Highlights from 1B 2012
Posted by KarahFeeling the end of Summer blues now that Fall is here? Here are some highlights from 1B to help you transition from Summer into Fall.
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Ragan Is Here!
Posted by KarahI am excited to announce that Ragan has arrived to camp and ready for the year! Ragan is from Waverly, Tennesee and just graduated from Liberty University. This will be her fourth summer at Crestridge. In the past she has served as a Cheyenne counselor and the Cheyenne Village Director. Her favorite thing about camp is making new friends and seeing old ones. After taking this past summer off from camp to spend time in India she is super excited to be at camp all year long and about seeing all of you next summer!
We are so thankful to have Ragan here as our Intern!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Crestridge Intern, Internship, Ragan Story, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
No Pride
Posted by MelissaIt’s the cocky guy who has a “better-than” attitude and pushes you around. It’s the popular girl who wields her power, crushing you when you try to get in her way.
You’ve seen these characters portrayed throughout pop culture in films and books. The reality, though, is that you know people just like them. Pride is at the core of who they are.
Read over Romans 12:13-16, paying close attention to verse 16.
How are you encouraged to treat others—especially those who create conflict with you—in these verses?
What does it mean to pursue hospitality? How will you do so this week?
With whom in your life are you not in agreement? What steps will you take so that you are?
How have you seen your own pride get in the way of resolving a conflict?
In a culture that tells you, “You’re number one in your life, and no one else matters,” pride is quick to jump in the front seat when you’re facing conflict with someone else head-on. In verse 16, Paul says three very important things that are extremely opposite of what you’ve been told:
• Live in harmony.
• Don’t be arrogant.
• Don’t be a know-it-all. Be humble.
Based on that, here’s a new and improved role you can play: drop the pride, take on humility, and reach out to the ones you disagree with. That’s bound to get people talking!
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Romans 12 | Leave a reply
We’re Up to 26
Posted by SharonIt’s official! We are now going to have 26 cabins at Crestridge! Starting this fall, we’ll begin building a new cabin on Cherokee Hill just down from Cherokee 21. Cherokee is the first village to fill up and has long waiting lists for each session. By building this cabin, we’ll now be able to accommodate 60 campers each session in the Cherokee village. We are so thankful for God’s blessings on Crestridge and that He has provided us with the campers to fill another cabin! We’ll keep you posted through the year as we start construction.
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged cabins, Camp Crestridge, Cherokee, Cherokee Hill, Cherokee Village, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Let Love Lead
Posted by MelissaYour family is probably perfect. I’m sure no one ever fights. There’s never any tension. I’ll bet you’re a “Brady Bunch” look-alike, right?
I didn’t think so. None of us look like that. All families are flawed—even Christian families. But what makes a healthy family is that Jesus is the foundation, the love is unconditional, and the forgiveness flows freely.
Read Romans 12:9-12, and zone in on verse 10.
What do these verses teach you about how Christians should treat other believers and non-Christians?
What does it mean to “show family affection” to others?
How can you outdo someone in showing honor?
How often do you display genuine love to those you know? Explain.
What does it mean to be fervent in the spirit? Are you?
How have you rejoiced in hope? Been patient in affliction? Been persistent in prayer?
What did God teach you through those times?
There wasn’t a specific rhyme or reason to Paul’s list of love in Romans 12. But one thing is for sure—he started by making a bold statement. I love how the New Living Translation phrases it: “Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.” What he really means is: don’t be fake; instead, love others like you would your own family. It’s not as easy as it sounds, right? It is easier to avoid the unlovable and dismiss those you don’t like. But here’s what you need to understand: the love Paul talks about isn’t the kind you can produce on your own; rather, it’s the kind that can only come from Jesus and is funneled through you. Stop and ask God to give you that kind of love. Let it be your guide!
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Romans 12 | Leave a reply
2012 Photo Book Now Available
Posted by SharonFor the past several summers, our Photographer has created a photo book as a way to remember the summer in photos! These books can be found in our Crestridge Museum. Our photo book from 2012 is now available. If you would like to view and/or purchase the book, click on the following link – http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=a7f3dbd912273cb7&sid=0AbMXLZw5atmTj4
There are different sizes available which means there are different price options. A special thanks goes to Jackie Long, our 2012 Photographer. She did a great job putting this together!
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Crestridge Museum, Photo Book, Photographer, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Be The Bigger Person
Posted by Melissa“Choose your battles.” You’ve probably heard that before, right? I’ve picked some battles that were totally worth it, and I’ve picked some that have sent me down in flames.
This is what I learned: unless it affects the moral character and integrity of someone or some situation, or unless it has an impact on God’s bigger story of eternity, then it’s probably not worth going to bat for.
