Priority One

Posted by Karah


Listen to the song “Draw Near” (Passion: Even So Come, 2015) as a prayer, inviting God to speak to you today.

Jesus’ experience at the temple revealed more than His wisdom and authority. It also revealed His priority and focus. Read Luke 2:48-52 in your Bible.

“Why were you searching for Me?” He asked them. “Didn’t you know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”

—Luke 2:49

Mary and Joseph had known Jesus was no ordinary child since before His birth, but Scripture’s relative silence about His childhood seems to suggest that it was pretty normal. Now after years of normalcy, Jesus’ divine nature broke in again.

Think through these questions:

Why do you think Mary and Joseph were astonished by Jesus? Explain.

Mull over Jesus’ response to His parents in verse 49. How would you write it in your own words?

What does verse 49 teach you about Jesus’ identity and His understanding of His mission?

Jesus understood that He was God’s Son and that His life should be devoted to the things that mattered to God. As believers, Jesus hasn’t asked us to make Him one of many priorities in our lives. He is to be our priority. He is the lens through which we view everything and the One who shapes our actions, words, relationships—everything in our lives.

Evaluate your life. What are you devoted to? What absorbs most of your thoughts or time? Where do you spend most of your money? What is most important to you? Be honest as you list your thoughts in your journal.

If this examination reveals that something other than God is your primary focus, confess and repent today. Ask God to help you make the necessary changes to center your life on Him.

To learn more about Jesus’ priorities and those of His followers, read Matthew 6:33 and Matthew 22:36-40.

Behind the Story

Jesus’ family didn’t always understand His priorities. In John 7:2-5, His brothers didn’t yet believe in Him or understand what He was about. In Mark 3:21,31-32, His family thought He was crazy and tried to get control of Him. In John 2:1-11, Jesus and His mom didn’t share the same way of thinking.

Regardless of what other people thought, Jesus knew His purpose and would not be distracted from it. What about you? When your priorities revolve around God’s kingdom, even the people closest to you might not understand or agree. What will you do?

The Point

Jesus understood why He had to come and what His priorities were.

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Maddie Paige’s Kitchen

Posted by Sharon

During our travels in Florida, we were reminded of this gem by many of our campers and parents. Did you happen to make this recipe when you got home? Who knew butter could taste so good!

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With Authority

Posted by Karah


Ponder the definition of authority. Before beginning your quiet time, acknowledge Jesus as the sole authority over your life.

Authority n.= The right to give orders and make decisions; power to influence others, especially because of recognized knowledge about something.

Knowing the definition of authority, what kinds of things were you an authority about at 12? What could you talk about with absolute authority? List a few ideas.

At 12, most of us aren’t authorities on much. The same can’t be said of Jesus. Read Luke 2:41-47 in your Bible.

“And all those who heard Him were astounded at His understanding and His answers.” —Luke 2:47

It was common for rabbis to sit in the temple courts and discuss theology with interested listeners. But it was not common for children to take part in those conversations, much less amaze the crowd with their understanding. Ask yourself:

What does this event in Jesus’ earthly life teach you about His wisdom? His authority? Explain.

Why would Jesus have had authority to speak about matters of theological importance, even as a child? Write it in your own words.

How does this event help you to further understand that Jesus was no ordinary man? Explain.


Are you astounded by Jesus’ wisdom and authority or bored and distracted? In your journal, record a prayer, asking God to give you a deep hunger for His and His ways.

Evaluate your life. Are you acknowledging Jesus as the sole authority in your life? If yes, then how?

Even as a Christian, it’s easy to try to be the authority in our own lives. Ask God to reveal any ways you are trying to wrestle control from Him. Confess these things today.

For further study, read Luke 5:21; Matthew 9:34; and Matthew 12:2,14. Why do you think the religious leaders went from being astounded by Jesus when He was a child to hating Him as an adult?

Behind the Story

This is the only incident in Scripture about Jesus’ life between the time He was a small child and His baptism by John (John 3:21-22). Jewish families made the annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. At 12 years of age, this was Jesus’ last Passover before He was considered an adult.

The Point

Jesus could teach with authority because He is the Authority.

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11 Signs You Are A Crestridge Girl Stuck In The Real World

Posted by Karah

1. When you see other girls at school with Chacos, you automatically assume that they are a camp girl.


2. Your room decorations include camp friend pictures, crafts you’ve made in crafts skill, and a Crestridge sweatshirt blanket.

3. Building a campfire for your family night isn’t just as simple as building a fire. There is a technique: brumble briar, bridge, tepee, etc.


