Because He Forgives

Posted by Karah


Remove the distractions from around you; turn off the TV, music, and your cell phone. Ask God to prepare you to hear and understand what He has to say in His Word.

Skim over Matthew 18:21-35 and look back on the devotion, “Unconditionally Forgiven” from March 27th to remind yourself about what you learned when you studied the parable of the unforgiving servant. In your journal, jot down the main point of that devotion in your own words.

Dig a little deeper with these questions:

-What does this parable reveal about how God forgives us?

-What does this parable teach you about forgiving others? Explain.

-Now, turn to Ephesians 4:31-32. Answer the questions that follow.

“All bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” —Ephesians 4:31-32

What do these verses have in common with the parable of the unforgiving servant? Explain.

Underline Ephesians 4:32. As a Christian, you have experienced God’s forgiveness for a debt you could never pay. According to these verses, how should that affect the way you interact with others, particularly those who have wronged you?

Why is it so important that forgiveness characterize the lives of believers? How does practicing extravagant forgiveness testify to the truth of the gospel? Explain.


Because you have been forgiven so much, you must forgive others.

Think about the people in your life. Are there people you refuse to forgive because you don’t think they deserve it? If so, write their names in your journal. Take steps to forgive that person today. Let him or her know you want to forgive because God forgave you of a far greater debt.

You may need to ask someone to forgive you. If God has used these verses to bring a person to mind, don’t delay in seeking his or her forgiveness. List your action plan in the margin. You can’t control the person’s response, but you can be obedient to God in seeking forgiveness.

Behind the Story

Paul’s words in Ephesians 4 were written to Christians. Knowing the struggle of living the Christian life, he charged them to put away the things that had characterized their lives before knowing Christ. He challenged Christians to treat one another with kindness and compassion because God had treated them that way. In doing so, the church would be built up and unified. This would help the world to see that Jesus does make a difference.

The Point

Because you have experienced God’s forgiveness, you must forgive others.

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Kingdom Responsibility

Posted by Karah


Prepare your heart and mind to read God’s Word today. Pray, asking God to give you wisdom to apply the truth you learn today as you study Scripture.

Consider the definition of the word steward. What qualities do you think a good steward possesses? What characterizes someone who’s a bad steward? Journal a few thoughts.

Steward (n.)= Someone who looks after or manages something, like property or money.

Read Matthew 25:14-30 in your Bible.

“Immediately the man who had received five talents went, put them to work, and earned five more. In the same way the man with two earned two more. But the man who had received one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master’s money.” —Matthew 25:15b-18

Ask yourself:

Read verses 15-18,24-27 again. According to these verses, what are some characteristics of a good steward? What qualities characterize a bad steward? Explain.

The slave who hid the talent failed to make any kind of investment with what the master had given him, which displayed a lack of commitment to the master. His desire to be safe overrode his desire to please the master.

Has Jesus ever called you to be obedient in a way that would have cost you something? Why is obedience when things don’t make sense a good gauge of your commitment? Explain.

The master gave each slave something in this parable. They didn’t get the same amount, but no one was left out. The same is true of the kingdom of God. God has placed resources in the lives of every believer—talents, skills, gifts, capabilities—and we must be good stewards of all He has given us.


Think about the last few days or weeks and the opportunities you experienced to be obedient or faithful to God. What does your obedience (or disobedience) reveal about your commitment to God? Are you truly willing to follow Him wherever He leads, or only when it makes sense?

Ask God to help you to trust Him entirely and follow Him no matter where He leads, even if it doesn’t make sense or scares you.

In your journal, list some gifts, talents, skills, or capabilities that God has given you. How can you be a good steward of those gifts and use them for God’s glory? Jot down three ideas in your journal. Circle one you’ll focus on this week.

