Live Transformed

Posted by Karah


Take a moment and examine this quote by J. I. Packer, “The truth is that, though we were justified by faith alone, the faith that justifies is never alone (it always produces fruit, ‘good works, … a transformed life).”

Review last week’s devotion before digging into today’s Scripture. At the moment of your salvation, the resurrection of Christ reconciled you back to God. Read 1 Peter 1:22-25 in your Bible.

“Since you have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable—through the living and enduring word of God.”
—1 Peter 1:23

Ask yourself:
• How should believers live out the change brought about by Christ’s presence in our lives?
• According to these verses, how should believers treat one another? Now, read Isaiah 40:6-8 in your Bible.

“The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the word of our God remains forever.” —Isaiah 40:8

Consider the following:
• In these verses, humanity is described in terms of the temporary and insignificant. List the two things the Book of Isaiah compared to humanity in verse 6.
• According to verse 8, what quality does God’s Word possess? Explain.


Christ’s resurrection changed everything, so when Christ redeems us, everything about our lives should change as well. His resurrection leads to us living a new life.

• In your journal, quickly list anything in your life that comes to mind when you see the words temporary or insignificant. Pray, asking God to help you focus on meaningful things.
• Prayerfully examine your life and your heart. What does it mean to live a transformed life? In what ways does your life need to change as you live out your faith? Journal your response.
• For further study on what a transformed life looks like, read Colossians 3.


Peter quoted Isaiah 40:6-8 to make a point of contrast between the temporary nature of human flesh and the eternal nature of God’s Word. As His people, believers will live with Him eternally though our lives on earth are “like smoke” (James 4:14)—we’re here for only a short time. Life may be tough at times on earth, but Peter encouraged believers in the future hope we have because of our redemption in Christ.


Christ’s resurrection enables us to live the Christian faith in the most transformative and meaningful ways.

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Completely Justified

Posted by Karah


Take a moment to remember that you are completely forgiven. Thank God for providing this forgiveness through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Mentally list changes that happen over time, for example, the erosion of a mountain. Now, think of changes that occur instantly, like flipping a switch to fill a dark room with light. List a few more instant and slow changes in your journal.

Trusting Jesus as Savior results in instant change. The moment you placed your faith in Him, you were declared righteous.

Now, read Romans 4:25 in your Bible.

“He was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” —Romans 4:25

Explore the following:
• What does it mean that Jesus was “delivered up” for our sins? Explain.

Justification means to be declared righteous by God because of Christ’s death and resurrection on our behalf. The payment for our sin was accomplished in His death, and the promise of eternal life was cemented in His resurrection.
• Believers were once guilty because of our sin, but because of _____through faith in Jesus, we are saved. (See Eph. 2:8-9.)
• Christ’s death and resurrection, not our actions, bring us into right standing with God. List some ways people often try to justify themselves.


Simply put: sin declared us guilty before God, but Jesus’ death and resurrection declared believers as not guilty.
• All believers are justified. Do you sometimes feel unholy, unrighteous, and less than perfect because of your struggle with sin? Journal your thoughts.
• Is there any unconfessed sin in your life? Be honest with God about your struggle and ask Him to help you stand firm against temptation.
• If you have not trusted Jesus as Savior, talk to your parents, Trailstones leader, or trusted person from your church about what it means to follow Jesus.
• For further study on justification, read Romans 5.


God’s entire redemptive plan was summarized in today’s Scripture. Evangelism, or the spreading of the gospel, centers on the resurrection. Without Jesus’ death on the cross, there would be no adequate payment for sin. Without the resurrection, there would be no hope and no gospel message. This is why the apostles focused their preaching on the importance of the resurrection. Our lives, our words, and our interactions must center on complete belief in the resurrection and our justification.


Christ’s death and resurrection brought justification to believers.

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The Saving One

Posted by Karah


Before you begin today’s devotion, ask God to help you understand more about who Jesus is and what He did for you on the cross.

People stood as enemies against God because of their sinful actions. Jesus’ death provided a way for all people to become friends of God through trusting Him as Savior.

“Once you were alienated and hostile in your minds because of your evil actions. But now He has reconciled you by His physical body through His death, to present you holy, faultless, and blameless before Him.” —Colossians 1:21-22

Now, read Ephesians 2:12-13 and Colossians 1:21-23 in your Bible. Consider the following:
• In your journal, list characteristics of people’s lives before and after reconciliation.
• Explain in your own words what Paul meant by “you who were far away” (Eph. 2:13).