4. You have a collection of photos of your counselors from every summer hung up either on your refrigerator or desk.

5. When you see your camp friends outside of camp, it’s better than a Christmas present!


6. When you’re singing happy birthday to a friend or family member, you always insert “in the lake”, despite not having access to any lake close by.

7. Your favorite Christmas present was your Eno hammock, and you can’t wait for the day when you find your personal Eno spot somewhere on your village hill.


8. You frequently feel the need to stand on your chair during meals and sing your village cheer.

9. When you see someone out in public who is wearing a white shirt and green shorts, you wonder why they are dressed for Council of Progress on a Saturday.


10. Your daily wardrobe usually always consists of either a camp t-shirt, camp shorts, camp sweatpants, or a camp hat.

11. You have a countdown of days until camp going on your phone or in your planner from the time you left camp.

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Share the Good News

Posted by Karah


Think about the different ways various people responded to the news that the Messiah had been born. Joyfully thank God for sending His Son to dwell among us so that you could have a relationship with Him.

Think about the older believers in your life, even senior citizens. Who is the best example of what it means to be a godly man or woman? Why? What characteristics does he or she display? Journal a few thoughts below.

Now, read Anna’s story in Luke 2:36-38. A prophetess, Anna had lived a long life and had spent it in service to God. As you read, underline the actions that display Anna’s faithful service to the Lord.

“At that very moment, she came up and began to thank God and to speak about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” —Luke 2:38

Think through the following questions.

Anna’s life was marked by her devotion to God. Her faith and trust in Him shaped  every part of her life. Could the same be said of you? Why or why not?

Anna’s faithfulness wasn’t confined to her actions. When she saw that the Messiah had come, she shared her hope with others. Why is it important that we not only live the gospel, but also talk about it when God gives us opportunities?


Anna saw the Messiah and couldn’t keep the good news to herself. Who in your life needs to hear the gospel? What steps will you take this week to live and speak the gospel into that person’s life? Write two in the margin.

You can choose right now to begin living a life completely devoted to the Lord. What steps will you take to learn more about Him, grow closer to Him, and serve Him? Write a list in your journal.

Consider godly older Christians whose lives have been well lived for the Lord. Pray about asking one of them to mentor you.

Behind the Story

It is very unlikely that Anna could have lived at the temple, because women were not usually allowed to stay in the temple overnight. It’s a phrase meant to stress the idea that she was there all the time, pointing to Anna’s long and single-minded devotion to God.

The Point

Our lives should be marked by devotion to the Lord and a willingness to share the hope we have in Him.

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While we were in Florida…

Posted by Karah

While we were away (in Florida)…







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How great is that!!? We love sharing the seasons we get up here with you! They each bring a different purpose and beauty! Just like our lives with Christ.

The vibrant colors of fall lead to the bare trees, that, for a time, seem bare and dead. But inevitably they set the scene for beautiful views of snow covered mountains. Every year we enjoy the winter but it often feels like the cold and bare trees will never have warmth and life again. And every year, just a few weeks before you all come, so do the bright green buds and flowers and leaves of Spring. And it’s not long before the whole mountain is alive again and thick with color and the smell of the fresh crisp mountain air (and each of YOU)!!!!!!

God tells us in the bible that life is a lot like the seasons. In Ecclesiasties He says that there is a season for everything…”For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

There are ups and downs every day. But along with the expectation of seasons God gives His children two other very good promises…”I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” (Hebrews 13:5) AND, He will help us and use it all for good, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:26-28.

So what? Do you know Jesus as your Savior and Father? Look around at life where you are right now, ask God to help you see the beautiful part of the season you are in. Thank Him for it. And also be encouraged that He will never leave you and that He has plans for you and for His glory that can’t compare to your best dreams! What He promises for His children in Heaven can’t even compare to the greatest day at camp! How nuts is that! It’s gonna be great!

If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior and Father this is what He says to you! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” – John 3:16-17 “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,” -Acts 16:31

We are so thankful for you all and will make you a snow angel the next time the ground gets covered!!!

See you all soon!


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Promised One

Posted by Karah


Quietly sit before God, preparing your heart to meet with Him.

Read Micah 5:2 in your Bible.

“Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; One will come from you to be ruler over Israel for Me. His origin is from antiquity, from eternity.”

—Micah 5:2

Ask yourself:

What two things does this verse reveal about the promised Messiah?

Micah 5:2 declares that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem, while simultaneously pointing to His eternal nature. While the Jews knew what the prophets had said about the coming Messiah, they had been waiting for His arrival for centuries. Knowing this, read Luke 2:1-7 in your Bible.

“While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough—because there was no room for them at the lodging place.”