Behind the Story

The parable of the talents calls believers to obey Jesus in all things—even when risk or uncertainty is involved. This does not imply that we are to be foolish or take chances, but rather that we are to be obedient. When God calls us to step out in faith, we are to do so, even if the world thinks that choice is unwise, difficult, or senseless. Faithful obedience to the Lord pleases Him and accomplishes His kingdom purposes. 

The Point

God has given each of us resources to use to build His kingdom. We must be good stewards of all He has given us.

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Spring Cleaning Birthday Party Bash!

Posted by Karah

Spring cleaning at camp means YOU are right around the corner! A few of our staff came up for a weekend to help get camp ready and to celebrate Grace’s Birthday!!!

Here is our checklist and a few pics of the fun we had…

  • Fertilize and seed the upper green-CHECK
  • Clean  out the beehive basement-CHECK
  • Fertilze the plants and flowers with holy tone, rose tone, plant tone and osmocote (ask Grace our new horticulture specialist if you want to know what that stuff is)- CHECK
  • Clean out and organize the Village Director closet of fun-CHECK
  • Prime new cabin signs-CHECK
  • Prime two infirmary bathrooms-CHECK
  • Clean pool- CHECK
  • Celebrate Grace’s birthday on the blue ridge parkway with a picnic- CHECK AND CHECK




Whistle while you work…

Picnic on the Parkway…

You can make chores fun anywhere! What does your Spring Cleaning look like?! 

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Posted by Karah


Find a quiet room where you won’t be distracted. Take a few moments to pray, asking God to prepare you to study His Word today.

Read Luke 18:9-14 in your Bible.

“Two men went up to the temple complex to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. . . . But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest and saying, ‘God, turn Your wrath from me—a sinner!’” —Luke 18:10,13

Read verses 10-14 again. Compare and contrast the hearts and attitudes of the tax collector and Pharisee

Pharisee                                            Tax Collector


The tax collector’s prayer was marked by humility and recognition of his standing (as a sinner) before God. The Pharisee’s prayer was marked by pride, self-righteousness, and judgment of others.

-Whom did Jesus say left justified? Why?

-The Pharisee was a religious leader and the person Jesus’ listeners would have expected to be the hero of the story, especially knowing the Pharisees’ emphasis on moral excellence. Why is it important to recognize that we aren’t justified because of our own goodness or effort, but Jesus’ goodness?


Believers are not self-righteous or prideful, pointing hateful fingers toward sinners and proclaiming they are better than them. Believers recognize their need for Jesus, turn to God in repentance, and urge others to do the same.

Pause to take stock of your life. Which attitude best describes yours: the Pharisee or the tax collector? Confess any sin the Holy Spirit reveals.

In what ways do you struggle with self-righteousness? What steps will you take this week to deal with this?

When are you most tempted to judge others for sinful choices? When that happens this week, think about the depth of your sinfulness and your own need for Christ. Let that realization affect the way you respond to others.

The last few devotions should have helped you to recognize the depth of your sin, your need for Christ, and the overwhelming nature of God’s grace. If you have never placed your faith in Jesus, talk to a parent, someone you trust from church, or a camp counselor about what it means to put your faith in Christ.

Behind the Story

Pharisees were Jewish religious leaders. The name Pharisee means separated ones. They believed that ritual, rules, and separation from common sinners was the way to please God.

Justification n.= Right standing before God, only made possible through Jesus Christ.

The Point

True believers recognize their sinfulness and need for God’s mercy. When we humbly turn to Christ in repentance, He justifies us.

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Unconditionally Forgiven

Posted by Karah


Spend a few moments alone in prayer. Ask God to help you understand the great debt of which He has forgiven you.

Ponder the cost of a luxury car, a year’s tuition to an Ivy League college, or an enormous amount of credit card debt. If you owed that amount of money, how would you feel if someone paid it for you? Jot down a few ideas.

With that in mind, read Matthew 18:21-35 in your Bible.