Our sin separated us from God and the only way to be free from sin was through the blood of Jesus sacrificed for us. Those who don’t accept His gift of grace will spend eternity paying for their sins by being separated from God.
• What did it take for you to be presented to God “holy, faultless, and blameless” (Col. 1:22)?


Redemption is at the heart of what Jesus did for us. At the moment you trusted Him as Savior, you became a friend of God and all of your sin was completely forgiven.
• Do you ever struggle to believe you’re completely forgiven? In your journal, write out Colossians 1:22 and replace you with me. Read it aloud several times and ask God to help you believe the truth of His words.
• For further study on what God did for us through Jesus, read Colossians 1:13.


Paul’s ministry focused first on the Jews, then on the Gentiles (Rom. 1:16). The Jews were God’s covenant people. Paul mentioned the plight of the Gentiles previous to Jesus’ death on the cross—they were not a part of God’s covenant people. However, the blood of Christ allowed Gentiles access to the blessings afforded by the new covenant: salvation and relationship with God.


We had no hope of being reconciled to God on our own. Jesus paid the price for our sins and provided us access to a true relationship with God.

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The Supreme One

Posted by Karah


Prepare your heart for today’s devotion by listening to “Christ is Enough” by Hillsong (Glorious Ruins, 2013). Ask God to give you deeper insight into His sufficiency as you study His Word today.

Define the term reconcile in your own words.

“For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile everything to Himself by making peace through the blood of His cross—whether things on earth or things in heaven.” —Colossians 1:19-20

Read Colossians 1:15-20 in your Bible and consider these questions.
• List all the characteristics of Jesus that Paul mentioned in these verses. These descriptions of Jesus indicate that there is nothing and no one greater than Him. He is the image of God, Creator of everything, and sovereign over all.
• Rewrite verse 19 in your own words. Pay special attention to the words “fullness” and “dwell.”
• Look at verse 20. What does Jesus’ sovereignty make Him completely qualified to do?

We were created to have a relationship with God, but sin fractured our bond. Only Jesus has the power to restore our relationship with God, to reconcile us.
• Explain in your own words how Jesus heals that relationship (v. 20).


Jesus is uniquely qualified to bring about reconciliation between God and people and the entire universe. The reconciliation He offers is 100 percent complete; you only have to trust Him as Savior, He already finished the work on the cross.
• On a sticky note write the following truths: I am completely forgivencompletely loved, and eternally secure in Jesus Christ. Place the note on the back of your door or your mirror so you can see it every day.
• Journal a prayer of thanks to God for sending Jesus to reconcile your relationship with Him.
• For further study on reconciliation with God, read Romans 5:10.


In today’s passage, Paul was addressing the false teachers in the church at Colossae. These people claimed Jesus wasn’t as great as the Colossians thought. Although they didn’t disapprove of Him, they indicated there were others of equal standing with Jesus. Paul refuted this by reminding the Colossians of Christ’s supremacy. Jesus is enough to save and reconcile anyone back to God; there is no need to place your faith in anything or anyone else.


Jesus offered reconciliation through His death on the cross.

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Perfect High Priest

Posted by Karah


As you prepare for today’s devotion, picture Jesus on the cross and then the empty tomb. Thank God for your salvation that comes only through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

“For this is the kind of high priest we need: holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. He doesn’t need to offer sacrifices every day, as high priests do—first for their own sins, then for those of the people. He did this once for all when He offered Himself.” (Hebrews 7:26-27)

Read Hebrews 7:23-28 in your Bible. Think through the following:
• Record the differences between Jesus and the Levitical high priests listed in today’s Scripture. Make two columns in your journal and list the differences in each.
In order for the high priest to permanently intercede for the people, he had to be holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.
• Why was this impossible for the high priests but completely possible for Jesus?
• In summary, what does Jesus offer that the high priests of the Old Testament could never offer?


Jesus is supreme—a new kind of priest—perfect and flawless in every way. He established the new covenant with His blood and acts as our High Priest, continually going before God on our behalf. His priesthood is permanent because He is alive forever.
• Explore this idea: Jesus’ sacrifice paid for all my sins, even the ones I haven’t committed yet. His sacrifice was enough to cover my mistakes forever. How does this help you handle your mistakes? Journal your thoughts.
• For further study on the supremacy of Jesus’ sacrifice, read Hebrews 8–9.


