Obey to Honor
Posted by Karah
Do you ever have difficulty wrapping your mind around the fact that Jesus and God are one? Pray that God will increase your understanding of this truth today.
When people hear the word honor, they think of battles, soldiers, winning awards, or being in a respected career. What does the word honor mean Consider the definition below and record your own definition in your journal.
HONOR (n.) – Respect and worthiness of rank.
• Do you think you honor Jesus? Why or why not? Journal your response.
“And just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so the
Son also gives life to anyone He wants to.” —John 5:21
Read John 5:21-24 in your Bible. Ask yourself:
• What does this passage reveal about the relationship between Jesus and His Father? Why is that important?
• List specific roles of Jesus named in this passage. Who gave Him permission and authority over all people?
• Jesus honored God by obeying Him and fulfilling His purpose. How can you do the same? How does living for Jesus acknowledge his power and authority in your life?
You can honor Jesus in your relationship with Him by living and speaking in ways that glorify God and show He is Lord of your life.
• Reflect on verse 21 for a moment. How has Jesus brought life to you? Are you quick to share this with people around you? Journal your response.
• Think of people in your circle who need to hear about Jesus and list them in your journal. Ask God to show you how to be more intentional about sharing His truth with them.
• For further study about Jesus and God being one, read John 1:1,14 and John 14:7-11.
This imagery of Jesus as the Son sent by the Father is taken from the Jewish concept of the shaliach, or messenger, in which the sent one is like the sender himself and faithfully pursues the sender’s interests.1 Jesus as God’s Son and messenger had a right to honor and worship, as He was one with God in deity.
God has given Jesus authority over all people. If we want to honor God, we must honor and obey Jesus.
1.Holman Christian Standard Study Bible (Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2010), 1808.
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For God’s Glory
Posted by Karah
Before you read today’s devotion, review the last few week’s devotions about Lazarus.
In your journal, write down what stuck out most to you from those passages of Scripture.
“So they removed the stone. Then Jesus raised His eyes and said, ‘Father, I thank You that You heard Me. I know that You always hear Me, but because of the crowd standing here I said this, so they may believe You sent Me.’”
—John 11:41-42
Read John 11:38-44. Think about the following:
• Read verse 39 again. Compare Martha’s reaction here to her reaction in verse 27. Does her response indicate the same kind of faith? Why or why not?
• What did Jesus’ prayer before he performed the miracle indicate about His
mission? What did it reveal about God’s plan? Explain.
Jesus’ prayer showed intimate knowledge of His Father’s plan for Lazarus. Jesus thanked God because God “heard” (v. 41) Him, the past tense pointing to their connection and God’s foreknowing of the event taking place. Jesus prayed aloud as proof to those standing around that God really did send Him and accomplish His will through Him—He wanted them not just to observe the miracle, but to believe in Him.
• Are you quick to give God glory when you see Him work in mighty ways This is how you can let the world know what a great God you serve—by telling others of His works. In your journal, come up with a few ways you could tell someone about Jesus and what He did for you.
• Glance over your journal entry. Do you know people who need to hear your story? List their names.
• Talk to an older Christian mentor, like your Trailstones leader or student pastor at church and ask them to hold you accountable to share your story with one of those people this week.
Jesus’ purpose and God’s plan for raising Lazarus from the dead was to reveal God’s glory and help people believe that Jesus was truly the Son of God. John 11:45-53 gave a clear picture of the reaction of some of the religious leaders—this only strengthened their desire to get rid of Jesus. This was the final event to set their resolve to arrest Jesus and put Him on trial for blasphemy.
Jesus did great things and gave God the glory. We should also give God the glory for whatever we do.
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Life Giver
Posted by Karah
Check out Exodus 3:14, where God declared Himself as “I AM” to Moses. Consider this verse as you dig into today’s study.
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die— ever. Do you believe this?’” —John 11:25-26
Jesus’ resurrection defeated death. He knew this would happen—through His death, He extended the gift of eternal life to all people. Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all people for all time, but we still have to choose to accept His gift and enter into a relationship with Him.
Read John 11:17-27 in your Bible.
• How does Martha’s response in verse 24 reveal her misunderstanding of Jesus’ promise that her brother would rise again? Explain.
• What did Jesus declare about Himself in verses 25-26? Explain it in your own words.
• How did Martha respond after His declaration? How should you respond to His declaration?
• Martha assured Jesus she understood Him as the resurrection and the life. How does her response to His request to roll away the stone from Lazarus’ tomb (v. 39) indicate differently?
• Read aloud and meditate on John 11:25-26. Consider the fact that the One who is life is able to restore life.
• Have you accepted that Jesus is the only way to eternal life? If you haven’t, let today be the day you trust in His saving power. Talk to your parents, or a youth pastor, or your Trailstones leader about what it means to trust in Jesus. If you have given your life to Christ, take some time now to thank Him for the incredible gift of salvation.
