
Posted by Karah

There are many ways that people shine. Maybe you . . .

  • are a stand-out on the tennis court.
  • make people laugh a lot.
  • are really good-looking.
  • are a Little Chief or a Belle
  • get good grades.
  • can sing.
  • get tons of “likes” and comments on Facebook
  • are really nice to everyone.
  • are a leader in your youth group.

Name one thing that makes you stand out. Jot it down below, along with why you think God made you that way.


Now, read Matthew 5:13-16 below. Underline the reason Jesus said we should live committed lives. (Hint: it’s in verse 16!)

13“‘You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.

14‘You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. 15No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.’”

—Matthew 5:13–16

Ask Yourself

What does Jesus’ reason teach you about the purpose of your life? Explain.

How well are you living up to that purpose? Explain your answer.

The Point

There’s the earthly point of the Christian life. When you live to please God, your life will help people in this dark world see God’s glory and give Him praise. Whatever you do—however you stand out—it should be for one purpose: to point people to Jesus.
Take Action

What are three specific things you will do to let your light shine for Jesus this week? Comment below, or in your Journal…

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Posted by Karah

An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory terms, like jumbo shrimp. Match the words below to form oxymorons.

pretty     same     living      act      good

difference     grief     dead     ugly    naturally

Think About It
Read Matthew 5:10-12. How about that for an oxymoron: blessed persecution, blessed insults, and blessed evil? It sounds crazy, and nothing any of us would want to invite. But Jesus said it, so it must be true. Believers pursue God’s way of life even when it runs counter to the things the world considers to be important. Because of this, you will face opposition and persecution, but you will be blessed.

Take Action
Evaluate your life. Is it different from the way the rest of the world lives or do you fit in? Explain. (In your Journal)

Do you act differently at Camp than at home?

If people do insult you and make fun of you because you’re a Christian, is it because you represent Him well or because you judge and antagonize? Explain.

In what area of your life is God calling you to live differently for His glory? What steps will you take to do so this week?

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Be Real

Posted by Karah

Fake diamonds. Fake money. Fake eyelashes. Fake Moustaches (at Camp) Fake Picassos. Fake you?

Read Matthew 5:8-9. In what ways are you sometimes tempted to fake righteousness? It’s something we all struggle with from time to time, but true believers have a deep-seated inward desire to pursue the things of God. God knows your heart—you can’t fake faith with Him. Take some time right now to get real with God. In your journal, write your honest prayer about where you currently stand with Him.

Behind the Story
The religion God’s people had come to know was one of hypocrisy. The religious leaders of the day faked righteousness by doing all sorts of outwardly religious things. They went to church, gave offerings, obeyed the commandments (when people were watching), and even prayed out loud. But their hearts were impure—they were far from God (Matt. 23:25-28).

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Hungry and Thirsty

Posted by Karah

Let’s say you haven’t eaten much in the last few days. You’re extremely hungry and thirsty. What do you want the most and what extreme measures will you take to get it? Think of a few ideas.

When you’re really hungry and thirsty, that’s really all you can think about. And you’ll focus every bit of your energy on finding food or water. If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it.

Now, read Matthew 5:5-7. Ask yourself:

  • What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?
  • Does that describe you? Why or why not?
  • Who in your life is a good example of hungering and thirsting
    for righteousness?

Just the Facts
To hunger and thirst for righteousness means you:

  • rest in the gift of grace, not the goodness of your abilities.
  • make God’s will your purpose all the time, not just on Sundays.
  • depend completely on God, because you know that apart from Him, there’s no righteousness to be found.
  • take each of His commands seriously.
  • make Him your priority because all other passions leave you empty inside.

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee.”
—Saint Augustine

Going Deeper
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentioned righteousness five times. Those references help us better understand what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Check them out:
– Matthew 5:6
– Matthew 5:10
– Matthew 5:20
– Matthew 6:1
– Matthew 6:33

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Poor In Spirit

Posted by Karah

Read Matthew 5:3-4 carefully in your Bible. Then, consider the definitions some of the key words and phrases below.

BLESSED —adjective
endowed with divine favor and protection; those who live with God in heaven.

people who depend only on him (CEV); who realize their spiritual poverty (NCV); those who know there is nothing good in themselves (NLV)

those people who grieve (CEV); when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you (MSG); those who have sorrow (NLV)

The Point
It’s an unavoidable truth: to be a follower of Christ, you must be “poor in spirit” (admit your need for God) and mourn over sin and its consequences. If you don’t, you can’t have a right relationship with God.

What that does and doesn’t mean:

Sin bothers you but doesn’t defeat you.

You’re happy because God is awesome, not because you are.

You are content because heaven is yours, not because your life on earth is so satisfying.

You readily admit your sin—and God’s grace, not legalism, compels you to do so.

Take some time to think over what this verse really means. By the definitions, are you poor in spirit?

Are you someone who grieves over sin? What does it really mean to say you’re blessed today? Pour out your thoughts and feelings to God. Use your journal to record them or your prayer.

• excessive adherence to law or formula
(theology) the doctrine that salvation is gained through good works; the judging of conduct in terms of adherence to precise laws.

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What’s The Attraction?

Posted by Karah

Do you go to church . . .

  • to see your friends?
  • because you think the speaker is cool?
  • to learn about God?
  • because your parents want you to?
  • because the music and media stuff entertains you?
  • to serve others?

    Read Matthew 5:1-2. Ask yourself:

What do these verses tell you about why the disciples came to where Jesus was?

Do you go to church for the same reason? Why or why not?

Do you have a personal relationship with Christ? Explain. If so, how is it challenging or changing you?

