Introducing the 2010 Clothing
Posted by Sharon
For those of you who have not seen our 2010 clothing yet, we wanted to give you an opportunity to do so. We’ve got a great line up that we think you all will love! We know these pictures are pretty small, but you can click on them to make them bigger. Here’s our 2010 Clothing:
Be sure to get your pre-orders in so you get the sizes you need! You can do so by clicking on the link that was in the e-mail your parents received from Ron. We can’t wait to see you this summer!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged 2010 Clothing Store, 2010 Crestridge Clothing Store, Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge Clothing, Ridgecrest Summer Camps
Okay, so I can already see how much of my paycheck will be going to clothing once more this summer!! You guys did an awesome job picking the clothing! And I love the idea of village shirts for campers. Well done office staff, well done.
Thanks for the encouragement Abby!! It’s okay if you spend your check there, we won’t tell!
Love all the clothes and things. They are awesome. Can not wait until camp.
this is awesome.I am definitely getting one of those hats!I am already to pack and go on the road trip.CRESTRIDGE ROAD TRIP!
LOVE ALL THE CLOTHES im defenetly getting a choctaw shirt and the three other shirts, everything looks amazing cant wait.
ummm so those stickers are awesome! I also love the village shirts…i am def getting a Chickasaw one!!!! love it all! Great Choices!!
I love everything! the clothing is gonna be awesome this year! cant wait!
i really love the clothes this year! theyre super cute
Glad you all like everything! Thanks for the comments!
We love the village shirts! Hope to see them year after year!
I’ll take one of everything! Except I’ll need 2 chippewa shirts because my little sister is coming to starter camp this year!
I definitely love the sweat pants. They’re so comfy (:
wow love it all….love the pink hoodie and the jogging pants keaisha
I love the village shirts. Which one should I get?
haha very funny marva!!! i love u!!! i personally think you should get a C-C-C-H-O-C-T-T-T-A-W c-h-o-c-t-a-w CCCHHHHOOOOCCtttaawwww!!!!! HEY!!! i miss all of you guys at camp!! and yes abby!!!! i agree!!! well done office staff well done!!!!
Marva, just go ahead and get all the Village Shirts!
I’ll be broke before I even arrive at camp. For someone who doesn’t wear ‘t-shirts’ that often, I can’t resist camp shirts….they will turn into a tshirt quilt one day!!!!!
sweatpants ftw… i wish the cheyenne shirt wasn’t such a BRIGHT yellow though. oh well. love the theme shirt!! (:
These are amazing… im definately getting the shorts & probably some other stuff too.
I can’t wait untill camp!!! I am counting down the days !!!! I just have one question… Are there going to be any new skills? I think that we have alot but I really think that we need lacrosse as a skill … The boys have that option…. Why don’t we?!?!?!
Delaney, we can’t wait for you to get here! We added a couple skills this year but they are age specific (for Chips/Chicks and Cherokee). We can look into adding Lacrosse but it may not happen for another couple years. We’ll see!
Ok thanks! Can’t wait to see you at camp either I <3 all of u!!!!!!!!
What are the new skills for the other villages? I have two friends going with me and one is a chick and one is a Cher….so I want to tell them!
For Chips and Chicks, we are adding “Letterboxing”. It’s a crafty thing. For Cherokees, we are adding “Life Skills” that will include Car, Home and Yard Maintenance. It will teach them practical skills in those areas.
Love the new clothing line!!!!!!!!! What is Lacrosse
Lacrosse is a sport that involves a stick with a net at the end of it and you catch and throw a ball with it. You have to throw the ball into the goal in order to score. I don’t really know too much about it. But it seems like a lot of fun! chihoapek shirt?
Unfortunately no, just sticking with the Village Shirts!
What is chichopeck?
It’s the Central Staff, like the Outdoor Adventure staff, Horseback staff, nurses, Village Directors, etc. It’s all the staff who are not counselors.
I never knew that, but now i do
Sooo excited!!! LOVE everything! Just out of curiosity why did the colors change with size? Specifically the sweats? I really wanted blue sweatpants, but they only came in youth sizes, so i had to get the red ones. Same with sweatshirts, why are the youth sizes light pink and the adult sizes bright pink? why arent they all the same color or different colors but with all sizes? I still love everything else. A choctaw shirt is a def!
So how much is this? LLLOOOOVVVVEEEE IIIITTTT!!!!
Kacey, that’s a great question about the colors. The youth sweatpants only come in 3 colors (navy, gray, camouflage). The adult sweatpants come in several colors. We chose a different color for the adult sizes because we didn’t want to limit ourselves to just those 3 colors and we’ve done 2 of those colors recently. That also goes for the zip up hoodie. The youth only comes in 3 colors.
I agree with you Delaney about the lacrosse and i hope we could have it as one of our skills in the upcoming years
Keller!!!! Remember me frm 3rd session chick 3!!!! It’s Delaney!!!
love the new clothing, but where can i pre-order them?????? im so confused???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Tilly, your parents can go online and pre-order your clothes. They should have received an e-mail and post card about it. If you need help, let us know! We’d love to help!
Oh my gosh! These clothes are so cute! I love the sweatpants and will defiantly get the Choctaw Shirt! This is so exciting! I’m counting down the days until camp! Awesome job!
Yea I just might get half of this stuff because it’s awesome.
i cant wait for camp
Lacrosse would definitely be one of my skills to choose from. I play on my school team. I can’t wait until it becomes a skill. Just a couple more days!!!
woot! Woot cant wait!!!!!!!! im getting the choctaw shirt thats for me cuz im a choctaw so yeaaaaaaa cant wait!!!!!
I want a choctaw shirt sooooo bad. I have two more weeks till camp. Can’t wait!!!!
wow i love the 2nd one alot! and i might get the cheyenne one too because im going to be in it! im so excited for session 2A!
how do we find out the prices of the shirts and stuff before camp? my dad wants to know.
Hey Ashley! The prices are on the clothing pre-order form that was sent out to the parents in an e-mail.