Samford Staffers Sing for You

Posted by Karah

This past week I was able to travel throughout Mississippi and Alabama in order to recruit some amazing college students to serve on staff for the upcoming summer.  I made stops at Auburn University, Mississippi College, Mississippi State, Samford University, and the University of North Alabama.  Not only did I get to meet some really great people who were interested in camp, but I was also able to reunite and visit with some of our staff from previous summers.  While at Samford we decided to celebrate the time together by enjoying 2 of Crestridge’s favorite pastimes: eating ice cream and singing camp songs while standing on chairs.  Lauren Lunceford, Leanna Cannafax, Brooke Crutchfield, Laura Edwards, Keaghan Glassmyer, Jenn Debrecht, and Taylor Pierce show their Crestridge pride as they sing Kitty Kitty Kitty for all of you.

Join in the fun at home by sharing your favorite camp song with your friends and family in true Crestridge fashion!

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Pick Your Favorite Hat

Posted by Sharon

Hey all you Crestridgers, we need your help!  Every summer we try and come up with some awesome t-shirts, sweatpants, jackets, waterbottles, and other items that you can purchase at the Camp Store.  We love seeing you girls show camp spirit all year round!  Well, this year we want your input.  We are trying to choose a hat for this upcoming summer and have narrowed the field down to 3 choices. 

Option 1- This hat is a more of a street-savvy style that you all can most definitely rock (please know that the UCLA will be replaced with Crestridge):

option 1

Option 2- A fun neon version of the Trucker Hat:

Option 2

Option 3: A basic and simple, yet totally awesome hat:

Option 3

Let us know which one you like the best.  Also, if you have an idea of something you would like to see in Crestridge Store- tell us!  We can’t wait to hear what you think!

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Hate Is a Strong Word

Posted by Phil

Crestridge CampfireGETTING YOUR WISDOM TEETH pulled. Getting ditched by your friends at school or in your cabin. Having your heart ripped out and stomped on by your recent crush. These are definitely situations that you don’t look forward to experiencing. It doesn’t matter if the pain is physical or emotional. We want to avoid it, minimize it, or get rid of it. What is the most painful experience you have had?

Read John 15:18-22. Reflect on verse 18.

What did Jesus say would happen if you follow Him?

Why will the world hate you?

What scares you the most about being persecuted for your faith?

What are some ways you try to avoid persecution?

How can you have hope in the midst of persecution?

Jesus never beat around the bush. He told the disciples straight up what would happen if they followed Him: they would face persecution. When you live a life dedicated to and on fire for Jesus, you can be sure that you will suffer for your faith. The world hates you! (Heartwarming, huh?) It hates you because of whose you are. You see, the world hates Jesus with a passion, and you belong to Him. But He knows what you are going through because He has already experienced it. You can trust Him to give you the strength to endure. Are you looking forward to the pain that following Jesus will bring? Probably not, but you can look forward to the day that Jesus wraps His arms around you and says, “Well done.” Remember: your suffering is only temporary; glory is forever.

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Don’t Be Afraid of Suffering

Posted by Phil

Crestridge Slide“HOW MANY TIMES DO I have to tell you?” “If I had a quarter for every time I told you how to do that, I would be rich.” Do these statements sound familiar? Sometimes we just don’t get it, even though something has been explained to us over and over. It just doesn’t click. What is something you just don’t get?

Read Mark 10:32-40. Read verse 39 aloud.
What did James and John ask Jesus?
What was Jesus’ response?

What cup was Jesus going to drink? (What was going to happen to Him?)

What kind of persecution do followers of Christ experience today?
In what ways have you experienced persecution for following Jesus?

If you were to live more boldly for Jesus, what persecution would you experience?

The disciples—how much they remind me of myself! Jesus had told them very specifically what was going to happen to Him, and their only concern was sharing in His greatness. They wanted to rule beside Him in a place of honor. They didn’t get it! They didn’t get that Jesus was going to be persecuted, suffer, and die. They didn’t get that anyone who boldly follows Jesus will also experience persecution and suffering.

Whenever you wholeheartedly live for Jesus, it will offend the world, and you will suffer for your faith. It’s a guarantee! However you are also guaranteed that Jesus loves you, is with you, and will one day reward your faithfulness. That is something Jesus doesn’t mind telling you over and over again. Make sure you
get it!

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Congratulations to Kayla Jamison-January Winner of Free Store

Posted by Sharon

We have a new Winner!! Kayla Jamison has been a faithful follower of our blog and her enthusiasm has paid off because she is our January Winner!  Kayla will soon be munching on her Snickers bar and washing it down with a refreshing Sprite.  This past summer Kayla was able to be apart of the Chickasaw Village, and her favorite activity was Messy Games!  We can’t wait to see Kayla and everyone else back at camp this summer, and remember if you would like to receive a yummy Free Store in the Mail you have to comment, comment, and comment some more!


trio of smiles Silly Smiles

We choose a winner each month, so be sure to comment all throughout this month and maybe you could be the February Winner.  If chosen, we’ll get your order and send to you a Care Package filled with your choice of goodies!