Think About It
Today’s Scripture passage describes a huge crowd. In today’s church culture, we’d get so excited. We’d roll out a sweet sound system, set up a stage, bring in a cool worship leader, and put together a PowerPoint presentation complete with info about upcoming events for the big screens. Jesus didn’t operate that way, though. In fact, He did the exact opposite. When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain and sat down. He didn’t have to try to draw people to Him; those who longed to know Truth came to Him and listened. The stuff wasn’t the attraction. Jesus was. Jesus still is.

The Point
True disciples of Christ don’t need to be entertained; they know they need a personal relationship with Him that challenges and changes them. Jesus’ disciples came to Him to be taught, to learn what it means to follow Him. Do you do the same?

Take Action
What are some ways you will spend time with Jesus this week so that He can challenge and change you? Comment a few ideas below, or jot them down In your journal.

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You Are Precious To God

Posted by Karah

“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid therefore; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

—Matthew 10:29–31

Think about it
Read Matthew 10:26-31 in your Bible. Jesus told the disciples that His followers would face opposition as they chose to obey and follow God. So will you. When you do, take Jesus’ advice: don’t be afraid. Trust that you are precious to God, and He is in control.

Take Action
In what ways do you doubt that you are worth much to God? Honestly express those fears to Him today.

In what areas of your life are you facing opposition to really living out your faith? What steps will you take this week to trust those areas to God and actively believe that He is in control?

What are you afraid to turn over to God, fearful that He can’t be trusted or that He will not replace it with something infinitely better? Turn it over to God today!

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What Could Happen If…

Posted by Karah

What could happen if . . .
➤ you break your curfew?
➤ you don’t study for the big test?
➤ you wear flip flops around camp?

In our society, and at camp, there are rules and laws set up to protect us from danger, injury, or pain. We can choose to obey them or ignore them, but there will be consequences.

Read Jeremiah 38:19-23.

What were the choices Jeremiah presented to King Zedekiah?

What were the consequences of each of those choices?

How do you face similar opportunities to obey or disobey God every day? What opportunities have you had today?

Do you think that as Christians, we’re still called to proclaim a similar message when we share the gospel? Why or why not?

The Point
Like King Zedekiah, every person will face a simple choice in their lives: surrender to Christ and gain eternal life, or rebel against Him and face eternity in hell.

Take Action
Have you responded to the gospel? If you have not given Christ control of your life, you are not a Christian and do not have eternal life. Read “Do you really know God?” on page 4 for more information on how to become a Christian.

If you are a Christian, who in your life needs to know about the hope the gospel provides? What steps will you take this week to be God’s ambassador to those who need to hear God’s message of forgiveness?

Going Deeper

Explore the passages below for other models of sharing the gospel:
– Acts 17:16-34
– Colossians 4:5-6
– 1 Peter 3:15

“One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.”

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Behind the Story
Surrender is an interesting word. In Zedekiah’s case, to surrender to the Babylonians was a sign of humility. It would have been a sign of remorse and repentance. If Zedekiah surrendered it would be as if he were admitting on behalf of the entire nation that they had sinned against God and deserved the punishment.

When you surrender your life to Christ, you admit much the same thing. To surrender your life to Jesus is to admit you are a sinner, that only Jesus can save you, and to give Him absolute control of your life.

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Be Bold!

Posted by Karah

A superhero, police officer, and an army ranger. What do all three have in common?

The answer? All three display great courage and boldness. In the movies, superheroes courageously do what everyone else is scared to do. The Army Rangers are elite members of the U.S. Army who have displayed great courage and boldness. Police officers often face difficult situations in which they have to be daring, valiant, and brave.

As Christians, courage and boldness should also be traits in our lives. Read Jeremiah 38:14-18 to learn more. Ask yourself:

How did Jeremiah exhibit courage and boldness in this passage?

What would you have done or said if you had been Jeremiah? Why?

Jeremiah must have felt like he was in a “no-win” situation. When you’ve been in “no-win” situations that called for you to be bold about your faith, what did you do? Why? What did you learn?

It’s easy to say that you’ll be bold for Christ when you’re not in the middle of a “no-win” situation. But Jeremiah proved his trust in God was more than just talk—and when he faced a scary situation, he delivered a message that could probably lead to his execution. Take some time to process that today. In what areas of your life could you use a little more boldness or courage to stand up for Christ? As you think or pray over that, jot down your thoughts and prayers in your journal. Express your fears, concerns, and desire to boldly follow Christ.

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
—Winston Churchill

BOLD— adjective
– (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous
– (of a color or design) having a strong or vivid appearance

– the ability to do something that frightens one
strength in the face of pain or grief

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Posted by Karah

Who’s the most encouraging person in your life? You know, the one who reminds you of what’s really important. The one who lifts you up, prays for you, and sticks by you when you’re suffering or life is just hard. Jot down the first few names that come to mind.

Read Jeremiah 38:7-13. Think through these questions:

In these verses, who stood up for Jeremiah?

Do you think it took courage for Ebed-Melech to stand up for Jeremiah? Why or why not? What risks might he have undertaken in order to help Jeremiah?

Think about a time when you’ve felt defeated or abandoned. Who stood up for you?

Being abandoned at the bottom of a cistern was probably a spiritual low point for Jeremiah. What has been your spiritual low point? Who encouraged you in your faith during that time? What did you learn?

The Point
As a Christian, you don’t have to handle opposition or tough times on your own. In times of trial and suffering, God will provide people, His Word, and His presence to encourage you and lift you up, just like He did for Jeremiah.

Take Action
Look at that list of encouragers you created earlier. Over the next few weeks, find a way to express your appreciation to those people. Write them a Facebook message, send a note, or call them up. Just express your thanks for how they have encouraged you in your faith.

Maybe you’re not the one who’s discouraged or going through a tough time. Who do you know who needs an “Ebed-Melech” in his or her life? What steps will you take to encourage that person this week?

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