The Sun is Shining!
Posted by KarahThat’s right you guys, the snow has finally melted away here at camp and spring has arrived. Walking around Crestridge is so nice because the sun is shining, the grass is green, and the creek is just a flowing. We are so excited about Springtime because that means summer is coming soon! Here are a few pictures of camp without snow:
We can hardly wait to for the summertime! Oh, and check back soon to see pictures of Crestridge’s 2010 Clothing.
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Live By Example
Posted by MelissaHAVE YOU ever had to give up something you really wanted? It may have been a toy, money, sports gear or even coming to camp.
For a friend of mine it was boots. We were on a mission trip in a foreign country. Our team had taken extra boots and clothing to give away while we were there. My friend wasn’t planning on giving away his brand new boots, but on our last day in the village, he felt compelled to give them away.
Read Ephesians 5:1-5. Concentrate on verse 2.
What did Paul tell the Ephesians to do?
What does it mean to be an imitator of God?
How can we be a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God?
Verse 2 points out that Jesus is our example. How should this affect our daily lives?
Why should we keep sexual immorality out of our lives?
Why are the things listed in verses 4 and 5 bad?
What does this passage have to do with pursuing a life that reflects well on Christ?
Giving something up is never easy, yet in these verses, we’re called to give ourselves up as offerings to God. Paul wanted believers to understand what it really meant to follow Christ as their example, laying down every moment of their lives in obedience to the Father. To do that, some things simply cannot be a part of our lives. People can’t see God in our lives when our lives are filled with junk. When we live to please God, our lives will be more joyful because we won’t be bogged down by all the weight of sin.
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Ephesians, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Construction Update
Posted by KarahThe sun is shining and camp is finally free of the snow! Don’t get us wrong the winter is a great part of our year, but spring will be arriving soon, and that means summer time is right around the corner. The construction crews are getting busy trying install the rest of the showers and toilets, and things are coming along quickly. All Chippewa cabins have their sinks, showers, and toilets installed, the majority of the Chickasaw cabins do as well. Here’s a couple of shots of these brand new editions:
Be looking for your Crestridge Bear Tracks newsletter, coming in the mail next week. And be sure to comment and enjoy the spring weather!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Crestridge construction, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Sometimes, It Is You
Posted by MelissaPOTENTIAL IS definitely a word we like to throw around. When I hear it, I’m always reminded of a pepper plant I once planted in my garden. The plant was in one of those biodegradable pots, so you could plant the whole thing. I didn’t realize that I was supposed to cut the bottom out so that the roots could continue to grow. That plant never grew to its potential because it was confined. Think about that. The thing is, we’re the same way. If we allow limitations to be put on us, we don’t grow in Christ.
Read Mark 11:22-25. Read verse 25 a few times, slowly.
What was Jesus talking about in these verses? (putting limits on what He can do and unforgiveness)
According to these verses, what happens when we pray believing God can and will answer?
What does it mean to forgive?
How does forgiving someone help you grow in faith?
How have you seen these things keep you from growing in your faith?
What steps do you need to take to actively pursue God’s will in these areas?
Growing in your faith in Christ will give you victory. Once I figured out the problem with that pepper plant, it had already died. It died because it couldn’t get the nourishment it needed to be a successful plant. You and I are in the same situation. When we don’t believe God can or will answer our prayers or refuse to forgive, our faith stagnates and our growth is minimal. But Jesus wants us to flourish. Christ wants us to have a dynamic, growing relationship with Him. What do you need to start pursuing to have that kind of relationship?
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Mark, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Some “Office” Fun
Posted by SharonBefore I get into the “office” fun, Phil and I had the opportunity to go out to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for a couple days to take care of camp business. While we were out there, we got to have dinner with Abby Postma. Abby has been our Videographer for the past 3 summers and also our Intern last year. It was so great to catch up with her and hear what she’s been up to since camp ended. We are praying she’ll be able to return again this summer!
Despite what some of you may think, we have a lot of work to do throughout the year to get ready for the summer. Most of the time we are very busy, but we do take advantage of the amusing things here in the office. Each day, we have at least two dogs in the office, Boone (Phil Berry’s dog) and OJ (Sharon’s dog). Some days, we have an extra visitor, Ezra (Chris Maslin’s dog). We had a few extra sunglasses lying around and wondered what they would like with them on.
Oh the things we will do for a good laugh!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Abby Postma, Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Dogs, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
God Doesn’t Like Fakers
Posted by MelissaI DON’T LIKE PEOPLE WHO act like something or someone they aren’t. Most people call them fakers; the Bible calls them hypocrites. You see it all the time. You know people who try to be something they aren’t. They’re always trying to impress everyone or somehow be better than everyone else. You don’t really like to be around that kind of person. It feels tiring and pointless.
And when you’re absolutely honest with yourself, you’ve been that person at least once in your life.
Read Isaiah 29:13-16 and focus on verse 13.
What did God not like about the way the people were worshiping Him?
Think over the phrases God used, like “man-made rules” and “lip service.” What do those mean? How have you seen them play out in your life?
What are the results when people offer lip service to God?
What do these verses teach you about God’s attitude toward worship?
