What’s Your Motivation

Posted by Melissa

Have you ever thought something like this: “I can tell this little white lie now. I will ask Jesus to forgive me later”? If you have, did you notice it was easier to lie the next time? Did you start to notice a pattern? Whenever you were in a pinch, you probably found it easier and easier to shoot off another lie.

Read Romans 6:15-18. Look at verse 17.

Do you see Christ just as the Person to ask for forgiveness for a sin you continually choose to repeat? Why or why not?

What do these verses teach you about that kind of attitude?

Why is forgiveness a gift you shouldn’t take for granted?

How does your life show God’s grace is precious? Explain.

Today’s reading says the Romans “obeyed from the heart.” Does that mean that the Romans were afraid of Christ or that they loved Him? Explain.

What’s the reason for your obedience to God? Explain.

The word “pattern” in verse 17 refers to the teaching the Romans received. A pattern is predictable and recurring. If you live by the pattern taught in Scripture, your life will be predictable and consistent. You know you love Christ, and you know how He is calling you to live—and you obey from the heart. That means that the reason you’re obedient to God isn’t because you think you have to, that being “good” will earn you His favor, or that the way to live the Christian life is to follow a bunch of rules. It means that you obey Christ’s commands out of love, recognizing who He is and what He has done for you. When you understand the cost Christ paid to set you free from sin and the depth of His love for you, you simply can’t pursue a life characterized by sin.

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Give Him Control

Posted by Melissa

It’s brand new. Silver! It is the hottest car in town. When you put the top down, people can see that you are the driver of the new car everyone is talking about. You drive slowly down Main Street. Your cousin waves you down. He asks to take your car for a spin. You remember all the cars he has dented the past few months. But he is your cousin. He has your best interests in mind, doesn’t he? You offer him the keys.

“Yeah right!” I hear you say as you read this. But don’t we do that all the time? Offer the keys of our heart to a driver who doesn’t have our best interests in mind?

Read Romans 6:12-14. Look again at verse 12.

What does it mean to let sin rule in your body?

How have you seen this play out in your life?

Do you think that your musical tastes or your movie or Internet habits show who reigns in your life? Why or why not?

When friends hear you talk, whom do they suppose rules your heart? Explain.

In the way you speak to your teachers and parents, is it obvious that Christ rules your heart? Why or why not?

Does Christ reign in your study and work habits? Explain.

Think of your heart as a huge parking garage. There are many cars in it, and each one represents an attitude, an activity, or some other facet of your life. Christ died for you so He can drive each one of these cars. But you may have said to Him, “You can drive this old truck but not this sports car.”

The point? If Jesus isn’t in control of every part of your life, He isn’t your King. That’s what today’s Scripture passage is about. If sin is reigning in your life, Christ isn’t in control. What areas of your life are you withholding from Jesus’ control? Give them to Him today!

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Posted by Melissa

The sunrise this morning took my breath away. Along the horizon there were a few clouds, metallic pink on the backdrop of a pink and yellow sky. A nice cold morning here at camp! The breeze was invigorating. I felt so alive. I knew God was with me.

Read Romans 6:8-11. Notice verse 8.

When do you feel most alive? In nature? With friends? At a worship service?

Are you aware in those moments that God is with you? Why or why not?

Do you think God gives us those moments to remind us of the truth that He is always with us, even when we do not feel Him?

How do you feel knowing God is always with you, living with you?

What does it really mean to live with God?

Are you aware that Christ is with you at school? At the movies? Everywhere? Explain.

How is it that we still are tempted to sin even though we died to sin?

Today’s verse tells us that because we died with Christ to sin He now lives with us. When you live with someone, they know all the very best and the very worst about you. They know what you do and don’t like. They know what buttons to push to make you instantly furious. They know what fills you with happiness.

Christ knows all about you, inside and out, and still loves you thoroughly. As today’s Scripture passage points out, while our sin is the reason for Jesus’ death, we did nothing to bring about the resurrection—yet we get to share in the fruit of it, eternal life. What a miracle! Let that truth sink in today. Live each moment for God!

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Sin Doesn’t Have A Hold On You

Posted by Melissa

When you hear the word slave, what picture pops into your head? I see a poorly clothed man or woman who is skinny, bruised, and ashamed. Hands tied behind the back. Head down. Eyes on the floor. There is no hope and no escape in store for him or her.

