11 Signs You Are A Crestridge Girl Stuck In The Real World
Posted by Karah1. When you see other girls at school with Chacos, you automatically assume that they are a camp girl.
2. Your room decorations include camp friend pictures, crafts you’ve made in crafts skill, and a Crestridge sweatshirt blanket.
3. Building a campfire for your family night isn’t just as simple as building a fire. There is a technique: brumble briar, bridge, tepee, etc.
4. You have a collection of photos of your counselors from every summer hung up either on your refrigerator or desk.
5. When you see your camp friends outside of camp, it’s better than a Christmas present!
6. When you’re singing happy birthday to a friend or family member, you always insert “in the lake”, despite not having access to any lake close by.
7. Your favorite Christmas present was your Eno hammock, and you can’t wait for the day when you find your personal Eno spot somewhere on your village hill.
8. You frequently feel the need to stand on your chair during meals and sing your village cheer.
9. When you see someone out in public who is wearing a white shirt and green shorts, you wonder why they are dressed for Council of Progress on a Saturday.
10. Your daily wardrobe usually always consists of either a camp t-shirt, camp shorts, camp sweatpants, or a camp hat.
11. You have a countdown of days until camp going on your phone or in your planner from the time you left camp.
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Campfire, Chacos, Crestridge, Eno, friends, Summer | Leave a reply
While we were in Florida…
Posted by KarahWhile we were away (in Florida)…
How great is that!!? We love sharing the seasons we get up here with you! They each bring a different purpose and beauty! Just like our lives with Christ.
The vibrant colors of fall lead to the bare trees, that, for a time, seem bare and dead. But inevitably they set the scene for beautiful views of snow covered mountains. Every year we enjoy the winter but it often feels like the cold and bare trees will never have warmth and life again. And every year, just a few weeks before you all come, so do the bright green buds and flowers and leaves of Spring. And it’s not long before the whole mountain is alive again and thick with color and the smell of the fresh crisp mountain air (and each of YOU)!!!!!!
God tells us in the bible that life is a lot like the seasons. In Ecclesiasties He says that there is a season for everything…”For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
There are ups and downs every day. But along with the expectation of seasons God gives His children two other very good promises…”I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” (Hebrews 13:5) AND, He will help us and use it all for good, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:26-28.
So what? Do you know Jesus as your Savior and Father? Look around at life where you are right now, ask God to help you see the beautiful part of the season you are in. Thank Him for it. And also be encouraged that He will never leave you and that He has plans for you and for His glory that can’t compare to your best dreams! What He promises for His children in Heaven can’t even compare to the greatest day at camp! How nuts is that! It’s gonna be great!
If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior and Father this is what He says to you! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” – John 3:16-17 “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved,” -Acts 16:31
We are so thankful for you all and will make you a snow angel the next time the ground gets covered!!!
See you all soon!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Crestridge, Florida, Jesus, North Carolina, Promises, Seasons, snow | Leave a reply
How Ridgecrest Summer Camps Has Impacted My Family
Posted by SharonMy grandfather (Kermit Schmidt) was a Baptist preacher at First Baptist Church, in Tulsa, OK. In 1959, he and my grandmother put my mother on a train bound for Ridgecrest, NC. She attended Crestridge for two or three years as a Choctaw and Cherokee, and loves to tell stories about how fearsome Miss Bell was, how they would slide down Choctaw Hill when it rained (because there were no stairs at that time), and how they would sunbathe on the roof of the bathhouse.
Following my mother’s time at Crestridge, I had two other aunts attend, although my grandparents never visited Crestridge. They had served as Baptist missionaries in Brazil, and had spent some time at the conference center. I suppose they felt that Crestridge was a safe place for their children, and had a strong faith that Jesus would be a shepherd and watch over all. Those were certainly different times!
One of my aunts, Peggy Schmidt, became a Belle during her time at Crestridge. When her younger sister followed her footsteps to attend CC4G, Peggy felt it was so important for someone to be there at closing program, that she herself caught the bus from Oklahoma to North Carolina, to support her younger sister.
