Dodgeball is Making a Comeback

Posted by Sharon

As you know Seth, Kathleen and Wayne have been our interns throughout this off season.  They don’t stay at camp 24/7 despite what some of you may think.  They like to get out in the community and participate in random events.  One thing we were apart of this Spring is the Black Mountain Dodgeball League.  We played 1 day a week for 6 weeks and played against other teams made up of Black Mountain citizens.  It was so much fun to get out and feel like we were kids again!  We ended the season with a tournament in which we took some video clips.  Take a look!

We actually never won a game which became a running joke, but it was such a fun season!  We’ll get ’em in the fall!

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Oh, Wise One

Posted by Melissa

Mountians around CampYOU CAN’T BELIEVE your friend talked to you like that. It would be easy to call him or her unreasonable, demanding, and selfish. Maybe it was over a game of 4 square, or even a disagreement during cabin clean-up. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you don’t want your friend to get the last word. You could also do the opposite and apologize. But if you do that, are you backing down, giving in, and letting him or her win? Why should you do that? How would you handle this situation?

Read James 3:13-18. Study verse 17.

What are the characteristics of wisdom from above?

What are the good fruits of wisdom?

How do we develop godly wisdom?

Are there times when we shouldn’t comply or show mercy?

Is it possible to avoid favoritism in all situations?

How do you define wisdom? Some would say that if you make a lot of money you must be wise. Others would say that if you are in a powerful position in government, you are probably very wise. Few people look at how others achieve success. They only see the end result.

In James we learn about another kind of wisdom—godly wisdom. People with this kind of wisdom are known for being peaceful, merciful, and treating everyone with respect. They always put others first. They’re known for their gentleness, and their lives are orderly and full of good, godly things, not favoritism or hypocrisy.

What kind of wisdom do you want to have? Earthly wisdom is temporary, but with God’s wisdom, you can make an eternal difference in your life and in the lives of others.

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God Really Does Look at The Heart

Posted by Melissa

Cookout at Camp RidgecrestYOU’RE LOOKING AT YOUR WATCH. The speaker in the school assembly is going on and on. Somehow, you feel like the speaker just loves to hear himself talk. It reminds you of the last concert you attended. The outfit the singer wore was so weird! It’s obvious when someone wants to be the center of attention. Does this ever happen at church? Or what about Camp?

Read Mark 12:38-40. Pay attention to verse 40.

Why did Jesus warn against scribes in the marketplace?

Is it wrong for religious leaders to seek recognition? Explain.

What did Jesus mean when He said that scribes “devour widows’ houses”?

What do these verses teach you about God’s attitude toward our motives?

When have you found yourself doing something good, even something godly, but your actions were fueled by a desire for recognition?

Why is that kind of worship, love, or service not what God wants?

If you have grown up in church, you may remember being in awe when you listened to long prayers or heard solos ending in high notes. When does public recognition overshadow a heart for worship? Jesus warned us about those who are only involved in religious practices to garner the praise of others. There will be judgment for that kind of motive.
What about you? Do you attend worship because you love God or because you want to meet the expectations of others? If your friends didn’t attend Bible study, would you still be involved? We will grow in our faith when we desire a deeper relationship with God. Take time to examine your motivation, and spend time in prayer. God will meet you there.

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Spring Time and Paint

Posted by Karah

It’s finally Springtime here at Crestridge, all the flowers are blooming, the sky is especially blue, and the only thing missing is all of your smiling faces!  Our construction crews are finishing up the little details to the cabins which included the painting of the outside walls.  Everything looks so fresh and it sure is getting us pumped up about spending the summer with all of you, so get here already!  Here are some pictures of Crestridge in the Springtime, enjoy!

Chickasaw 8 and 9 with their new paint job. Chippewa 1's new door! Empty Playground

Cherokee Hill with new paint! Spring Flowers

Less than 60 days until the first set of campers come for Summer 2010!  We are so excited, are you getting ready?  Post a comment and share with others how you survive without camp as the summer continues to get closer!

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March’s Free Store Winner!

Posted by Karah

The Big Winner for our March Free Store Drawing is none other than Allison Bunce!  Thanks to Allison’s comments on our Blog she will be receiving her very favorite Store choices: a Hershy’s Bar and Pibb Extra, in the mail soon!  We hope this little snack will hold you over until you can get to camp this summer and enjoy it on a daily basis.  Allison will be coming back this summer to the mighty Choctaw Village and enjoy her favorite skill: Choir!

Jump Muddy Love Messy Smiles

Remember, if you want a Free Store in your mailbox at home you have to comment, and maybe next month you could win!  Summer’s getting closer, HOORAY!!

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Love, Love, Love.

Posted by Melissa

Dinner at CrestridgeNO RUNNING IN THE HALL. Don’t litter on school property. No standing on the bus. No cell phones or iPods at camp. No double-blobbing.

Rules, rules, rules. Sometimes, it seems like our entire day at school or time at camp is spent following rules (or listening to someone enforce them). What is the purpose of all these rules, anyway? Some would say they are for the health and safety of the students and staff. What about God’s rules? What is the purpose of the guidelines found in the Bible?

Read Galatians 5:13-15, focusing on verse 14.

What does it mean that we have freedom as believers?

Who is your neighbor?

Is it possible to love someone if you don’t even like them? Explain.

How does loving people fulfill all of God’s laws?

According to these verses, what are the consequences of not loving others?