Read Romans 6:5-7. Pay attention to verse 6.

What comes to mind when you read the phrase “enslaved to sin”?

Do you believe you have been freed from the slavery of sin? Why or why not?

Did you live yesterday like your old self had been crucified with Christ? Explain.

Is there something you would have done differently yesterday if you had remembered you are no longer a slave to sin?

Do you have a habit that you are unable to break even though you have accepted Christ into your life? If you do, consider asking someone you can trust to help you with it.

How will your life be different today by remembering you are free from sin?

The words “for we know” in our passage (v. 6) today are so important. Often that is the reason we stray back to old, sinful habits: we forget what we know. And when we forget, we act as slaves, helplessly doing what our sinful desires demand. We have to remember what we know! We know that our old selves have been crucified with Christ.

I have a ring a dear friend gave me. I wear it to remind me of what I know. Every time I look at it, I am reminded of whom I belong to and how I should honor Christ with my life. Would a symbol help you remember what you know? What will you choose, and what will it remind you of?

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You Have Been Rescued From Sin

Posted by Melissa

Read Romans 6:1-4.

Finally, after two months, the helicopter spotted you and rescued you from the tiny, forsaken island! Relief flooded you from head to toe. Last night was the first night you spent back in your own bed.

When the morning sun flooded the room, you opened your eyes. Laid out on a chair were new jeans and a T-shirt in your favorite colors and brands. You smiled. As you got up to put them on, you saw in the trash can the tatters that had been your clothes as a castaway. You pulled them out, smelly and torn. You stared at them fondly for a minute. Then you put them on and walked downstairs.

Crazy? Yes! But not as crazy as living in death and defeat after you have received new life in Christ.

Christ has rescued us from sin and given us a new set of clothes to put on each day. When we get up each day, we have a decision to make. We can reach for old tatters (like an old attitude that constantly reminds you that you aren’t worth anything)—or we can reach for the attitude of Christ that reassures us we are significant because He loves us and has rescued us.

Do you have a favorite attitude that you put on each day? What is it? Now think about what attitude Christ would have you wear instead. You have been rescued from that! Live like it today!

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What Does Your Life Say

Posted by Melissa

I know it’s silly, but I have to ask: Does an apple tree bear oranges or a grape vine produce strawberries? The answer is a big, obvious “NO!”

Now let me ask you this. What kinds of fruit should a Christian bear?

Read 1 John 3:4-6. Focus on verse 6.

What is the law being referred to in the passage?

How did John define sin?

Who is the sinless One who was revealed to take away your sins?

What did John mean when he wrote that anyone who sins has not seen God?

In what ways has your life changed since you became a Christian?

Do Christians never sin? Is that what John is trying to say in today’s Scripture passage? Not quite. We may belong to God’s family now, but we’re still in this world. Sooner or later, we’re bound to mess up. But we know for certain that when we became God’s children, we were also freed from sin’s tight grip. Through the Holy Spirit’s power, we can choose to stop sinning and start following Him.

So it is a problem when you can’t (or won’t) stop sinning. Think about it. As God’s child, you’ll genuinely want to leave old, sinful habits behind. Of course that’s not easy—but God knows that. But that’s why He gave you the Holy Spirit. He never expected you to escape from sin in your own strength. Instead, He has provided the way out and the means to stay out. What great love is that!

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You Don’t Have To Measure Up

Posted by Melissa

Think about what it means to be your parents’ child. How are you like your mom or dad? How are you different? How much of your identity is tied up in whose child you are? Why?

Read 1 John 3:1-3 twice, stopping to think about verse 1.

What is the promise found in this passage?

What does it mean to be called a child of God?

Why is it so important that Christians know God loves them unconditionally?

According to these verses, what should your motivation be for becoming pure? Why?

How does being God’s child change the way you look at and treat others?

Nothing beats being God’s child! If you’re a Christian, that’s your identity. Let’s face it, where else can you go to find unconditional love and acceptance but in His arms? He is the Holy God who knows and has made everything. Yet He is willing to take us for His own!