Many years later, ironically, I was convinced by a twelve year old friend of mine at my church to try out the camp she had been attending. Thanks to Cara Pollard, I started at Crestridge in 1984 as a Chickasaw. I enjoyed my years at camp so much that I returned as a Cherokee counselor in 1992, with Nancy Clare Morgan. It was one of the best summers of my LIFE! I still have my four goals in my Bible from various camp years, as to how I wanted to grow Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, and Mentally.
Yet another generation later, in 2007, my mother and I dropped off my seven year old for Starter camp, having no idea what kind of an impact Crestridge would make in her life. All of Morgan’s best friends are Crestridgers, and they keep in touch throughout the year on Instagram, text messages, email, Snapchat, and any other type of social media. One New Year’s Eve a few years ago I asked her who she was texting? It turns out she was texting with her Chickasaw counselor. What an amazing impression these staffers make on our children.
In addition to Morgan’s experience at Crestridge, my son, Logan, has become a big fan of Camp Ridgecrest. He looks forward to his time there every summer. In addition, the fantastic marketing that the camps do on Instagram, Facebook, and snail mail keeps the kids energized and excited all year long. They participate in various online competitions, look forward to seeing posts about returning counselors, view silly videos that the staff put together during the off-season, read blogs/online Bible studies, and love individualized notes that they receive.
For all of the memories that I hold dear, for those that my children hold dear, for the future memories my children are making at Crestridge and Ridgecrest, and for the part these camps are playing in the Spiritual growth of my children, I am so proud to be able to be a part of the Camp Crestridge Alumnae and Friends Board. Thank you for this opportunity. With my feet on the ground and my heart attuned, Crestridge has taught me to always reach for the stars!
– Anne-Britton Arnett
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Anne Britton Arnett, Belle, CCAF, Crestridge, Memories, ridgecrest, Social Media | Leave a reply
GPS’s and Road Signs
Posted by Karah4 hours and 7 minutes away from home, driving to a friend’s wedding reception from the ceremony I had just attended I had no phone service to access GPS, and absolutely no clue where to go. So I followed a car out of the church that I thought would be headed to the reception I needed to go to. Five minutes down the road the car I was following pulled into what I’m assuming was their driveway. This was definitely not the reception venue.
I was lost. I’m pretty good directionally, so continuing on, I found the main road using my inner sense of direction.
Where would I go from there? I didn’t know. If I tried to go back to the church everyone might already be gone.
I got to what I thought was the main road and a little white SUV passed with people in it dressed nice. Why would that mean anything? Well, when you’re in the boonies in the middle of nowhere, most people aren’t going to be dressed nice (unless it’s Sunday… It was Saturday). So off I go, following a car I think may be from the wedding I just attended where I only knew the bride and one bridesmaid, therefore leaving me with no one to call nearby for help.
Five more minutes down the road I started praying that I would get service on my phone so my GPS would work. It wasn’t looking good considering I was getting farther and farther away from the “city”. And by “city” I mean the CVS, gas station, Sonic, and Ingles. A few minutes later after I seriously consider just turning around and heading I don’t even know where, I see a sign for the city where I was supposed to be headed for the wedding reception. To be completely honest, I did not even see this as an answer to prayer at this point. I had been praying for my service to come back anyways, not road signs.
Still following the little white, very fast, SUV (which I almost lost several times in the pouring rain and darkness), I was led several turns off the main stretch of road I was on. I REALLY start praying for that phone service now. Around 20 minutes from the time I left the church, that little white SUV pulls into the exact location I was searching for.
I had prayed the entire time, not for the Lord to get me where I needed to go however he wanted to, but for my phone service to come back. God didn’t answer my prayer… Or did he? That is the plot twist.
I always heard growing up that when we ask God for something he answers in 3 ways. No, yes, or wait. At first it was easy for me to think that God didn’t answer my prayer at all. But then I remembered Isaiah 55:8 where it says, “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.”
I didn’t get my phone service back. God DID answer my prayer though, in a way that I did not ask, but in the way that showed how much more he knows than I do.
