, and as we age, they eventually get worn out. God’s plan for our lives is not for us to remain in these bodies. They are temporary “tents” until He takes us to our permanent home in heaven.
As I am writing this, a dear friend is attending the funeral of her 5-year-old granddaughter. For the past two years and nine months, many people have prayed that God would heal her, and a few days ago, He did!
Rather than just putting another patch on her worn-out tent, God let her move to her new home with Him.
Perhaps you’ve asked God for a miracle, and someone still died. It is a miracle when God gives us ways to patch our earthly tents so we will last a little longer. It is an even greater miracle, though, when we move to heaven and God gives us our eternal body that will never wear out.
Camping is fun but only temporary. Life is eternal.
Real Choices
Sometimes people are afraid to talk to others about death because they don’t know what to say. If you know someone who is hurting or mourning over a loss, go to them and simply listen and pray with them.
Digging Deeper
For more information about your new body, read 1 Corinthians 15:35-57.
Father, thank You that death is not final because You offer eternal life. Give me opportunities and courage to share Your hope with those who are experiencing grief and loss.
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Posted by MelissaReservations
Read This Passage: Colossians 1:3-6
For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints because of the hope reserved for you in heaven. —Colossians 1:4-5a
RESERVATIONS. That word probably makes you think of some fine dining experience. But there are many other reasons people make reservations, including vacations, concerts, and plays. Reservations are a guarantee that a place will be held for you at the event.
Someone had to make a reservation for you to attend camp last summer. The only way you can come next summer is if someone makes another reservation under your name.
Similarly, reservations have been made for believers in heaven in the name of Jesus who said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Jesus also said that He knows His sheep (John 10:27), referring to those who believe in Him. No one will be allowed into heaven without the right reservations.
A final connection of this example is the banquet. in Revelation 19. Here, Jesus is compared to a groom returning to get his bride, which is the church. It was common in biblical times that a feast or banquet was prepared as part of the wedding celebration. When Jesus returns for His church, all believers will be allowed to attend the marriage feast.
On most wedding invitations that include a reception, there are four special letters at the bottom: R.S.V.P. The letters come from the French expression répondez s’il vous plaît, meaning “please respond.” Jesus has invited you to eternal life through a relationship with Him. Have you responded?
Real Choices
If you have not accepted Jesus’ invitation, will you please respond today? If you have already responded to Jesus’ invitation, share it with a friend today.
Digging Deeper
Another banquet story is found in Luke 14:15-24. What are some of the excuses people had for not attending the banquet? Are these similar to excuses people use today to reject God’s invitation?
Thank You, Lord, that as a believer my reservation is guaranteed! Help me to be courageous and bold to share Your invitation with others.
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Walk This Way
Posted by MelissaWalk This Way
Read This Passage: Ephesians 4:1-6
I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received.
—Ephesians 4:1
ON VALENTINE’S DAY, 1973, 20 prisoners of war came home from Vietnam. The first to touch American soil was Jeremiah A. Denton Jr., a naval captain who had been shot down and captured in 1965. Denton spent more than seven years in captivity, including four in solitary confinement. He gained the world’s notice not long after he was imprisoned when, during a televised interview arranged by his captors, he blinked his eyes in Morse Code. Though hard to believe, he succeeded in repeatedly spelling out “T-O-R-T-U-R-E.”
You might think that suffering years of mistreatment, neglect, and torture would cause Denton’s -allegiance to his country to wane. But it did not. As the spokesman for the other arriving POWs, Denton turned to the microphones and said, “We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our commander in chief and to our nation for this day. God bless America.”1
In the fourth chapter of Ephesians, Paul wrote about another type of captive, one he called a “prisoner in the Lord.” He exhorted those of us who claim that title to live like it. We, much like Jeremiah Denton, have an opportunity to serve God under difficult circumstances—ones that require all the humility, gentleness, patience, and love we can muster. God’s standard of success doesn’t look like the world’s. Sometimes we’re called to walk through pain and sacrifice.
Does living this way seem like only a duty or obligation to you? Or are you honored to be a “prisoner in the Lord”? Are you willing to live for Christ outside of camp, in the “real world”?
Real Choices
Are you facing difficult circumstances in your life? Remind yourself daily that you have a unique opportunity to serve God even during this situation. Demonstrate through your actions (and reactions) that you are a “prisoner in the Lord” today.
Digging Deeper
Paul was a prisoner in more ways than one. Research the Book of Acts to learn about some of his experiences in chains. Discover how he viewed his difficulties in Philippians 1:12-14.
Pray for your enemies. Ask God to help you show love to those who are causing problems in your life.
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Whole New World
Posted by MelissaRead This Passage: Revelation 21:22-27
I did not see a sanctuary in it, because the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its sanctuary.
—Revelation 21:22
MOST PEOPLE HAVE ideas about all the things that will be in heaven, but have you ever considered what will NOT be in heaven?
Two obvious things that will not be in heaven are sin and sickness. There will be no infirmary and no nurses station needed. Evil and illness will not exist in such a perfect place. Another thing will be missing in heaven, though it may surprise you. According to these verses, there will not be any church buildings in heaven. When we go to heaven, we will be living with God. Since we will be living with God, we won’t need to go to any specific building or location to gather together as the body of Christ and take part in corporate worship. His presence will fill all of heaven, 24/7. The sinful nature that separates all humanity from God during our earthly lives will be gone. Our relationships with God will be restored and purified into the perfect relationships He intended them to be. We will be with Him, in constant communion, for all eternity. We won’t need a sanctuary in this whole new world, because He’ll be the sanctuary. But as a Christian, God’s presence and power are available to you now. Do you live like it?
Thank God that you don’t have to wait until heaven to live in His presence 24/7.
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Dwelling Place
Posted by MelissaRead This Passage: Revelation 21:1-5
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look! God’s dwelling is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. —Revelation 21:3
HAVE YOU EVER met a celebrity? Perhaps you’ve attended a concert or had a professional athlete visit your school. It’s exciting to be near someone famous. So think about this: if your favorite celebrity turned to you and said, “I want you to come live with me,” how would you feel? Or what if we told you that your favorite musician or actor would be at camp with you next summer for 2 weeks?
Most of us would be overwhelmed by such an announcement. But in today’s key verse God states that very thing. Today’s Scripture passage speaks a lot of comfort into the lives of believers because it tells of a time when we will be in the very presence of God. The very God who created the entire universe by just speaking will return to live with all those who believe. We will no longer have to rely on just reading His Word or hearing about God because we will live in His very presence. His dwelling place will be with us.
As Christians, we should live each day looking forward to a time when our relationships with Him will be made truly complete. Pain, grief, and sorrow will pass away, and we will be with Him forever.
God, thank You for inviting me to live with You. Help me to live like You are returning today.
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