• For further study on salvation in Christ, read Romans 10:9-10 and Hebrews 7:25.
The word “resurrection” in verses 24-25 is anastasis. The noun anastasis comes from the Greek verb anistemi, which means to stand or rise up. These words refer to both the physical resurrection of Jesus after His death on the cross and that of believers upon His return.1
Eternal life comes from Jesus. Without trusting Him as Savior death is the end, but those who receive His gift of salvation will live eternally with Him.
1.Holman Christian Standard Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2010). Accessed via
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Spell It Out
Posted by Karah
Think of a time in your life when you knew God was at work, but you didn’t grasp what He was doing at the time. Thank Him for taking care of you.
Review last week’s devotion titled, “Message of Hope.” Examine Jesus’ use of the word sleep over the next few weeks.
“So Jesus then told them plainly, ‘Lazarus has died. I’m glad for you that I wasn’t there so that you may believe. But let’s go to him.’” —John 11:14
Read John 11:11-16 in your Bible. Answer the following:
• Highlight each occurrence of the word “asleep” or “sleep” by Jesus and the disciples. Then write down in your journal what Jesus meant, and compare it to what the disciples thought when he said these words.
• Circle the phrase “so then Jesus told them plainly” (v. 14). What does that mean? Write the statement in your own words.
• Check out Jesus’ words in verse 15. Why would Jesus be glad he wasn’t there when Lazarus died? How would Jesus’ absence at the time of Lazarus death later help the disciples to believe in Him? Explain.
It’s difficult to understand how God works, but you can know His ways are perfect. Jesus had to spell this out for His disciples when they didn’t understand, and He will do the same for you as you walk with Him.
• Has God ever used a difficult situation in your life to help you believe in Him, trust Him, or understand more about Him? Journal about that experience.
• Thank God for revealing to you what you need to know to trust and believe in Him. Ask Him to continue to strengthen your faith.
• For further study on trusting Jesus even when you don’t understand, read John 14:1 and Isaiah 55:8-9.
Memorize John 11:25-26 this week. Write or recite it from memory three times in a row.
In John 11:7-9 Jesus mentioned returning to Judea and His disciples balked at the idea. John 10:22-30 gives an account of Jesus at the Festival of Dedication, where He claimed to be one with God (v. 30). The religious leaders attempted to stone or arrest Jesus for blasphemy because of His claim (v. 33). Certainly, the disciples were relieved to be away from Judea and the threat of stoning, but Jesus wanted to go back to demonstrate God’s power through raising Lazarus from the dead. He had to tell His disciples plainly in order for them to understand the decision and its significance (John 11:14).
Jesus’ power is displayed for the benefit of all who see.
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Message of Hope
Posted by Karah
Grab a your Bible, journal, and a pen. Find a quiet, comfy place where you won’t be disturbed. Pray, asking God to help you understand what you study in His Word today.
Over the next few weeks, you will read about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Quickly read through the complete story in John 11:1-44.
“When Jesus heard it, He said, ‘This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.’” —John 11:4
Now, read John 11:1-6 in your Bible. Ask yourself:
• Jesus had a strong bond with Lazarus. As you focus your attention on verses 1-6, underline any words or phrases that help you better understand their relationship.
Despite Jesus’ relationship with Lazarus and his sisters, He waited to go to them. Jesus knew that God would demonstrate His power and authority by raising Lazarus from the dead. He even told His disciples that the outcome of Lazarus sickness would not be death, yet Lazarus was in the tomb when Jesus arrived.
• In your own words, explain Jesus’ statement in verse 4.
• Jesus timing assured that there would be no mistaking that Lazarus was dead when He arrived. How did Jesus’ timing bring glory to God? Explain.
• List a few ways Jesus showed His authority and power by waiting until Lazarus was dead to perform a miracle.
Before the story completely unfolded, Jesus told His disciples the outcome-Lazarus wouldn’t stay in the tomb. While we have access to the end of this story, Jesus’ disciples questioned His choice to remain where He was because they knew He could heal Lazarus. Jesus doesn’t always work in ways that we understand or provide healing when we think He should, but He has the power to do more than we can imagine.
• When have you questioned something God allowed in your life? Maybe a loved one died, but you prayed for healing. Talk honestly with God about any doubts or fears you had. Ask Him to help you see how He worked things for good in that situation.
• For further study on Jesus’ power and authority, read Colossians 1:17.
The first two verses of John 11 indicate that Jesus knew Mary, Martha, and Lazarus well. Verse five also shows a strong bond between them saying, “Now Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus.” Despite Jesus’ bond with this family, He stayed for two more days across the Jordan where John was baptizing. By the time Jesus reached Lazarus, he had been in the grave four days (v. 17).
Jesus displayed His authority and power by raising Lazarus from the dead.