I needed to get to the reception. Not necessarily by GPS, but I didn’t know that. But you know who did? My own personal Navigator. I didn’t expect to learn anything from losing phone service. But I did.
God’s answers to us can be in unexpected ways. And you know what, God can even answer prayers before we even ask them! Isaiah 65:24 says it best: “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” It really wasn’t until several hours later when I was talking to my dad on the phone that I even realized the lesson I was learning. To be completely honest I called him to tell him about my “traumatic” experience of being lost in the middle of nowhere.
So, this week as you go about your regular routine, take notice of the ways that the Lord has, is, and will answer your prayers. They may come in the most unexpected ways.
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged answered prayers, Isaiah 55:8, Isaiah 65:24, lost, Navigator, road signs | Leave a reply
Hey from your 2015 Village Directors!
Posted by KarahCampers!!! You know when Christmas is over and you’re just missin camp a bit and wishing and hopin for a little note from someone you love from camp?! Well, your Village Directors have been missin you too and wanted to say hey!
Hey Chips! I miss you all SO much and hope you are all having a fantastic year at school. Make a new friend and convince her to come to camp with you this summer! Stay warm in this chilly weather and try to convince your parents to let you roast s’more over a fire (: Then, start counting down the days until you can go on the zipline and blob again; it’ll be here before you know it. I love each of you very much and am praying for ya!
Joyfully, Lexi Kuck
Hey sweet Chickasaws, I hope y’all are doing so well & have had a school year full of Gods joy & perseverance to do your best! My pray for you all as school is half way done and you can see summer SOON approaching, is you continue to wait on the Lord, find your courage in Him and He will give you strength! Big hugs to all you sweet Chicks!!
In Him, Sara Hunt
Hey my little creeks!!!!!!!! I miss you all so much and can’t wait to see each and every one of you back at camp this next summer hopefully!!!! Y’all made my summer so wonderful and I am so grateful for all of you!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with endless pancakes and happiness like at Crestridge!! Yay!!!!!! See you soon!! Creeky creeky- SPLISH SPLASH
Love, Sarah Story
Hey Cheyennes! Your counselors and I miss you so much and hope you are staying warm in these winter months! I hope you have the chance to think back over our time at camp, but don’t forget that you can seek out the ways of Christ at home too!
Love, Caroline and your counselors
Hey all you Catawbas!!! (aka catawBAES)
Man oh man do I miss you guys- and I know your counselors do too! I had the best summer getting to know each of your hearts and growing along side you as we learned about The Lord together. You each hold such a special place in my heart and I think about how stellar this past summer was ALL the time (especially when I’m trying to do homework haha). Praying that you are all having an awesome year at school and applying all you learned at camp, at home. I can’t wait to give each of you the biggest hug this coming summer when I see you getting off that bus!
With all my heart, Haylee
Hey Choctaws!! Thanks for letting me spend the summer with you. You were all so much fun to hang with, and I miss village activities and catching you take 20 apples from the dining hall and seeing you blob your friends and cheer louder than the other villages. Remember that one time that… well, that’s only for Choctaw eyes, and you never know who will see these things. But think about the good times we had and all the things we learned about God, life, and love. Keep those things wrapped up tightly in your heart, but don’t be afraid to share them as well. I love you and miss you with a “Choctaw sleepover” kind of crazy love, but that love doesn’t match God’s love for you, so I’ll let Him love you and hang with you. Hope to see you summer 2k16! From the East to the West, you’re still the best.
Love, Rachel
Hey sweet Cherokees! I don’t know about y’all but it is pretty cold right about now. I’m daydreaming of those times on the ridge by the fire when we would be singing songs and sharing in God’s word and it’s keeping me pretty warm! Don’t forget to seek God’s truth each day and be a light to those around you. Miss you all dearly!