“Since he had no way to pay it back, his master commanded that he, his wife, his children, and everything he had be sold to pay the debt. At this, the slave fell facedown before him and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you everything!’ Then the master of that slave had compassion, released him, and forgave him the loan.”—Matthew 18:25-27

Think through these questions:

-The debt the first slave was forgiven of was enormous, comparable to several million dollars in today’s currency. Knowing this, what does this parable help you to understand about the debt you owe because of your sin?

The slave was forgiven a debt he never could have repaid, even if he had several lifetimes to earn the money. The scandal of the gospel is that Jesus has done the same thing for us. Our good works, acts of righteousness, and endless efforts could never make up for the debt our sin created. But Jesus laid down His life and offered Himself as the sacrifice so that our debt could be paid.

-How does it make you feel to recognize that Jesus laid down His life to pay your debt? Journal a few thoughts.


While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8). Recognize that you are the debtor and Jesus has forgiven you, taking that burden off of you, not because you deserve it or earned it, but because He loves you.

-If you’re a Christian, ponder the depth of your sin and the great debt Jesus has paid for you. Record your praise in your journal.

-If you are not a believer, read Ephesians 2:8-9 and consider the Gospel. Will you accept God’s gift of grace today?

For further study, read Romans 5:1; Colossians 2:13-14; and Galatians 3:8.

Behind the Story

In the ancient Roman Empire, a talent was the highest known denomination of currency. Likewise, 10,000 was the highest number for which the Greek language had words. Therefore, the parable is meant to stress that this was an enormous debt that the slave had no hope of repaying on his own.

The Point

Salvation is impossible to earn; it can only be given. God has made a way for our salvation through Jesus.

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What a trip to Haiti taught me

Posted by Sharon

I (Sharon) had the opportunity to join a team from my church to spend a week in Arcahaie, Haiti. We just got back and it has been quite the adjustment! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be there and serve alongside the people there. We joined 2 other teams to work with an organization called Poverty Resolutions. Poverty Resolutions has a compound in Arcahaie that helps equip the Haitians to learn valuable skills such as construction, agriculture, business, etc. They also are developing relationships with the families in the community around them to help provide clothes, food and schooling for the kids whose parents cannot provide the funds for those things. Many Haitians live off $1 a day. Think about that! Can you live off a $1 a day? I don’t know that I could. We got to see poverty in it’s truest form. It was a hard thing to see and grasp.

While there, our teams built 2 roofs, started a garden, hosted 4 medical clinics in 3 different communities, visited an orphanage, children’s hospital and provided encouragement to the Poverty Resolutions staff who live on the compound. I mostly helped with the medical clinics but was able to help a little in the other areas as well. I loved playing with the kids in the community and watching them play soccer. The main language there is Creole. I have never spoken Creole before so the language barrier provided it’s own set of challenges. On the last full day, we spent a couple hours at Mother Teresa’s Children’s Hospital in Port au Prince. These children rarely had visitors. They were extremely malnourished and had illnesses that will be hard to recover from. Our goal while we were there was to hold as many of the babies and toddlers as possible. They don’t get the physical touch and attention they need so they were literally crying out for it. Several of us were in tears because we wanted to spend more time there to be able to give more attention to the kids. That was the hardest day, emotionally, to see those kids cry out for attention but also to see those sweet ladies who have given their life to take care of hundreds of kids.

Things I’m still processing:
1. Our younger generations are losing the ability to be creative. These kids have no toys, no electronics, nothing and they laughed, played with each other and love life!
2. I have so much stuff that I don’t need-clothing, books, electronics, kitchen utensils, living space, etc. It makes me appreciate what I have but I also question what I actually need to live.
3 (and the most important). JESUS IS ALL I NEED! If all I had was Jesus and His death and resurrection, I need to be ok with that. That’s all that matters! Silly arguments and disagreements, comparing myself to others, wanting more of something…all that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I accept the gift of Jesus that God has given me and live a life that serves God. Am I using the gifts and abilities He’s given me for His glory or my own? I pray that it will be for His glory!