When a Levitical priest died, another replaced him. The law of heredity required one of Aaron’s descendants to take over the role, even though he might not have the right qualifications to intercede for the people. However, this was not true with Jesus. He was the only one able to permanently fill the role of High Priest. Though He died, He rose again, defeated death, and will be alive to intercede for His people forever.(1)


Jesus is forever our High Priest. He offered Himself as the final perfect, unblemished sacrifice and is able to save anyone.

(1)Thomas D. Lea, Holman New Testament Commentary: Hebrews and James, ed. Max Anders, (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 1999), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under “Hebrews 7 – Safe in Jesus’ Praying Hands.”

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The Image Restorer

Posted by Karah


Before you dig into God’s Word today, listen to Jesus Culture’s song “Here is My Heart” (Your Love Never Fails, 2008).

Read Genesis 1:27-28 and Psalm 8:3-5 in your Bible.
• Rewrite Genesis 1:27 in your own words. What does this tell you about God’s plan for people? His love for us?
• Focus on Psalm 8:5. What do you think it means that God crowned us with glory and honor? Explain.

The world we live in seems to say that souls vary in importance. God’s Word disagrees—all of humanity was created in His image. Every life has value and worth because it bears the image of God, the glory of God. However, sin marred that image and only Jesus’ death could restore it.

“We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.” —2 Corinthians 3:18

Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 and Colossians 3:9-10 in your Bible and answer the following.
• In 2 Corinthians 3:18, did Paul describe this change as immediate or gradual? Explain.
• Reread the previous question. In your Bible, underline any key words that helped you determine your answer.
• Summarize Colossians 3:9-10 in your journal. Underneath, list some differences between the old and new self by making a column titled Old and one titled New. (See Eph. 4:22-24 for guidance.)
• According to Colossians 3:10, explain how we are renewed.


Glorifying God isn’t just about what you do, but who you are as His image bearer. The more time you spend with God, the more you will reflect Him in the way you live.
• In your journal, jot down some specific ways you notice God’s transformation in your own life.
• For further study on how God transforms lives, read Psalm 139:23-24 and Romans 12:1-2.


God’s Word doesn’t specifically mention what imago Dei, or the image of God, refers to in relation to specific characteristics of people such as spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, Bible scholars suggest that the concept of the image of God must be considered as a whole. In other words, “The entire man, as a human being, images God.”(1)


Christ’s death on the cross restores our image and likeness of Him.

(1)Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003), 806-807.

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A Tribute to Johnnie Armstrong

Posted by Ashley Genoble

               Once upon a time in a magnificent yet hidden corner of the world, scores of wide-eyed girls from across the South were taught in utmost serious and dramatic fashion by word and deed that the most lady-like action in a specific situation is to fire the .22 and blow the rattlesnake up at the head.  I can’t imagine anyone who killed more venomous snakes with a gun than Miss Johnnie Armstrong.  It seemed to be at least two per summer, possibly more if Western North Carolina was experiencing “drought conditions.” So many have a Johnnie snake story or at least we all well remember “Johnnie’s snake talk.” Thanks to her emphatic coaching, we knew like we knew our own names what to do if we had a run-in with this frightening predator.  We were okay because all we had to do was stop or freeze- a deliberate action in complete contradiction to our natural tendency in that situation but necessary since snakes react to movement.  Then, we were to yell our lungs out and somehow word always miraculously traveled to wherever she happened to be.  In no time flat, no matter what she was doing, Johnnie would be there with her rifle and the copperhead or rattlesnake would inevitably suffer a terrible defeat.  After this brief but impassioned interruption, we would resume our normal activities of singing, laughing, and playing in what to many of us was the closest place to paradise, Camp Crestridge for Girls.  But more importantly, our leader and Director taught us with all the same intensity if we were to ever have a fighting chance in this world against the real snake, the accuser, deceiver, and enemy of our souls, the weapon we would need is God’s Word hidden in our hearts.  While fearless in life, Johnnie taught us “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10) and “a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” from Proverbs 31 which she encouraged us to read everyday no matter our age.