Love, Meredith #Geredith 😉
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camper, Caroline Dodd, Catawba, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Creek, Haylee Shirley, Lexi Kuck, Meredith Gaffney, Rachel Witbeck, Sara Hunt, Sarah Story, Village Directors | Leave a reply
Our Favorite Memories with Marva
Posted by SharonAs you may know, the infamous Marvelous Marva will not be returning to camp this summer. We are all going to miss her SO much but we know that God will continue to do incredible things at camp and use Marva in different ways for His glory. Here in the office, we’ve been reminiscing on the good ole times and our favorite memories with Marva. What are your favorite memories with/of Marva?
“The first time I felt like I really got to know Marva was when I got to help her write the skit for the Chronicles of Narnia themed Sockwar. There were several of us in her office and we stayed up late into the night laughing, goofing off and finishing the story. I will never forget that moment!” – Sharon
“Every time Marva and Hobo were sitting on the porch curing homesickness one camper at a time.” – Katie
“Marva means so much to me, especially last summer as I transitioned into a completely new position as her assistant. Marva is absolutely hilarious and I think we maybe laughed more with each other than we talked. I remember on one of our Chippewa adventures together when we went into downtown Black Mountain with around 30 Chippewas to play in the water fountain and it started pouring rain. Marva did not let that “rain on her parade”. We played in the fountain with those Chippewas like it was sunny and 100 degrees outside.” – Maddie
“Since her birthday is during the summer, one time about 8 of us took cardboard boxes and turned them into birthday presents. Before she came down to the Bear Trap on her birthday, we hid in her office so we could surprise her. I’m not sure what she thought but those were probably the biggest presents she ever received!” – Sharon
“The times when Marva would come to staff meeting with her clip board and encourage the staff with all of the great things we were doing and challenge us in the things we could do better. ” – Katie
“I think Marva had a thing with water…specifically in making me get soaking wet. Another time in Chippewa adventure all the girls got on teams and made forts that they had to protect from water balloons, Marva made me make my own fort, and then proceeded to encourage all the Chippewas to attack only my fort. Needless to say, I went into lunch a little soggy that day.” – Maddie
“The many mornings you picked up trash outside of the Dining Hall and cleaned up around the benches. You took time to serve camp and were so humble about it.” – Sharon
“The time when Marva came on stage to do the Trekker/Belle Ceremony and her face was covered in war paint because she had just fearlessly lead the Chippewas on a wonderful adventure!” – Katie
“Marva and I had this fake spider that we used to hide in each others stuff. I hid it in Marva’s desk and she found it, so the ball was in her court. I didn’t see it for a while so I forgot about it. I found it in my water bottle. It had been in there for 3 days without me noticing.” – Maddie
“We were at her house for a planning weekend one Spring and we took the dogs on a walk in the woods around her house. I can’t remember every detail we talked about but just hiking with our dogs is a great memory!” – Sharon
“Every morning when she would introduce another sweet camper and lead prayer and a verse at breakfast.” – Katie
“The times (all of them) during Night of Chaos when Marva had me jump in the mud, dive into a freezing cold pool of water, and the hardest of all…not laugh when campers are being silly 2 inches from my face.” – Katie
“The time when Marva used to pick out all my outfits for me for camp wide activities.” – Maddie
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Campers, Crestridge, Katie Greenwell, Maddie Michaud, Marva Rawlings, Memories, Night of Chaos, Sharon Aylestock | Leave a reply
We’re going to Disney World
Posted by SharonMark your calendars for Saturday, Jan. 23rd…we’re going to Disney World! Katie, Karah, Maddie and Sharon will be waiting inside the gate at Magic Kingdom from 9AM-9:15AM for those of you who would like join us in the park. At 9:15AM, we’ll start our journey in the 2nd happiest place on earth (Crestridge being the 1st, of course!). If you have questions or need to get in touch with us on the day we are in the park, please email
Very Important, PLEASE READ:
We want to be clear in what our plans are for the day. We will not be supervising campers. We would love to see campers, spend time with them and go on rides with them, but we cannot be responsible for them and keeping track of them throughout the day. If a camper is dropped off at the park, we cannot be held responsible for any injured or missing campers. This is not an officially sponsored Camp Crestridge event. Those who come will be responsible for transportation to and from home, covering the cost of their own ticket along with meals while they are in the park. We are so excited to enjoy the park and we hope to see you there!