And it doesn’t stop there. In today’s passage, John assured us not only of our identity in God but also of the future that lies waiting for us. And although he doesn’t tell us exactly what it’ll be like, one thing’s for sure: we’re going to be with our Father! That alone should convince you it’s going to be more awesome than anything you can ever imagine!

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He Is Faithful To Forgive

Posted by Melissa

We all make mistakes. You can’t argue with that; it’s a given. I have to confess, however, that I hate owning up to mine. And since I specialize in making mistakes, I have to keep owning up to them over and over again! Sometimes I think I should just hang a sign around my neck, “Yes, I did it. I’m sorry.” Then I won’t have to speak up anymore!

Maybe you know what I’m talking about.

Read 1 John 1:8-10. Read verse 9 out loud.

According to the passage, how do we deceive ourselves?

What did John mean when he wrote that the truth is not in us?

What does this passage tell you about God’s forgiveness?

Why is it important that you recognize your sin and confess it?

What sins do you need to confess to God today? Seek His forgiveness; He’s willing to give it!

Last week we were reminded that we’re liars. In today’s passage, we’re forced to admit that we make a lot of mistakes. Being honest about ourselves can be difficult. All these confessions get us down and make us feel like failures.

Yet we don’t have to stop there. Defeat isn’t for God’s children. Jesus has overcome, and through Him, forgiveness and fresh starts become ours to claim. The point of these verses is that you are a sinner. If you claimed otherwise, you’d be a liar. But God is a God of forgiveness. And if you sincerely ask for forgiveness, He will forgive you. No doubt about that—He promised, and He always keeps His word. It’s what happens afterward that’s up to you. Changing for the better is the mark of true repentance. It’s one of the best ways you can ever thank Him for all He’s done for you.

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Don’t Just Talk

Posted by Melissa

Everybody knows this group of people lie all the time—because they generally get caught in their lies. Who are they?

Here’s a clue: their name begins with a “C.” Celebrities? Yes, but that’s not the group I have in mind. Give up? Try Christians. Yup, we’re guilty, too.

Read 1 John 1:5-7. Concentrate on verse 6.

What was John’s main point in this passage?

What does it mean to walk in the light?

How are you walking in the light? Explain.

Based on John’s description of liars, would you consider yourself one? Explain.

What does walking in darkness look like? Give examples.

In what ways have you lied to yourself and to God?

John wrote that if what we do doesn’t reflect what we say, then we’re liars. If we say we love Christ and obey Him, but our lives say otherwise, we’re lying. Hits close to home, doesn’t it?

See, it’s through your actions that you prove you are God’s child. When your words match what you do, when what you say you believe affects how you live—people have less reason to doubt you and more reason to give God a chance.

It’s tough but true: because we bear His name, everything we do reflects on Him. So if you truly love God, your life will reflect Him. And people will listen when you talk about your faith because they see it in action in your life.

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You Have Been Set Free

Posted by Melissa

Don’t you just love stories about underdogs who fight their way to freedom and end up inspiring others at the same time? It doesn’t matter if it’s real or made up. Such stories never fail to make us smile. And for a little while, life just feels good.

Could it be because it reminds us of our own stories of freedom in Christ? Even though we’re not the heroes of our stories, we win because sin has lost its power over us. We no longer worry about having to be good enough for God.

Read Galatians 4:8-11. Go back and read verse 9 again.

Think about yourself before you knew God. What were you like?

How does knowing God give you freedom?

What could make someone who has been set free go back to his old way of life?

In what areas of your life do you feel the pull to return to old ways of living? Why?

Why was Paul upset about the Galatian Christians observing special times? How could this be a problem?

As a Christian, what are some rules you think you should follow? Why?

Are these rules Scriptural?

The Christian life isn’t supposed to be like writing a paper with a strict rubric to follow. You don’t have to live up to a prescribed set of rules in order to please the Father. Through His grace and in faith, you are given the freedom to grow and be like His Son, Jesus. Paul was writing to people who had accepted Christ, yet had gone back to keeping all the rules and observances of their old religious practice. They had experienced the freedom of Christ through grace and faith and were now making their relationship with Him all about living up to rules. God doesn’t want that from us! Now isn’t that a big relief? Get rid of those rules you cling to and start following Him! He’s set you free. So go and be free!

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