Another thing I learned is that it’s not realistic for me to come back and expect to sell everything I have and move back to Haiti. Or try to live off a $1 a day here in America. The U.S. is different than Haiti. But I do need to look for opportunities to serve those around me each day and live a life of humility.

I am so thankful for the week I spent there and I hope and pray that I’ll be able to go back! Here are a few pictures from the trip!


When we were in the church service, they sang a campfire song! Can you tell which one it is?!

Campfire Song-Haiti-720

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Two Debtors

Posted by Karah


Find a quiet place free of distractions. Repent of any sin the Holy Spirit brings to mind, then thank God for forgiving you.

Read Luke 7:36-50 in your Bible.

“Jesus replied to him, ‘Simon, I have something to say to you.’

‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘say it.’

‘A creditor had two debtors. One owed 500 denarii, and the other 50. Since they could not pay it back, he graciously forgave them both. So, which of them will love him more?’

Simon answered, ‘I suppose the one he forgave more.’”

Luke 7:40-43


Ponder these questions:

Reread verses 44-46. Compare the woman’s response to Jesus with the Pharisee’s response to Jesus. How are they different?

-The Pharisees knew only God was capable of forgiving sin, yet Jesus forgave the woman’s sins. In doing so, what was Jesus proclaiming about Himself? Why was that so offensive to the Pharisees?

-Skim over the passage once more. Jesus said that the woman’s extravagant gratefulness was proper because she truly recognized that she had been forgiven much. What does her example teach you about how those who have been forgiven by Jesus should live? Explain.


Those who recognize how much they have been forgiven live differently. Love and thankfulness characterize their lives. Do those qualities describe you? Why or why not? If not, what actions will you take to understand the depth of Jesus’ forgiveness and cultivate those characteristics in your life? Record two ideas in your journal.

Evaluate your response to Jesus and His forgiveness. If you’re more like the Pharisees, what needs to change in your life so you can express your gratefulness to Jesus? List two ideas in your journal.

Behind the Story

There is no specific word in Hebrew or Aramaic that means to show gratitude or to thank. Instead, speakers used words like love, praise, bless, and glorify to convey thankfulness or gratitude. Therefore, the phrase “love him more” in verse 42 probably means who was more grateful. The point is that someone who has been forgiven much appreciates it more.

The Point

Our lives testify to the truth of our salvation. The lives of those who have been forgiven much are characterized by love and gratefulness.

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100% Devoted

Posted by Karah


Go somewhere different for your quiet time today. Find a place far away from the TV or computer and turn off your phone and other electronic devices. Focus your heart and mind 100 percent on God and His Word.

While many of Jesus’ parables taught about the kingdom of God, others revealed what following Him actually looks like. Read Luke 10:25-28 in your Bible. As you read, underline any words or phrases that teach you something about what Jesus wants from His followers.


“Just then an expert in the law stood up to test Him, saying, ‘Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’

‘What is written in the law?’ He asked him. ‘How do you read it?’

He answered: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’” —Luke 10:25-27


Ask yourself:

Look at what you underlined in your Bible. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind? Write it in your own words.

-Who in your life is a good example of loving Jesus in this way? Why did you pick him or her? What does that person’s life teach you about following Jesus?

-Read verse 28 again. Jesus said, “Do this.” What did He tell the expert in the law to do in order to inherit eternal life?

-Why does Jesus want His followers to be entirely committed to Him? Explain.


Jesus wasn’t giving His followers a checklist of things they have to do to earn eternal life; He was calling them to submit every bit of their lives and themselves to Him. He wants us to wholeheartedly commit to following Him.

Your relationship with Jesus and commitment to Him should shape your decisions and values. What does your life declare about your commitment to Jesus?

If there is anything in your life that is keeping you from completely following after Jesus and walking in His ways, confess it today. In your journal, jot down your action plan to remove those things from your life.

