2012 Theme Design

Posted by Sharon

Are you getting excited about this summer yet?  It won’t be long till we have campers at camp again!  We’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about our theme for this summer.  We have finally made a decision and it is “The Well”.  The theme verse is John 7:38, “Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” NLT

We are currently trying to think of a design for our theme.  We are having a little trouble so we’d like your help! From now until Friday, February 17th, we will be accepting submissions for the potential theme design.  The person who submits the best design will win $50 to our clothing store this summer.  We may even put that design on our theme shirt!  You can send submissions to rscamps@ridgecrestcamps.com.  Submissions can be drawn by hand, designed on a computer, etc.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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You Have Been Rescued From Sin

Posted by Melissa

Read Romans 6:1-4.

Finally, after two months, the helicopter spotted you and rescued you from the tiny, forsaken island! Relief flooded you from head to toe. Last night was the first night you spent back in your own bed.

When the morning sun flooded the room, you opened your eyes. Laid out on a chair were new jeans and a T-shirt in your favorite colors and brands. You smiled. As you got up to put them on, you saw in the trash can the tatters that had been your clothes as a castaway. You pulled them out, smelly and torn. You stared at them fondly for a minute. Then you put them on and walked downstairs.

Crazy? Yes! But not as crazy as living in death and defeat after you have received new life in Christ.

Christ has rescued us from sin and given us a new set of clothes to put on each day. When we get up each day, we have a decision to make. We can reach for old tatters (like an old attitude that constantly reminds you that you aren’t worth anything)—or we can reach for the attitude of Christ that reassures us we are significant because He loves us and has rescued us.

Do you have a favorite attitude that you put on each day? What is it? Now think about what attitude Christ would have you wear instead. You have been rescued from that! Live like it today!

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Miniature Tanks

Posted by Karah

And so it continues….Miniature tanks.  The game that no one can really figure out. The game that for some reason we find entertaining.  The game that gives the participants a reason to crawl on their hands and knees.  The game that has been played on grass, slip ‘n’ slide, wood decks, and other surfaces. The game that makes participants look, honestly, quite funny.  The game that provides on-lookers a humorous picture.  This game is all of these things, and yet it lives on. Bring on Summer 2012!

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What Does Your Life Say

Posted by Melissa

I know it’s silly, but I have to ask: Does an apple tree bear oranges or a grape vine produce strawberries? The answer is a big, obvious “NO!”

Now let me ask you this. What kinds of fruit should a Christian bear?

Read 1 John 3:4-6. Focus on verse 6.

What is the law being referred to in the passage?

How did John define sin?

Who is the sinless One who was revealed to take away your sins?

What did John mean when he wrote that anyone who sins has not seen God?

In what ways has your life changed since you became a Christian?

Do Christians never sin? Is that what John is trying to say in today’s Scripture passage? Not quite. We may belong to God’s family now, but we’re still in this world. Sooner or later, we’re bound to mess up. But we know for certain that when we became God’s children, we were also freed from sin’s tight grip. Through the Holy Spirit’s power, we can choose to stop sinning and start following Him.

So it is a problem when you can’t (or won’t) stop sinning. Think about it. As God’s child, you’ll genuinely want to leave old, sinful habits behind. Of course that’s not easy—but God knows that. But that’s why He gave you the Holy Spirit. He never expected you to escape from sin in your own strength. Instead, He has provided the way out and the means to stay out. What great love is that!

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These are a few of my favorite things!

Posted by Karah

This blog actually isn’t about MY favorite things, necessarily, though I do enjoy many of the activities mentioned! Here are what some of our 2011 starter camp campers and staff said their favorite things were….It seemed like waterfront activities seemed to win out in this clip! What are some of your favorite things?

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Retro Friday: Go-Karts

Posted by Sharon

Did you know that we had go-karts in camp a long time ago?  For a couple years, you could ride the go-karts as a skill.  The track was located in the riding ring by the barn.  How fun would that be!  You wouldn’t have to go to Fun Depot anymore if you wanted to ride the go-karts!   If you had a chance to ride the go-karts at Crestridge, we’d love to hear some stories!

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Update on The Beehive Construction

Posted by Karah


Since the last update on the Beehive, things are still moving along quite nicely! We have had some rainy days, which doesn’t help the workers out a whole lot, but we have also had some beautiful days, too. I’m sure they are enjoying the warmer temperatures we have been having this week, though! Since our last construction blog, quite a bit has happened. The porch and railings are finished that surround the building. They have also finished putting the green metal roof on – and it looks great! The steps and the ramp up to the porch have been built, as well as the steps up to what will be the Crestridge Museum. The windows and doors have also been installed and look good! Currently the electrician is working inside so we can have some power in The Beehive. Things are going well. We are excited for everyone to see it in person, but until then, hopefully these pictures will give you an idea of what it’s looking like!




For more pictures of the Beehive construction, check our Facebook page.



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2012 Clothing Possibilities

Posted by Sharon

We need your help!  We are currently looking at clothing options for the store this summer.  Instead of just choosing what we think looks good, we want to hear your thoughts.  So, we have a 5 question survey for you.  Please help us out by clicking on the following link to see some designs and choose what you like best!


A special “Thanks” goes to Caroline Knowles for modeling these items!

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You Don’t Have To Measure Up

Posted by Melissa

Think about what it means to be your parents’ child. How are you like your mom or dad? How are you different? How much of your identity is tied up in whose child you are? Why?

Read 1 John 3:1-3 twice, stopping to think about verse 1.

What is the promise found in this passage?

What does it mean to be called a child of God?

Why is it so important that Christians know God loves them unconditionally?

According to these verses, what should your motivation be for becoming pure? Why?

How does being God’s child change the way you look at and treat others?

Nothing beats being God’s child! If you’re a Christian, that’s your identity. Let’s face it, where else can you go to find unconditional love and acceptance but in His arms? He is the Holy God who knows and has made everything. Yet He is willing to take us for His own!

And it doesn’t stop there. In today’s passage, John assured us not only of our identity in God but also of the future that lies waiting for us. And although he doesn’t tell us exactly what it’ll be like, one thing’s for sure: we’re going to be with our Father! That alone should convince you it’s going to be more awesome than anything you can ever imagine!

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Retro Friday: Fill-O-Pillow

Posted by Sharon

“The Crestridge campership program funded by gifts from friends, parents, staffers, and campers makes it possible for girls to attend camp who might not be able to otherwise.  This program was established in 1970 by a family who gives a camper’s fee each year in memory of their daughter.  Twelve to fifteen girls have attended camp each summer since the Fill-O-Pillow program was started.  Our dream is that this fund will grow, and that many more girls will benefit from it.”  This insert is found in the 1973 yearbook from Crestridge.  We have continued the scholarship program through the years.  For the summer of 2012, more than 30 girls will attend Crestridge on scholarship!  It is amazing to see how God has continued to bless Crestridge!  Scholarship funds are still given by friends, parents, staffers, campers, and Camp Crestridge Alumnae and Friends.  During each session, we give the campers an opportunity to give to Fill-O-Pillow at our Sunday morning worship service.  If you would like to learn more about and give to the scholarship fund, please click here.

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