What are you allowing to distract you from truly worshiping God?
When God spoke through the prophet Isaiah to the Israelites, He didn’t have a lot of good things to say. He told them that they’d made worshiping Him into something meaningless. They did all the right things, but their hearts weren’t in the right place. Outwardly, they looked like perfect followers of God, but it was all fake. They’d watered down faith into a long list of rules. They said all the right things but didn’t mean them.
God doesn’t want us to be fakers—not in our lives or in our worship to Him. But many times, we’re guilty of just that. We can’t see God work if our worship is focused on us and not on Him. He wants us to come to Him with absolute honesty, without hidden motives. He wants to have a relationship with us through Jesus—not watch us follow a long list of rules. Be real with God. Come to Him with honesty when things are going well and when they’re not. Worship Him with every moment of your life, when it’s easy and when it’s not. It’s what He wants.
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Isaiah, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Congratulations to Catherine Brown- February’s Free Store Winner
Posted by KarahThanks to all of you for commenting this past month, your opinions in our Hat Poll was so helpful. This month we want to give a special shout out to Catherine Brown for all of her comments and encouragement! Catherine will be recieving her Free Store of choice: Cheerwine and Sour Punch Straws, this week.
Catherine will be moving up the hill to join the great Chickasaw Village this upcoming summer. Her favorite skill was Crafts, and her favorite staffer was Lizzy Peterson who is returning another summer to lead our Chippewa girls. We hope you enjoy your Free Store Catherine! Remember everytime you comment your name gets entered into that month’s Free Store Drawing, so keep the comments coming- we love hearing from you!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Crestridge Free Store, Free Store, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
Worship Is A Verb
Posted by MelissaWHEN WAS the last time you felt angry because someone’s actions disappointed you? For me it was when my wife and I drove up to our house to discover my car had been stolen. It’s a strange feeling to be angry and hurt at the same time.
Read Mark 11:15-19. Contemplate verse 17.
What was going on that made Jesus angry?
Why would that have made Jesus angry?
How did the priests and scribes respond to Jesus’ actions?
Why were they afraid of Jesus?
Jesus didn’t like the things He saw at the temple that kept people from truly worshiping. What kind of things would He not like in your life?
That day in the temple, it seems clear that Jesus was angry and hurt at the same time. He had walked into the temple—the place where people were supposed to serve the one true God—and found thieves. The money-changers and religious leaders were profiting from the religious traditions of the day. The temple was the one place where worship should have been on full display; and instead, greed was the primary focus.
It must have saddened Jesus to see the people He loved so far from the truth. Yet, we still do the same thing today when we allow barriers to get in the way of true worship. We do it in our daily lives when we let things distract us from focusing on God and in worship services when we text, daydream, or write notes. Are you making God’s house a place of worship or a den of thieves?
Posted in Devotions, Girls | Tagged Camp Crestridge for Girls, Camp Ridgecrest for Boys, Devotion, Mark, Weekly Devotions | Leave a reply
Construction Keeps Moving Forward
Posted by KarahOur construction crews are steadily moving forward and making some major progress on the cabin renovations. The Cherokee cabins all have new walls and ceilings that look absolutely amazing. Having two toilets and two showers in every cabin sure will make things easier then back in the days when the whole Choctaw Village had to share one Bath House. The crews have also started to install the showers into the Chippewa and Chickasaw cabins; changes are happening so quickly! Check out some of the shots of the improvements as well as the saved names section in Cherokee 4.
Hope you’re getting as excited about camp as we are, and remember to comment and let us know what you think!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Crestridge Cabin Renovations, Camp Crestridge for Girls, Crestridge construction, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
If You Belong to Him, You Can’t Hide
Posted by PhilHAVE YOU ever wondered why your nose is the way it is? Or maybe why some men never go bald and others have heads as shiny as bowling balls? Why do some women have high cheekbones and others don’t?
The answer lies in genetics. All the things that make you uniquely you—including those things you hate—were passed down to you from your parents, grandparents, and all those family members who came before them. Your genes help tell the story of who you are and to whom you belong.
Read Galatians 5:19-26 and read verses 22-23 out loud a few times.
What are the works of the flesh?
How have you seen your sinful desires fight against the leading of the Spirit?
According to this passage, what is the fruit of the Spirit?
Which fruit of the Spirit do you struggle with the most to express toward others?
How does the fruit of the Spirit help tell the world about whom you belong to?
What does it mean to “live by the Spirit”?
Take a good look at your life. Where do you see the work of the Spirit? In what areas do you need to let Him have more control? What steps will you take to do so?
When Paul was writing to the Galatian Christians all those years ago, he wanted them to recognize the war going on between their sinful desires and the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. He explained to them (and us) that the fruit in our lives points to whom we belong. If our lives are dictated by the desires of our flesh, as Paul put it, then we aren’t in a relationship with Christ. If we know Jesus and the Spirit of God lives within us, it will be obvious. Our lives will be marked by peace, joy, love, gentleness, and all those other laudable qualities. God’s Word is clear: we must live for Christ or live for the world. We can’t live for both. It’s your life that tells the truth. So, what does your life say?
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