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Obstacles to Opportunities
Posted by Karah
Find a quiet place to be alone with no distractions. Take some time to pray, asking God to reveal Himself to you.
Review last week’s devotion before you read today’s Scripture. As you continue reading about Jairus’ encounter with Jesus, consider how Jesus used a seemingly hopeless situation to show more of His power. Think of a time when Jesus gave you hope in a situation that seemed impossibly grim. Journal about that experience.
Now, read Matthew 9:23-26.
“When Jesus came to the leader’s house, He saw the flute players and a crowd lamenting loudly. ‘Leave,’ He said, ‘because the girl isn’t dead, but sleeping.’ And they started laughing at Him. But when the crowd had been put outside, He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl got up. And this news spread throughout that whole area.” —Matthew 9:23-26
Read Mark 5:35-43 in your Bible. Answer these questions:
• In verses 35-36, Jairus received news that His daughter had died. How did Jesus respond? Why is this important?
• Jesus’ words “only believe” (v. 36) were meant to encourage Jairus’ to keep believing that Jesus could still save his daughter. What does this teach you about your own belief when circumstances seem beyond hope? Explain.
• Jesus used the word “sleeping” to describe the girl’s condition and the people in Jairus’ house laughed at Him. Why do you think they responded this way? How would you respond?
We don’t have the benefit of seeing the bigger picture, but God does. We sometimes find ourselves feeling completely hopeless, filled with anxiety and sadness, and wanting to give up the belief that God can change our situation. Today’s passage teaches us nothing and no one is beyond God’s power.
• What circumstances in your life seem hopeless right now? Journal a prayer to God, placing your fears and hope in His hands. Confess your need for His help and thank Him for using difficult circumstances to draw you into a deeper relationship with Him.
• Jesus brings hope even when life is tough. Think of a few people who need encouragement and hope in the midst of a difficult time. List their names in the margin.
• Ask God to show you how you help those people find hope in Jesus this week.
The people in Jairus’ house laughed at Jesus when He said the girl was only sleeping. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, Paul explained this concept further. Paul used the word “asleep” (v. 13) to describe the state of believers when they die. Just as people typically wake up from sleep in the morning, believers who have died will one day rise up to eternal life with Christ. When Jesus used the words “sleep” and “sleeping” in this passage, He was talking about a temporary condition.
Jesus brings hope and life, even when we believe our circumstances are beyond help.
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Faith That Gives Life
Posted by Karah
List all the ways God has shown His power in your life, then praise Him for being a mighty and powerful God.
Read Matthew 9:18-19 in your Bible. Many Jewish leaders didn’t follow Jesus because His teachings were radically different. Today’s reading focuses on one Jewish leader, Jairus, who came to Jesus for help when his daughter was sick.
• Read Jairus’ statement at the end of verse 18. What does this tell you about his faith?
“One of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus he fell at His feet and kept begging Him, ‘My little daughter is at death’s door. Come and lay Your hands on her so she can get well and live.’”—Mark 5:22-23
Read Mark 5:22-24 in your Bible. Consider the following:
• As you read, underline any words that indicate Jairus’ feelings about his
daughter’s illness. What does his persistence reveal about the urgency of
his situation?
• Review both accounts of Jairus’ encounter with Jesus. List some things that revealed his faith in Jesus.
• Why is it important to believe that Jesus can overcome anything? Explain.
• Terminal illness and death are often difficult to address, so prayerfully think about a time in your life when you lost a loved one or knew someone with a terminal illness. How did you respond? Journal your about your experience.
• Jairus showed faith by going to Jesus with his dying daughter, believing His touch alone would heal. On a scale of 1-10, how strong is your faith during times of crisis?
• Do you believe that Jesus is strong enough today to work miracles like He did with Jairus’ daughter? Confess any doubts to God and ask Him to help you trust Him with the tough situations in your life.
In each account of this healing, Jairus asked Jesus to lay His hands on his daughter. Jairus, as a synagogue leader, would have been familiar with the common practice of laying hands on someone to bestow blessing or for healing.
We don’t have to fear anything. Belief in Jesus overcomes all situations.
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Willing & Able
Posted by Karah
Listen to “I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe (Almost There, 2001) and consider how you would react if you were suddenly face-to-face with Jesus.
“He saw Jesus, fell facedown, and begged Him: ‘Lord, if You are
willing, You can make me clean.’”—Luke 5:12b
Read Luke 5:12-16 in your Bible and think through these questions:
• In today’s passage, Jesus and the man with the skin disease both took a risk. What risk did each one take? Explain.
• Looking at verse 12, what three things did the man do?
• Consider the man’s request to Jesus. Highlight or circle the word “willing.” Why is this word important? Explain.
• In this passage, the man with the skin disease showed humility. The opposite of humility is pride. In your journal, record some characteristics of a humble person and one who is prideful.