It’s a simple concept. If you love God and love others, you are meeting all of God’s requirements. Understand this: God is love, and His principles for living are based on love. As Christians, others should see love when they look at our lives. Jesus spent His life on earth showing love to people and ultimately loving us enough to die for our sins. We can continue to communicate His love by giving of ourselves in service to others.

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It’s time for 2-Square

Posted by Sharon

About a month ago, the 2-square court was free of snow and calling our names.  We took a break and went outside to play and get warmed up so we can take you on this summer!  Here’s a look at the first 2-square game of 2010!

Can’t wait for you all to get here and play 2 and 4-square with us!

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Love Isn’t Just A Feeling

Posted by Melissa

Lake Side Chapel - Camp RidgecrestI LOVE THAT SONG, DON’T YOU? “I love this ice cream.” “I love to play basketball at this gym.” “I love playing Sock War.” “I love my counselor.” Love. We throw the word around all the time. It can have a casual meaning or a heavy-duty one. “Because I love my country, I will serve wherever I am needed.” “I loved my grandmother; I really miss her.” “I will never love another girl/guy like that.”

So with all this talk of love, what does it mean when we say we love God?

Read Mark 12:28-31. Memorize verses 30 and 31a, if you haven’t already.

What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart?

How is it possible to love the Lord with all your mind? Will this affect your thinking?

If you love God with all your strength, what kind of commitment are you making?
According to God’s point of view, whom are we required to love?
Do you ever have trouble loving yourself?

Mark 12:30 states that we must love God. We understand that, but HOW we love God is the key. We must love God with our hearts—all our feelings and emotions. It’s clear from these verses that Jesus is asking us to let God be in charge of everything in our lives. Do we love God enough to let Him be in charge of our mind, attitudes, choices, and whom we allow to influence our thinking? When we give God our strength, we allow Him to direct how we spend our time and energy.

Jesus also challenges us to love others, making their needs as important as our personal desires. A loving relationship with God must be our first priority. We can have a meaningful life when we love God and love others.

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Your Summer Staff 2010

Posted by Karah

A lot of you have been asking about our Summer Staff lately, so to make things easier here’s a list of those wonderful staffers who are making their way back to Crestridge this upcoming summer:

First off, let’s just start out with the amazing news that all 5 of our Village Directors are returning for another summer!


That’s right Sarah, Catherine, Lizzy, Kelly, and Caroline are all coming back for Round 2!

Here’s the faithful Central Staff who are coming back:

Sharon Aylestock, Marva Rawlings, Nancy Cothran, Janie Belue, Debbye Skaggs, Jackie Holley, Joe Holley, Kathleen Hobbs, Brooke Waddle, Laura Palmer, Beth Ewing, and Abby Postma

We definitely are excited about welcoming back some of your favorite Counselors and Jets:

Liz Hardee, Ragan Story, Chelsie Snow, Amelia Markham, Anna Martin, Megan Rentz, Cassie Curtis, Machelle Wells, Jenn Debrecht, Katelyn Browne, Caroline Vining, Alexis Coryell, Taylor Pierce, Ashley Sutherland, Mitzi Farris, Caroline Fortson, Keaghan Glassmyer, Dee Dee Dillard, Katie Correll, Anna Harrison, Laura Edwards, Becca Kelly, Mary Jo Sandy, Rachel Dokich, Katie Cannington, Lisa Saari, Kierstin Haddock, Emily Lupfer, Emma Small, and Keller Allgood.

Oh boy, I cannot tell you how excited weare to introduce our brand spanking  new staffers to you this year!  Coming to Crestridge as Staff for their very first time will be:

Jenny Watts, Christin Ball, Jacquelyn Breithaupt, Lauren Henry, Laura Leeson, Jessica Scott, Lindsey Steel, Patricia Bosch, Martha Claire Huff, Lindsay Williams, Libby Fleming, Mary Casteen, Sarah McKay, Catherine Dunham, Brittney Burns, Rachel Hall, Lexi Bowen, Megan Grennan, Kimberly Jones, Joan Steiger, Sarah Senter, Erin Brehmer, Emily O’Loane, Hillary Modlin and Kaitlyn Nordin!

Get excited about this amazing group of staff!!

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You Can’t Always Have Your Own Way

Posted by Melissa

Crestridge CampfireYOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! Have you ever heard a younger sibling , camper, or little kid say these words to you? That just goes to show that it’s human nature to resist authority. We all want our own way!

How do you handle authority in your life? Do you always do what your parents ask you to do without complaining? Do you treat your teachers, counselors, and authority with respect? Are you careful to obey traffic laws? The Bible gives us specific instructions about relating to authorities in our lives.

Read Romans 13:1-7. Take a closer look at verse 1.

Who is required to submit to the governing authorities?

According to these verses, what is the relationship between God and those in authority?

What happens if we refuse to obey governing powers?

Do “governing authorities” include parents and school authorities? Explain.

What should we do if those in authority rule against Christian principles?

Paul wrote this letter to the Romans in a time of religious persecution and dishonest government. The message is as clear today as it was then: God directs us to submit to the ruling authorities even if they are not perfect examples of good leadership. By doing this, Christians can be good citizens and will not bring punishment on themselves.

These guidelines apply as much today as they did in the past. By listening to parents, respecting school officials, and obeying laws, we are submitting to the authority that God has allowed in our lives. Maybe people will see something different in our lives and wonder why we treat those in authority with such respect. This may introduce them to the most important authority in our lives, Jesus Christ.

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