—Luke 2:1-7

Think through the following questions:

How do these verses reveal that Jesus was the promised Messiah mentioned in Micah 5:2?

Why is it important that the divine Son of God was laid in a manger? What does that communicate about God’s character? About Jesus?


Taken together, Micah 5:2 and Luke 2:1-7 record God’s fulfillment of prophecy and attest to Jesus’ deity and the eternal nature of God’s plan of redemption through Jesus.

Mull over these thoughts: God planned salvation before the foundation of the earth. Long before I existed, God was making a way for me to know Him and spend eternity with Him. Record your response in your journal.

Revel in the humility and humanity of Jesus’ birth. The Holy One of heaven was laid in a lowly manager. Thank God for a Savior willing to set aside the riches He rightfully deserved so that you might be saved.

For further study of Jesus’ eternal nature, read John 1:1-14.

Behind the Story

Notice the mention of Judah in Micah 5:2. In Genesis 49:10, when Jacob blessed his sons, he had pointed to a ruler who would come from among Judah’s descendents. This was partially fulfilled in David’s line, who became monarchs of Israel. But since Jacob also promised a ruler whose reign would never end, his blessing also points to the Messiah who would be born of David’s line. That is why Luke was careful to mention David’s place in the genealogy of Christ.

The Point

The promised Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy.

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How Ridgecrest Summer Camps Has Impacted My Family

Posted by Sharon

My grandfather (Kermit Schmidt) was a Baptist preacher at First Baptist Church, in Tulsa, OK.  In 1959, he and my grandmother put my mother on a train bound for Ridgecrest, NC.  She attended Crestridge for two or three years as a Choctaw and Cherokee, and loves to tell stories about how fearsome Miss Bell was, how they would slide down Choctaw Hill when it rained (because there were no stairs at that time), and how they would sunbathe on the roof of the bathhouse.

Following my mother’s time at Crestridge, I had two other aunts attend, although my grandparents never visited Crestridge.  They had served as Baptist missionaries in Brazil, and had spent some time at the conference center.  I suppose they felt that Crestridge was a safe place for their children, and had a strong faith that Jesus would be a shepherd and watch over all.  Those were certainly different times!

One of my aunts, Peggy Schmidt, became a Belle during her time at Crestridge.  When her younger sister followed her footsteps to attend CC4G, Peggy felt it was so important for someone to be there at closing program, that she herself caught the bus from Oklahoma to North Carolina, to support her younger sister.

Many years later, ironically, I was convinced by a twelve year old friend of mine at my church to try out the camp she had been attending.  Thanks to Cara Pollard, I started at Crestridge in 1984 as a Chickasaw.  I enjoyed my years at camp so much that I returned as a Cherokee counselor in 1992, with Nancy Clare Morgan.  It was one of the best summers of my LIFE!  I still have my four goals in my Bible from various camp years, as to how I wanted to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, and Mentally.

Yet another generation later, in 2007, my mother and I dropped off my seven year old for Starter camp, having no idea what kind of an impact Crestridge would make in her life.  All of Morgan’s best friends are Crestridgers, and they keep in touch throughout the year on Instagram, text messages, email, Snapchat, and any other type of social media.  One New Year’s Eve a few years ago I asked her who she was texting?  It turns out she was texting with her Chickasaw counselor.  What an amazing impression these staffers make on our children.

In addition to Morgan’s experience at Crestridge, my son, Logan, has become a big fan of Camp Ridgecrest.  He looks forward to his time there every summer.  In addition, the fantastic marketing that the camps do on Instagram, Facebook, and snail mail keeps the kids energized and excited all year long.  They participate in various online competitions, look forward to seeing posts about returning counselors, view silly videos that the staff put together during the off-season, read blogs/online Bible studies, and love individualized notes that they receive.

For all of the memories that I hold dear, for those that my children hold dear, for the future memories my children are making at Crestridge and Ridgecrest, and for the part these camps are playing in the Spiritual growth of my children, I am so proud to be able to be a part of the Camp Crestridge Alumnae and Friends Board.  Thank you for this opportunity.  With my feet on the ground and my heart attuned, Crestridge has taught me to always reach for the stars!
– Anne-Britton Arnett
Anne Britton Arnett 1 Anne Britton Arnett

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Speaking Truth

Posted by Karah


Mull over what you’ve learned in this past month’s devotions. Thank God for the gift He has given us in Jesus.

Over the course of the month, you’ve studied how God faithfully prepared the world for the promised Messiah. Even so, Jesus came into a world that doubted God’s faithfulness, questioned Jesus’ identity and purpose, or downright scoffed at His good news of salvation. For a better picture of this, read Acts 13:16-40.

