The Lord’s Prayer

Posted by Karah

Read Matthew 6:9-13 in your Bible. Even though it’s a familiar passage, read it carefully, like you’ve never read it before.


Think about it
Verses 9-10 focus on God: His kingdom, His name, and His will; verses 11-13 focus on our needs: physical needs, forgiveness, and overcoming temptation. When Jesus gave His disciples an example of how to pray, He clearly made God’s will a priority over our own needs. Does your prayer life reflect that?


Take Action
Consider each of the phrases from Jesus’ Model Prayer below. How will you make each of them a reality in your life this week?

“Your name be honored as holy”
How will you honor God’s name in your words and actions today? (comment in your journal or below)

“Your kingdom come”
How will you make God’s kingdom evident in your world through your obedience?

“Your will be done”
How will you focus on God’s will and purpose rather than your own this week?

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