We all have a reason to follow Jesus, but we must be willing to let Him cleanse us and prepare our hearts for His kingdom.
• On a sticky note, complete the following statement: Lord, if You are willing, You can…
• Stick the note on your mirror or the back of your door, where you’ll see it often. Even if Jesus doesn’t take away that circumstance, heal that sickness, or change that situation, know that it isn’t because He wasn’t able.
• For further study, read Isaiah 55:8-11. Meditate on these verses, considering the faith it takes to believe that God’s ways are better, even though we can’t always comprehend them.
The man in today’s passage was likely an outcast because of His skin disease, yet He didn’t hesitate to go to Jesus and ask for healing. The man fell on his face before Jesus, showing humility and respect. The man also called Him “Lord,” signifying a person in higher authority. In respect and honor, Jewish people also used the title Lord to refer to God to avoid calling Him by His personal name, Yahweh.
God is able to do anything. We can trust Him, even if we don’t understand His timing.
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When Words Are Enough
Posted by KarahPAUSE
What does it take for you to be convinced something is true? Consider whether you trust God enough to take Him at His Word.
Read John 4:46,54. This was not Jesus first miracle in Galilee. During both miracles, the people who came to Jesus for help were required to trust Him at His word that He would provide.
“’Go,’ Jesus told him, ‘your son will live.’ The man believed what Jesus said to him and departed.” —John 4:50
Ask yourself:
• Jesus answered the royal official’s plea by accusing the crowd of only looking for signs and wonders. In this case, He didn’t give them a miracle to witness. What did He do instead? Why is that important?
Examine Jesus’ promise to the official in verse 50. The word “go” here is a command. Jesus didn’t just give the official permission to leave; He told him to go and promised healing for the man’s son.
• What kind of faith did Jesus require from the official? Explain.
• Imagine what you would do if you were the official: would you leave behind your one chance at healing with a promise? Why or why not?
Today, people love to rely on their own wisdom for answers to tough questions, but as believers we should rely on the truth of God’s Word. It can be difficult to obey His commands without assurance that the outcome will be what we want, but we have to trust in God and in the truth of His Word, knowing that His way is best.
• Think of a time when you had to choose to obey God based only on a promise in His Word. At the time, maybe it made more sense to go against God’s Word, maybe you were afraid of how others would react, or maybe you didn’t trust God to take care of your situation. What was the most difficult thing about that situation? Do you still struggle to trust in His Word no matter what? Journal your thoughts.
• God’s Word is full of trustworthy promises. Find a verse or passage that directly speaks to a situation in your life, like Psalm 27:13-14; Isaiah 40:31; John 16:33; or 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Memorize the verse and meditate on it every time you are tempted to doubt God’s faithfulness.
This healing is considered a part of the “Cana cycle,” which took place in John 2:1–4:54. This cycle consists of three signs: turning the water into wine at the wedding, the temple clearing, and Jesus’ healing the official’s son. All three occurrences were considered proofs of Jesus as the Messiah.¹
Christ-followers must trust His Word is true and live in obedience to it.
¹Holman Christian Standard Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2010). Accessed via
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The Touch of a Hand
Posted by KarahPAUSE
Reflect on ways God has been with you during difficult times. Thank Him for His faithful presence.
“So He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. The fever left her, and she began to serve them.” —Mark 1:31
Read Mark 1:29-31 in your Bible and think through these questions:
After leaving the synagogue, Jesus and His disciples went to Capernaum where Jesus was “at once” (v. 30) made aware that Peter’s mother-in-law had a fever. Being omniscient, Jesus likely already knew about her sickness but allowed His disciples to come to Him with their concern.
• What were the three actions Jesus took after the disciples brought Him their news (v. 31)?
Jesus could have spoken healing over Peter’s mother-in-law from where He was, but He chose to go to her, touch her, and help her get up.
• How does this healing show Jesus’ compassion and love for His people? Explain.
• What does this tell you about His character? His relationship with you?
Although Jesus knows what we need— He still wants us to come to Him—He wants relationship.
• We all have needs and pain. What are some things you’re struggling with right now? Talk honestly with God and ask Him to help you overcome your struggle.
• Think about a specific situation where you needed God’s help or healing and His response strengthened your relationship with Him. What happened? How did you respond? Journal your response.
• In your journal, list a few people you know who are going through a tough time or are enduring sickness. Pray over those people every time you see their names.
In Mark 1:21-28, Jesus spent His day teaching in the synagogue. During that time, a man with an unclean spirit entered the synagogue; Jesus drove out the spirit with a verbal rebuke. The people recognized His authority when He commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. However, in today’s passage, Jesus used His touch to heal Peter’s mother-in-law.
Jesus didn’t just come to heal our pain—He walks through it with us. He wants us to come to Him with our needs.
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