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Another Snowy Day in Ridgecrest

Posted by Sharon

Once again Jack Frost himself has covered our lovely camp with white snow.  This time we received about 6 inches of the white fluffy stuff and are truly enjoying it to the fullest.  Here are some pictures of your home away from home covered in snow:

 Chapel Creek Cheyenne/Choctaw Steps

 Campfire Area Chip/Chick Playground

Also, even through the cold winter days our construction crews are moving along with enthusiasm.  All of the Cheyenne and Choctaw cabins have their siding up, and the Cherokee cabins are getting their new inside walls.  Cherokee 25 seems like a completely new building with a higher ceiling and open floor plans- these changes are so exciting!  Here are a few pictures to show the updated construction with more to come soon.

Cheyenne 11 Looking down Choctaw Hill Cheyenne 12

New walls in Cherokee 25 Back wall of Cherokee 25

Check in soon for more updates and remember to comment for your chance of winning a Free Store!

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Live By Example

Posted by Melissa

WHAT DO MILEY CYRUS and Kobe Bryant have in common? They are role models for thousands of teens. Girls try and dress like Miley, and boys try and shoot like Kobe. Who wouldn’t want to trade places with them for a day? Just the thought of thousands of fans screaming your name is a rush. With which famous person would you be pumped to trade places?

Read Matthew 20:20-28 and memorize verse 28.
 Who came to Jesus? Why?
 What was Jesus’ response?
What was Jesus’ requirement for greatness?
 How did Jesus model servanthood?
Whom do you have a hard time serving? Why?
How would Jesus want you to serve that person this week?

Mothers want the best for their kids. James and John’s mother was no different. After all, they were some of Jesus’ best friends. Believing Jesus to be the Messiah who would set up an earthly kingdom, she wanted recognition and honor for her boys—yet Jesus told her sons to live as servants.

Jesus’ response was not expected. The most amazing thing about the whole conversation was that Jesus used Himself as a role model. He wasn’t asking His disciples to do anything that He wasn’t doing or going to do, including laying down His own life so that all could be saved. When you are looking for someone to model your life after, don’t look at celebrities. Look at the cross.

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A Friend We’ll Never Forget

Posted by Sharon


The girls of Camp Crestridge lost a special friend yesterday, as Arko our beloved camp dog passed away.  Arko has been the faithful companion of our Summer Director, Marva Rawlings for over 13 years. Our thoughts and prayers reach out to her today.  It’s hard to think about our favorite dog not being there to oversee the 4-square courts, or to allow us some good cuddle time when we need it.  We’ll miss you very much Arko.

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The First Shall Be Last…What?

Posted by Melissa

“AMERICAN IDOL.” “America’s Next Top Model.” Paris Hilton’s “My New BFF.” Whether it’s a singer, model, or best friend, the contestants are all trying to be first, the greatest, the one on top. Unfortunately, many Christians have that same idea. We want to be the one who is recognized, honored, and seen as the best. Many would rather sing on the worship team than scrub toilets at the church or go on a “big” mission trip instead of mowing the lawn of the elderly lady next door. When was the last time you did an act of service that few people knew about?

Read Mark 9:33-37 and ponder verse 35.
What did Jesus ask His disciples?
What were they arguing about?
Why do you think they didn’t want to tell Jesus?
What does verse 35 mean?
What do you think is the hardest part about being a servant?
What is one concrete way you can serve another person this week?

Jesus knew what the disciples were arguing about. He knew it was a heart issue; that’s why He nailed them on it. Jesus turned their thinking upside down and their hearts inside out when He told them that in order to be great, they had to be servants to all.

But the kind of service Jesus is talking about isn’t just a summer mission trip, a work day at church, or a service project at camp. It is a lifestyle. It is putting others’ needs before your own. It is quietly serving your parents, classmates, cabin mates, and that crabby neighbor. This week, instead of looking for ways to get noticed, quietly serve someone and let God notice. It’s the way Jesus lived His life on earth—and He is your example.

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What’s The Most Important Thing?

Posted by Melissa

IT’S SUNDAY, AND YOUR COACH schedules a morning practice. You have Bible study on Wednesday night, and your friends call and invite you to go out for hot wings. The prettiest girl or hottest guy in the school isn’t interested in God but is very interested in you. Your friend has a cell phone at camp and you don’t know whether you should tell your counselor. The scenarios are endless of everyday situations that call for tough choices—choices that boil down to what Jesus wants or what you want. Think about a “Jesus or you” choice that you recently had to make. What made the choice difficult? If you could do it over, would you choose differently?

Read Luke 14:25-35. Stop and think about verse 26.
What relationships did Jesus say could never be more important than Him?
Why do these verses make you feel uncomfortable?
What did Jesus say was the cost of putting others before Him?
What relationships are you tempted to put before Jesus?
What steps do you need to take today to make sure that you are choosing Jesus first in all things?

Jesus isn’t calling you to actually “hate” everyone in your life except Him. You know God’s character and that He would never ask you to do that! What Jesus is saying is that no friend, family member, coach, boss, or boyfriend/girlfriend—absolutely NO ONE (that includes yourself)—is to be more important to you than Him. It’s one thing to say you are a Christian, but if your choices don’t scream “I’m a follower of Jesus!,” then your relationship may only be lip service.

Jesus’ whole point is that following Him costs us. Clearly, He wants us to follow hard after Him with a single-minded focus. When you are willing to pay the price, then you can call yourself a true disciple. Does your life announce to the world that you are His disciple?

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