Handle w/ Care

Posted by Phil

When I was in fifth grade, my teacher taught us how to fold the American flag. He was a retired, decorated Marine and had spent time in Vietnam. He loved his country, and he treasured the flag, the symbol of freedom for the United States. He took great pride in teaching us how to keep the flag off the ground, how to fold it perfectly, and how to put it in a case. It wasn’t just any old cloth to him; he would have given his life for it.

Read Numbers 4:4-6,15, concentrating on verse 15b.

What was “the work” of the Kohathites”?

What were they to care for?

What were the curtains and skins of manatees to be used for?

What would happen to the Kohathites if they touched the holy things?

What do these verses teach you about the value God placed on the ark?

What do these verses teach you about the character of God?

God placed high value on the ark of the covenant. Certain people had been instructed by God to handle the ark in a very specific way. God didn’t just tell them to pack it up and go. He was very specific in His instructions. God doesn’t do things haphazardly. He always has an order and a purpose. His ways work to bring honor to Himself and to teach us to value and respect the things of God. The question is, do you?

The Kohathites will come and carry them, but they are not to touch the holy objects or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the tent of meeting.

—Numbers 4:15b

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When you know God, you really worship

Posted by Phil

It used to be rusty. Very rusty, with torn seats and cracked windows. (Almost like an old Camp truck.) But even then, it looked like a million bucks to him. As he stared at the 1967 pickup truck, he remembered back to his childhood when he spent hours riding in it with his grandpa. Those images brought a tear to his eye. He’d spent 10 years restoring that truck to what it looked like the day his grandpa drove it off the car lot, and now, he was proudly driving it to his first car show.

Focus on verse 2 as you read 2 Samuel 6:1-5.

How many men did David gather together out of Israel?

What was the task David gave his men?

What was the name of the ark?

What was the great significance of the ark?

On what did they place the ark?

What does verse 5 say David and his men were doing?

Why was the ark of the covenant considered holy?

What did showing respect to the ark have to do with showing respect to God?

How do you show respect and honor to God with your life?

David recognized the great value of the ark of the covenant. It was the earthly throne of Israel’s God. It wasn’t valuable because it was made of exotic wood or priceless gold, but rather because of the Name attached to it. Think about the man with the truck at the beginning of today’s devotion. That truck was valuable to him because he knew the original owner. It wouldn’t have had such value if it were just any old truck. The ark was valuable to David and his men because the Name of God was attached to it. To respect the ark was to respect God. The point? True worship means knowing the One we worship. It only comes from a relationship with our Holy God.

He and all his troops set out to bring the ark of God from Baale-judah. The ark is called by the Name, the name of Yahweh of Hosts who dwells between the cherubim.
—2 Samuel 6:2

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Seeing God For Who He Is

Posted by Phil

Read Revelation 4:1-11.

A friend of mine recently returned from Haiti. The devastation from the January earthquake was incredible. Buildings, homes, and families were destroyed. No words exist to accurately express how incredibly sad it was to see.

When he returned, people asked me on a daily basis to describe that devastation. With all the words he could muster, he would explain the sadness and doom he had witnessed. He had been there, and still he struggled for the right words to convey all that he had experienced firsthand.

Similarly, it’s hard to understand heaven. Everyone has an idea in mind about what it will be like, but none of us have ever actually been there, so heaven is difficult for us to describe. The Bible gives us a picture of heaven in today’s passage. But even with John’s description, it’s still difficult to grasp exactly what heaven is like.

One thing is very clear, though: the creatures in heaven recognize God for who He is, and their response is to worship Him.

There’s an important lesson in that for us: when we see God for who He is—holy, righteous, powerful, the only One worthy to receive praise—we should respond with worship. When you get even just a tiny glimpse of who God is, it inspires worship. After all, He is “worthy to receive glory and honor and power” because He created all things (Rev. 4:11).