Can you think of a disagreement you’ve put on your boxing gloves for? How about something you chose to walk away from? Go through those scenarios again. How could you have done things differently?
Take a look Genesis 13:8-12. Focus in on verses 8-9.
Why do you think Abram took the high road and worked to resolve the conflict quickly?
Do you work to resolve conflicts quickly? Why or why not?
Whom do you identify with more—Abram or Lot?
When you’re faced with a conflict, do you ever choose to be the bigger person? Why or why not?
Are you someone who seems to incite conflict or quell it? Explain.
Plotting out land ownership wasn’t a hill Abram wanted to die on. Even though he was the one in authority, Abram took the high road.
When things get heated, it’s easy to get mixed up in the hype. But being the bigger person is more than just forfeiting and letting the other person win. Abram was able to let it go because he knew God would provide for his future and bless his faith, regardless of the outcome. Do you trust God with the outcome of your conflict? Someone has to be the bigger person in a disagreement and let it go, or it can get ugly—really ugly. Let that person be you.
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Genesis 13, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission. | Leave a reply
How Do You Handle Conflict
Posted by MelissaIn a perfect world, we’d all get along. All the beauty queens who wished for world peace would get it. But since our world is extremely broken, conflict is inevitable. What matters the most is how we handle it—in front of believers and non-believers.
We know this: all people are created differently—with different passions, gifts, personalities, and talents; therefore, disagreements are bound to take place.
As you read through Genesis 13:1-7, what did you notice about Abram and Lot?
They were family. But, even more than that, they were extremely close, having lived and traveled together for a long time. Through poverty and trouble, wanderings and miracles, they were never separated. Not until their meddlesome herdsman started causing trouble did it put a wedge between them.
Whether you’ve known someone for five minutes or your whole life, trouble is bound to show up sooner or later. The question is: will you let it come between you? Will you let conflict drive you apart? Or will you let it go and hand it over to God?
The family of God has a strong bond under the leadership of Jesus. This month, we’ll talk about what Scripture says about conflict, how you should deal with it among believers and non-believers, and what your role is as a peacemaker in Christ’s kingdom.
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Genesis 13, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission. | Leave a reply
Speak Grace
Posted by MelissaHas your knee ever gotten mad at your hand when you got a paper cut on your hand? Has your toe ever been upset with your head when you bumped your head on the car door?
Umm, probably not. Why? Because it simply does not make sense for your body parts to get mad at each other. Yet, believers are the body of Christ, and we often war against one another.
Read Ephesians 4:25-29, reading verse 29 out loud.
According to these verses, why should we speak the truth to one another?
Is it OK for a Christian to be angry? Why or why not?
How should we respond when we get angry?
In the verses that lead up to today’s passage, we are instructed to “put on the new self” (Eph. 4:24). What does that mean, and how does your understanding affect how you understand today’s passage?
Before you say anything, ask yourself these three questions: Is what I am about to say true? Do I really need to say it? Will the people who hear it be encouraged toward Christlikeness or discouraged? If you cannot say yes to all of these questions, you probably should keep your mouth shut. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have to say some difficult things—sometimes people need to be confronted in their sin. However, it does mean that you should do it with an aim of helping them to grow in Christ—not just to point out that they’re wrong.
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Ephesians 4, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission. | Leave a reply
Don’t Be A Stumbling Block
Posted by MelissaI love to watch buildings get demolished. It’s very exciting! You can sit and watch a building being built for an entire day, and the building site will basically look the same at the end of the day as it did that morning. But when a demolition crew takes down a building, it happens fast!
Read Romans 14:13-18. Focus on verse 13.
Describe the stumbling blocks referred to in the text. Can you think of other stumbling blocks?
What does the Bible say that people should stumble over? (Hint: See 1 Cor. 1:23.)
How has someone been a stumbling block to you in your journey of faith? How have you been a stumbling block to someone else? Explain.
Why is it a problem if you know something you’re doing is keeping others from growing in their faith and you choose to keep doing it?
Whom are we serving when we avoid doing something we feel is acceptable before God in order to not be a stumbling block for others? Explain.
I don’t know why I like to watch things being demolished, but I do know that watching lives get demolished is no fun at all. Just like a building, a life can get demolished in a hurry. A careless comment here, a thoughtless remark there, or a “helpful” criticism every so often, and friendships that took years to build can fall apart in an instant. When you are tempted to exercise your “gift” of criticism, don’t. Our task as believers is to encourage and edify each other, not tear each other down. Believe it or not, your criticism can become a stumbling block in another believer’s life that causes his or her spiritual growth to stall or even stop. Don’t spend your time and your words creating pitfalls for other believers. Encourage and speak the truth in love when the Spirit leads you!
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Reprinted from ec magazine. © 2011 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Used by permission., Romans 14 | Leave a reply