“And we ourselves proclaim to you the good news of the promise that was made to our ancestors. God has fulfilled this for us, their children, by raising up Jesus, as it is written in the second Psalm: You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.” —Acts 13:32-33

While all of the rest of this month’s devotions occurred before Jesus’ birth, this passage happened after His death, resurrection, and ascension. Paul and Barnabas had gone into the synagogue at Antioch to share the good news that Jesus was the Messiah. Ask yourself:

How did Paul tie Jesus to these Old Testament events? How did Paul present Jesus as the Messiah?

Ponder verses 38-39. Paul proclaimed that through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God had provided forgiveness of sin and the only way humanity could be set free from sin. Why is this message still vital today?

Think about the response discussed in verses 40-41. How does the world continue to scoff at the gospel today?


Paul was speaking to a group of people who didn’t want to hear the gospel because it was offensive and revealed hard truths about their sin nature.

Who are the people in your world who have heard the gospel, yet continue to reject Jesus?

How can you be faithful to the truth of the gospel and share it with them this week? Ask God to give the courage and willingness to share and to provide opportunities to do so.

When do you feel most threatened because of your faith? Pray about these situations, asking God to help you remain faithful to the gospel.

For further study of the forgiveness of sin we have in Jesus, read Luke 24:44-49; Acts 2:38-40; and Acts 5:29-32.

Behind the Story

It was Paul and Barnabas’ custom to visit the synagogue first when they arrived in a new city. The synagogue was the center of Jewish life. The people not only worshiped there, but the synagogue also served as the center of education. It was where judicial matters were decided, as well as a social gathering place. Intent on sharing the good news that Jesus was the promised Messiah with the Jews, it was the logical place for Paul and Barnabas to begin their missionary work.

The Point

In a world of scoffers, we must remain faithful to the truth of the gospel no matter what.

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GPS’s and Road Signs

Posted by Karah

4 hours and 7 minutes away from home, driving to a friend’s wedding reception from the ceremony I had just attended I had no phone service to access GPS, and absolutely no clue where to go. So I followed a car out of the church that I thought would be headed to the reception I needed to go to. Five minutes down the road the car I was following pulled into what I’m assuming was their driveway. This was definitely not the reception venue.

I was lost. I’m pretty good directionally, so continuing on, I found the main road using my inner sense of direction.
Where would I go from there? I didn’t know. If I tried to go back to the church everyone might already be gone.
I got to what I thought was the main road and a little white SUV passed with people in it dressed nice. Why would that mean anything? Well, when you’re in the boonies in the middle of nowhere, most people aren’t going to be dressed nice (unless it’s Sunday… It was Saturday). So off I go, following a car I think may be from the wedding I just attended where I only knew the bride and one bridesmaid, therefore leaving me with no one to call nearby for help.

Five more minutes down the road I started praying that I would get service on my phone so my GPS would work. It wasn’t looking good considering I was getting farther and farther away from the “city”. And by “city” I mean the CVS, gas station, Sonic, and Ingles. A few minutes later after I seriously consider just turning around and heading I don’t even know where, I see a sign for the city where I was supposed to be headed for the wedding reception. To be completely honest, I did not even see this as an answer to prayer at this point. I had been praying for my service to come back anyways, not road signs.
Still following the little white, very fast, SUV (which I almost lost several times in the pouring rain and darkness), I was led several turns off the main stretch of road I was on. I REALLY start praying for that phone service now. Around 20 minutes from the time I left the church, that little white SUV pulls into the exact location I was searching for.
I had prayed the entire time, not for the Lord to get me where I needed to go however he wanted to, but for my phone service to come back. God didn’t answer my prayer… Or did he? That is the plot twist.
I always heard growing up that when we ask God for something he answers in 3 ways. No, yes, or wait. At first it was easy for me to think that God didn’t answer my prayer at all. But then I remembered Isaiah 55:8 where it says, “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.”

I didn’t get my phone service back. God DID answer my prayer though, in a way that I did not ask, but in the way that showed how much more he knows than I do.

I needed to get to the reception. Not necessarily by GPS, but I didn’t know that. But you know who did? My own personal Navigator. I didn’t expect to learn anything from losing phone service. But I did.
God’s answers to us can be in unexpected ways. And you know what, God can even answer prayers before we even ask them! Isaiah 65:24 says it best: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” It really wasn’t until several hours later when I was talking to my dad on the phone that I even realized the lesson I was learning. To be completely honest I called him to tell him about my “traumatic” experience of being lost in the middle of nowhere.

So, this week as you go about your regular routine, take notice of the ways that the Lord has, is, and will answer your prayers. They may come in the most unexpected ways.

Mountain view

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