Our Lord and God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You have created all things, and because of Your will they exist and were created. —Revelation 4:11

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A First Look at What’s to Come…

Posted by Karah

Here is a preview of  the off-season contests. We will be uploading a new video at the beginning of every month with an assignment, then you have two weeks to complete the assignment and send your pictures or videos to rhbarnhardt@gmail.com. The off-season crew will then go through your submissions and choose the winners. There is no limit to the number of times you can submit in a month so send as many pictures or videos as you want. Make them funny and creative because the best ones will be put up on the blog! And remember, the winners each month get something from the PRIZE BOX! That can be anything from a free canteen or store to Camp clothes and stickers to gift certificates. So get the creative juices flowing everybody, there’s good stuff coming!

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It’s Not Him. It’s You.

Posted by Melissa

Camp in the Fall THINK ABOUT YOUR LAST bad day. Maybe it started when you got to school and one of your friends said something hurtful. Maybe someone you respected embarrassed you in front of everyone. Maybe everything that could go wrong did. And then, finally, tired of it all, you smarted off to your parents. When confronted about it, you said, “I just had a bad day.”

Does a bad day justify bad behavior? No. But, when we go through trials, it is easy to blame God, get mad at Him, or even justify sinful behavior simply because we’re going through a hard time.

Read James 1:12-15, focusing on verse 13.

What did James mean when he said, “Blessed is a man who endures trials”?

Why do we tend to blame God for bad things that happen?

According to these verses, does God ever tempt us to sin? Explain.

What is the promise in these verses for those who endure trials?

You’ve heard it a bunch over the past few week’s devotions: tough times will come your way. But today’s Scripture passage makes it clear that hard times never justify sinful behavior. In fact, trials never produce sinful behavior. It is our reaction to the trials that can lead us to sin. By blaming God, we are simply trying to justify our sinful actions.

God doesn’t tempt us. And while He doesn’t cause every trial that comes our way, He can use them as an opportunity for our growth.

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Help a Kid Become a Camper

Posted by Phil

Could there be anything better to give than the chance for a child to have a life changing experience at camp? We believe that this is perhaps the best way for you to give your resources. Ridgecrest Summer Camps is committed to continuing to give away about $80,000 in scholarships each year. Currently we receive maybe half that amount in donations. We need to close that gap! Please consider giving so that we can continue to offer financial aid to campers in need.

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Dodgeball is Making a Comeback

Posted by Sharon

As you know Seth, Kathleen and Wayne have been our interns throughout this off season.  They don’t stay at camp 24/7 despite what some of you may think.  They like to get out in the community and participate in random events.  One thing we were apart of this Spring is the Black Mountain Dodgeball League.  We played 1 day a week for 6 weeks and played against other teams made up of Black Mountain citizens.  It was so much fun to get out and feel like we were kids again!  We ended the season with a tournament in which we took some video clips.  Take a look!

We actually never won a game which became a running joke, but it was such a fun season!  We’ll get ’em in the fall!

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Touring Colorado Springs, CO

Posted by Sharon

This past week, Ron, Phil and Sharon attended the Christian Camp and Conference Association’s National Conference in Colorado Springs, CO.  We had the opportunity to attend seminars/sessions and also worship with other camping people.  It was a fun and restful time!  We thought it would be a good idea to give you an idea of what we got to do while we were out there.  Take a look!

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Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by Sharon

It’s that time again; time to eat turkey, stuffing, and all the fixin’s!  We hope you enjoy your time this weekend with your friends and family while you are away from school and work.  Get some rest and take time to thank God for all the ways He has provided for you.  Here’s our way of wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Guinness World Record Speed Stacking Results

Posted by Sharon

As some of you may have read, Ridgecrest Summer Camps was involved in breaking the Guinness World Record for “Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day” this past Thursday, Nov. 12.  Last we saw, there were over 270,000 people signed up to participate.  Well as we were stacking here in the office, we decided to have a competition of our own.  For all of you thinking about what skills to take this summer, you should think about Speed Stacking (aka cup stacking).  Try to beat our times!

We do get work done here in the office as opposed to what some of you may think.  We hope you enjoy the entertainment we try to provide for you!

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