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Campers, Crestridge, Disney, Disney World, Karah Helton, Katie Greenwell, Maddie Michaud, Sharon Aylestock | Leave a reply
Shout Out from Dr. Rainer, President of LifeWay
Posted by PhilCheck out this video of Dr. Rainer, the President of LifeWay Christian Resources, giving Camp Ridgecrest and Camp Crestridge a shout out. It’s cool to hear other people who are as excited about what is happening at the Camps. Watch this short clip…
Posted in News | Tagged Camp Crestridge, Camp Ridgecrest, Christian Camping, Dr. Rainer, LifeWay, Ridgecrest Summer Camps | Leave a reply
A letter from Janie
Posted by SharonDear Crestridge family,
Thirty four years ago when I arrived at Camp Crestridge, I had no idea what God’s plan was for me then. All I knew was that this place is where I was supposed to be. I did not know in 1981 when I drove into camp and met another girl named Marva Rawlings that God’s plan was for me and for her to be a huge part of this “holy ground” for 34 years. I am blessed that I have been allowed to be a servant for Him. My sweet mom, Lucille, always told me that it was the greatest mission field that anyone could have the honor to serve in. I agree totally.
So, I write this to share that a hard and prayerful decision has been made that I need to do as Marva has done and let go of my duties at Camp Crestridge. I knew this day would inevitably come. Camp has been my security and my love. I have met thousands of campers, parents, and staff. Each one of you has made a difference in my life. The part He wrote for me led me down a path of service, sacrifice, sweet and special moments and people that I will cherish forever. The connections that I have made because of Camp Crestridge and Camp Ridgecrest have affected every part of my life. The Godly women and men that were part of His plan for me have become lifelong friends and family.
There are so many of you that if I start naming names, then I will forget someone. Each of you knows who you are and I will cherish you always. I hope we can still have those moments. I am still here, just not at camp. I will name Johnnie Armstrong, Judye MacMillan, and Marva Rawlings. I have learned so much from each of you…lessons that I have used in the “real world” of my life. You were and are great friends, mentors, and role models that will never be duplicated. And, for all of those wonderful Chehoapek opportunities, thank you! I wish all of you many more.
Please be in touch. I am still here. I have also discovered that God’s plan for me does not stop at camp. There are new adventures and opportunities that have been presented and offered to me. I am excited to see His continued plan. Thank you God for such an incredible part that you have written and continue to write for me.
GLYSDI, (for those that do not speak camp, that is God loves you and so do I)
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Administrative Director, Crestridge, Janie Belue | Leave a reply
A letter from Marva
Posted by SharonEach year, as the opening of Camp Crestridge has approached, I’ve written a letter to the incoming summer staff introducing myself. Over the years, those introductory letters have helped to ground me before I entered the gates of camp. This year, I write a different letter. After much prayer and consideration, I recently met with my friend and supervisor, Ron Springs, to let him know that it was time for me to step down as the Summer Director of Camp Crestridge.
As it says in Ecclesiastes 3,
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance.
A dear friend of mine upon hearing of my decision sent me the following note:
“Odd isn’t it, how important decisions in our lives are unheralded, no trumpets sounding, just the ordinary, familiar cadence of minutes passing.”
She also perfectly described how I felt each year as I arrived at camp:
“I could exhale coming through the gates, knowing that the same faces would greet me, same arms would embrace me, same authority figures would hold me accountable, same Jesus would meet me in that familiar space and place.”
I will forever love and cherish memories of my time at camp and will be indebted to Coach Peggy Birmingham for introducing me to Camp Crestridge, and to Johnnie Armstrong for mentoring me once I got there. These women laid the ground work for my 32 life changing summers at Crestridge.
And as Hobo said in one of those introductory letters,
“See you soon and let’s go on a hike”.
With a thankful heart,
Posted in Girls, News | Tagged Crestridge, Marva Rawlings, Ridgecrest Summer Camps, Summer Director | Leave a reply