For further study, read Luke 9:23-24; Luke 14:26-27; and 2 Timothy 3:12.

Behind the Story

In the original language, “Do this” (v. 28) is in the imperative, emphasizing a continual commitment to Christ and the way He has called us to live. The expert of the law wanted to justify works-based salvation, but Jesus said salvation came through love and devotion to God instead of merits or works. How do you see the expert’s attitude toward works-based salvation at work in the world today?

The Point

To follow Jesus means to follow Him with every part of who you are—your entire being.

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We Plant; God Grows

Posted by Karah


Make a list of five things that God does for you daily that you haven’t thanked Him for lately. Thank God for those things and ask Him to forgive you of ungratefulness.

Read Mark 4:26-29 in your Bible.

“The kingdom of God is like this,” He said. “A man scatters seed on the ground; he sleeps and rises—night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows—he doesn’t know how.”—Mark 4:26-27

Ponder these questions:

-What role did the man in the parable play in making the seeds grow? Explain.

A faithful farmer plants seeds. He can water the seeds and try to make sure all the conditions are perfect for their growth and success, but he is powerless to actually cause them to grow.

-If the seed is symbolic of the gospel, what does this parable teach you about the success of the gospel? Explain.

The success of the gospel isn’t dependent on you. Like the sower, you must be faithful to plant the seeds and share the gospel message, but you can’t cause people to place their faith in Jesus. You have to share your hope, but trust God to bring the harvest.

-Why should Christians find it encouraging that we’re not in charge of growing the crops? Explain.


The parable of the growing seed teaches us two things: there will be a harvest (demonstrating God’s faithfulness), and we must be faithful to share the gospel.

In your journal, list the names of people you know have heard the gospel, but have not yet trusted Christ as Savior. Commit to pray for these people on an ongoing basis. Ask God to help you to trust Him to bear fruit in those peoples’ lives, even if trusting Him to do so is difficult.

As a believer, you’re not responsible for how people respond to the gospel, but you are responsible to share it. Pray that God would provide opportunities to share your faith this week. Ask Him to help you be faithful.

You never know how God will use the gospel seeds you plant in others’ lives. Ask God to open your eyes to specific ways to point others to Jesus in your words, actions, and interactions this week. Jot down three ideas in your journal.

For further study of your commission to share the gospel, read Matthew 28:19-20.

Behind the Story

Jesus frequently used agricultural metaphors because His original audience would have been familiar with farming. They could easily relate to and understand the deeper meaning of these stories.

The Point

You are responsible for sharing the gospel, but God is the One who brings the harvest.

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Posted by Karah

Batch 2 of 2017 Staffers is UP! 2017 Staff Bios

Hang on. Wait a minute. Keep reading!

We just wanted to let you in on a little something about this summer’s staff. We have a top secret, staff facebook group, and we are already talking about this summer! We are getting to know each other. And let us tell YOU! They are FUN. They are EXCITED. And GOD is getting them ready for an incredible summer with you! They are looking forward to being silly with you. They are looking forward to sitting and talking about life with you. They are looking forward to sharing God’s word and Jesus with you. But that isn’t the best part…

Do you know what all of that means? That means that GOD is looking forward to making all of this happen because He loves you. Not because you’ve done anything to make Him love you, but because He just loves you because He loves you. Before He planned out this summer and got all of these counselors and staff to get ready for you this summer, He sent HIS ONLY SON for YOU so that you could KNOW HIM NOW!

Moms, Dads, and Campers. Camp and all of the things here and even your amazing counselors do not compare to how great Jesus is and how much He loves you and has sacrificed (If you don’t know what this word means, ask someone! It’s a beautiful word!) to love you. He loves you more than you know. And we can’t wait to share more of that with you! Sometimes life is great fun, and sometimes it’s pretty rough, but one thing is always true. If you know Jesus as your savior, HE IS ALWAYS WITH YOU.

Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

See you so so so soon! Only 94 more days till Session 1!!

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