Johnnie challenged us to spend twenty minutes alone with God at the beginning of each day in silence: praying and reading His Word.  It was called Quiet Time.  It was revolutionary to our young minds then and it is even more revolutionary now.  We had the rest of the day to talk to everyone else which as girls we most certainly did do this and like our first mother this was our usual means for getting ourselves into trouble.  But in Johnnie we had a different example.  She exhorted us to be proactive, to go ahead and set aside that time first thing for Him.  Twenty minutes of quiet sure felt like an eternity but she wanted us to know that one day we would come to treasure this time and long for more.  While we were laughing with our cabins during Cook-Out, she was alone fasting and praying for each of us.  We were challenged to hear God’s Word, memorize and recite God’s Word, sing His praises, and remain silent in Chapel or Campfire and meditate on what had been said and what changes we needed to make to live in accordance with Scripture.  Or we

simply learned to listen for the bullfrog in the lake, the crackling fire, the tall tulip poplars rustling in the wind, the soft melody of the creek making its way over rocks and under a cathedral of rhododendron, the symphony of katydids.  It is an ache we haven’t ever gotten over.  No one was more fun than Johnnie but no one could hush a group of giggling girls with simply a mere look quite like Johnnie either.  “Will you make Jesus Christ the center of your life?” she would say as she lit the white candle during Council of Progress.  With the same piercing eyes that could take aim for an elusive snake dead-on, she took aim at our squirming hearts.  It’s a question to last a lifetime.

The world will have to forgive us if as girls during that time we could not comprehend the tragedy of mass shootings that would later dominate news cycles.  We only knew the loud bang of a rifle echoing through the mountains and across the lake was a comforting noise.  It was the sound of a beautiful, extraordinary, one-of-a-kind lady with a competitive spirit like no one else, a towering joyful presence, and an excellent shot protecting girls from a very real and ancient enemy.  When we heard that sound, we never doubted: Johnnie won, somewhere a snake is dead.  If a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised, then a woman who trains other women to fear the Lord and not the world is due double honor.  Dear Johnnie, although we are scattered, your many children arise to call you blessed.  Thank you for your remarkable faithfulness to Christ.  You’ve spent your one shining season always running the race to win.  You valued each of us enough to want us to win as well.  We hope to empower those who follow behind us with the priceless, eternal weapon of God’s Word and God’s Love you have so magnificently shared with us.  And when we hear a rifle, see a snake, or are somehow unpleasantly reminded that no matter how wonderful life is at times, we are still in the cross-fires of a fallen world, we can remember that because Jesus fixed His eyes to Jerusalem, shed His blood on the cross for our sins, and rose again our ultimate enemy has been conquered. When we, who were once little girls and who are now big girls, find ourselves hysterical and tangled up with this foe, we only need to stop or freeze, cry out to Jesus, and like Johnnie, He is right there to take care of us.  Jesus has won: death, darkness, and evil are defeated.

Written by Parish Hardy

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The Perfect One

Posted by Karah


As you begin your quiet time, consider this quote from Charles Spurgeon,

“I thought I could have leaped from earth to heaven at one spring when I first saw my sins drowned in the Redeemer’s blood.”

Earlier this Fall, you learned that redeemed means to pay the ransom or price for somebody—like paying for someone to be released from slavery. Keep this definition in mind as you read today’s devotion.

“He was chosen before the foundation of the world but was revealed at the end of the times for you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” —1 Peter 1:20-21

Read 1 Peter 1:18-25 in your Bible and explore the following.
Sin enslaved all people and in order to be free from our sins, we would have to be perfect. In a world ruled by sin, we couldn’t save ourselves. We needed a substitute because God needed a perfect sacrifice. Jesus was the only one able to die for our sins, a “lamb without defect or blemish” (v. 19).
• Why was it so important for the sacrifice to be perfect?
• According to verses 18-21, what was God’s plan for redemption?
• Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Why do people need a Savior?
Jesus’ perfect life redeemed us from an empty, sinful life and eternal separation from God. He redeemed us for a relationship with God.


• In your journal, list any sins you struggle with. Now, draw a cross over the list. Let this be a reminder to you that these sins do not control you anymore—Jesus paid the price for your sins on the cross and set you free from their hold on your life.
• Spend some time in prayer, thanking God for sending Jesus to set you free from your sins and redeem you from your empty way of life. Ask God to help you live in His freedom.
• For further study on how meaningless life is without God, read Ecclesiastes.


God’s plan for Jesus was not haphazardly constructed—He knew what our redemption would require of Him, of His Son. As John Piper said, “Jesus was always God’s plan A.” God planned for Jesus to come to earth to live a perfect life and die for our sins well before sending Him to us. Note Peter’s use of the words “for you” (v. 20) and “so that your faith and hope are in God” (v. 21). God didn’t initiate His plan from a distance, but made it personal. Think of it this way: Jesus didn’t just die to give all people the chance to know Him; He died knowing that I was one of those people. Jesus died for me.


God raised Jesus from the dead and we can have redemption through His perfect life.

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Sovereign and Eternal One

Posted by Karah


Silence your phone, pause your music, and turn off the TV. Find a quiet place where you can focus as you read today’s devotion.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” —Revelation 22:13

Read Revelation 22:12-13 in your Bible and consider the following.
• Summarize verse 12 in your own words.
• All people will experience a final judgment and Jesus will be the Judge. List the words Jesus used to describe Himself in verse 13.

The Alpha and Omega begin and end the Greek alphabet. When Jesus called Himself the Alpha and Omega, He pointed to His eternal and sovereign nature. God was first called the Alpha and Omega (Isa. 44:6; Rev. 1:8), but here Jesus made it clear that He too, is eternal and sovereign.
• Explain what Jesus claimed about His nature and His relationship with God by the titles He gave Himself in verse 13.

Put simply: Jesus has the final say. From the beginning, He was God’s plan to reconcile His people. From the beginning, Jesus knew He would return for all believers and righteously judge all people for their response to how they either received or rejected Him.
• Knowing Jesus has the final say, do you need to change your lifestyle? Why or why not?


Jesus is all the righteousness of God and believers are completely covered by His righteousness. So when you approach Jesus during the final judgment, you can be confident in knowing that Jesus will see His own righteousness instead of your sin.
• Meditate on Jesus as “the Alpha and the Omega” (Rev. 22:13). Praise Him for being the all-powerful, all knowing, ever-present God.
• Have you trusted in Jesus as Savior? If so, journal about the ways He changed your life and examine any areas that need to change. If not, talk to your parents, your Trailstones leader or a leader from your church to find out more.
• For further study on Jesus’ power to save, read Colossians 2:14-15.


Write Colossians 1:19-20 in your journal. Jot down two reasons it is important for you to memorize these verses.


In verse 12, Jesus mentioned bringing a reward with Him when He returns. Revelation 1 also mentioned a reward, referring to the judgment of both the righteous and the wicked. His judgment will reward the righteous and destroy the wicked (Rev. 11:18). Again today’s passage tells us that reward and punishment both occur at judgment “to repay each person according to what he has done” (Rev. 22:12).


Jesus is sovereign and eternal.

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Follow Me

Posted by Karah


Mentally list the names of people you know who don’t know Jesus. As you read today, ask God to give you a passion to boldly share the gospel with them.

“When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, ‘Look! The Lamb of God!’ The two disciples heard him say this and followed Jesus.” —John 1:36-37

“A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” —Luke 6:40

Read John 1:35-42 in your Bible and think through these questions.
• Highlight the phrase “Lamb of God” (v. 36). Describe what this means in your own words.
• According to verse 37, what happened after the two disciples heard John’s claim?
• Jesus called the disciples to come and they went with Him, but they went beyond following Jesus. List Andrew’s actions after he stayed with Jesus. When Christ changes your life, He changes your identity. Believers are adopted into God’s family, trading in their own agenda for His—and He commands us to go and tell others about Him.
• After only a few hours in Jesus’ presence, how did Andrew demonstrate an understanding of Jesus’ message? How can believers follow Andrew’s example today?
• Read Luke 6:40 and explain the main idea of this verse in your own words.


We are not exempt from God’s missionary mandate. He was sent, and now He sends us. Sound intimidating? Through the saving power of the gospel and the filling of our hearts with God’s Holy Spirit, we are empowered to join God’s rescue mission—one person at a time.
• In your journal, name the people you thought of earlier who don’t know Jesus. Pray over them each day, asking God to help them see their need for a Savior and to give you the opportunity to share the gospel with them.
• For further study on truly following Jesus, read Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman (Zondervan, 2011).


In verse 42, Jesus gave Peter a new name: Cephas. In Aramaic, Cephas means rock. God often changed people’s names in the Old Testament to reflect the specific calling He placed on their lives. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus said, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church” (v. 18). Though Jesus caused the church to grow, He used the disciples to spread His message as the foundation of the church. He uses believers in the same way today.(1)


Jesus, the Lamb of God, calls people to follow Him. Christians must have a passion for and commitment to God’s mission.

(1)Holman Christian Standard Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2010). Accessed via

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